Why George W. Bush is pelted with shoes and what he does in Iraq
An incident overshadowed the visit of-yet U.S. President George W. Bush in Iraq. An Iraqi journalist, a correspondent for a television station pelted, Bush during a press conference with a pair of shoes. "That's the farewell kiss, you dog," exclaimed the pitcher, according to U.S. media. Both missiles missed the skillfully elusive leader of the United States, however. The angry critics was immediately overwhelmed by Iraqi and U.S. security forces.
This attack calls each one again in memory, as hated George W. Bush once was and actually still is. As part of the Iraq war he was in Germany and the Arab world number one hate figure. In recent months, the silent cries a little. Safe because Bush in his second term, less aggressive occurred to his picture for the story a little to move to right. Who wants a warmonger in the history books. Nevertheless distanced themselves in the campaign both Obama and John McCain from him. No one wants to be with the president. His poll numbers slipped in his second term next to the basement. Public criticism and verbal attacks were but because of the prospect of a new president and from the conservative Bush policies.
Iraqi journalist now called his "shoe attack" all the bad memories of the outgoing president again on the plan. The images of demonstrations, celebrities, make the loud anti-Bush sentiment, and ultimately, the unexpected tight election victory over John Kerry. Perhaps the world should now once again carefully consider how you want to keep the Republicans in the memory. As a warmonger, Patriot, Texas Cowboy, stupid, or at least as a good president?
The reason for the visit to Iraq
Actually, George Bush was on his fourth and probably last visit to Iraq as a U.S. president to thank his troops and a prepared concrete security agreement the two countries. This agreement provides that the U.S. military should leave the country in 2011. The two leaders sealed the now symbolic of the conclusion of the Agreement.
Work and the negotiations regarding the document were not easy. Three weeks ago, however, blessed the Iraqi parliament from it. "The war is not over. It (the agreement, editor's note) but it is necessary for the security of the United States, which hopes in Iraq and for world peace, "President Bush on the agreement. It provides for a withdrawal of U.S. combat forces from Iraqi cities by June and within three years from the entire country.
The government of Iraq wanted the agreement must still complete before the inauguration of Barack Obama . The security situation in Iraq has stabilized significantly in recent months. The number of attacks on U.S. forces fell to U.S. media According to less than 300 per week, in June 2007, there were more than 1,500 every week. There are currently about 150,000 U.S. troops are in Iraq.
Defense Robert Gates , who visited Iraq shortly before Bush said that other Arab states to support Iraq stronger. It would be desirable if the country is a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council would he said on Saturday during a security conference in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
This cooperation is limited currently to a customs union is planned for the year 2010, a monetary union. So a structure very similar to the European Union single currency in all Member States. Members are currently in Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Yemen has applied for membership.
by The Court Jester that the intention of the Americans is clear. With a membership in this Union, Iraq would be far away from countries like Iran, and geared more to the west. This is of course in the interest of the United States. At times therefore the public enemy number one, Iran, could be isolated economically. The hegemony and the nuclear program of Mahmud Ahmadinejad could also be hampered easier.
expected by this document it is hard for Barack Obama the soldiers to withdraw earlier than 2011. But at the same time is a withdrawal of troops and thus brought the freedom of Iraq within reach. Can Take control of Iraq in 2011 using his own police state again, an end to Bestzung nothing stands in the way.
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