Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bulma Dragon Ball Bunny

On the way to journalists: Part 2; Online Journalism

After the first part already on the way to the journalists die freie Mitarbeit bei einer Lokalzeitung betrachtet haben, werden wir in diesem Post versuchen einen weiteren möglichen Weg aufzuzeigen.

Mit dem Internet öffneten sich die Tore der Information fast für die ganze Welt. Jeder ist mit jedem vernetzt. Nachrichten sind nicht mehr ausschließlich über Zeitungen, Fernsehen und Radio zu bekommen, sondern auch über das World Wide Web. Mittlerweile veröffentlichen die großen Zeitungen ihre meisten Artikel auch selbst online – und das umsonst. Doch neben den alten Bekannten sprießen auch neue, zumeist kleine, innovative Projekte aus dem Boden, die versuchen auf dem Terrain Fuß zu fassen.

Hierbei gibt es prinzipiell zwei verschiedene Varianten. Einmal the genre of blog that can deal with everything. Through an online diary to spare the newspaper almost anything is possible. This category also includes Hinge See . Mostly young people who realize they have an affinity for writing, can let off steam in such a web 2.0 elements. That from such a hobby can be quite a job to prove blogs like Spreeblick and picture blog. However, are mainly to Europe and Germany in this area the U.S. still a lot. The popularity of this write platforms in this country is very expandable.

The second option offers the Internet for student journalists various divisional websites. To almost every sport there are websites that have the recreational prescribed and will provide many opportunities for hacks. Here one should dare easy to write those responsible and to send them a sample article. Of course there are also deals that go beyond sports, you simply browse the Web long enough. The variety is almost unlimited.

principle, one should in such projects, whether to go or approach other blogs, with the attitude that the collection of experiences and the fun of writing in the foreground. Money you earn at first you have none. Later, there are also on the Web Ways to make money mainly through advertising. However once, but you have to invest a lot of work. But the Internet may well be a stepping stone to a career in journalism. In our personal experience reports, we want you even show what happened to us in the jungle of online journalism.

experience of political jester 2:
With the letter I started at about the twelfth grade. First I wrote a few articles for a platform called Readers Edition . Here, every registered author to publish an editorial team to control its works. Other users can rate and comment. Then I was
attention than basketball on the website crossover Online . This is the largest German Basketball page that deals with the NBA, BBL, college basketball and streetball. There I could combine my passion for writing and basketball perfectly. After some time as a reader, I wrote an email in which I asked whether and how to "hack" can be. I had to write a sample article and was subsequently taken over as editor on trial. In the meantime I'm permanent editors. The editorial work is largely on online forum, Wiki, Internet Messenger and Skype. About this work I also got the opportunity for the print magazine basket from time to time to write as a freelancer. But of course I get a little money. In addition, I
started with a school friend in the summer of this year, the video-magazine that you're reading: What executed. Here I can write about other issues than basketball and the blog is the perfect complement to my work at crossover Online .

experience of political jester 1:
took me about two years ago today my fellow bloggers on the platform Global Voices, which will be dealt with above, attention. At that time I was online in under some other Foren aktiv, also mit dem Medium Web vertraut, und spielte zudem mit dem Gedanken bei der Lokalzeitung als freier Mitarbeiter vorstellig zu werden. Die Möglichkeit, mir selbst die Themen meiner Artikel auszuwählen, reizte mich letztendlich mehr als einen Zehnzeiler über die Jahreshauptversammlung eines Hühnerzuchtvereins zu schreiben - auch wenn es dafür kein Geld gab.
Etwa zur selben Zeit waren wir (die beiden Blog-Gründer) für etwa ein Jahr in der Redaktion der Schulhomepage unseres Gymnasiums , wo wir Grundkenntnisse in html erlernten. Diese benötigte ich seither jedoch wegen diverser Content-Management-Systeme (CMS) kaum mehr.
Mit diesen Voraussetzungen bewarb ich mich wenige Monate vor dem Abitur for an internship in the online editor of the Ruhr-sports newspaper
RevierSport . After a brief interview at lunch I worked there in the summer of 2008 for twelve weeks. I was able to learn the basics of journalistic work (in collaboration with the print edition), which are also in the fast moving online environment is of fundamental importance. Since the end of the internship, I continued working for RevierSport as a freelancer.
Six months ago I opened with "political jester 2" then the Hinge See blog. We can improve with additional practice our writing and also by our own design and Aufmachung der Seite online-spezifische Erfahrungen sammeln.


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