If you lose an election as a politician actually already is a still of the handle to the left or right-wing populism box. So now happen at the Hessian SPD's leading candidate Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel . Er fordert eine Zwangsleihgabe der „Reichen“ der Bundesrepublik an den Staat. Danach sollen Wohlhabende mit einem Geld- und Immobilienvermögen von mehr als 750.000 Euro verpflichtet werden, dem Staat zwei Prozent ihres Vermögens für 15 Jahre zu leihen. Angesetzt wird dabei ein Zinssatz von maximal 2,5 Prozent.

Eine solche „staatliche Zwangsanleihe“ wäre laut Schäfer-Gümbel ein „schnell wirksames Instrument, um zusätzliches Geld für die Bewältigung der Wirtschaftskrise zu mobilisieren“. Natürlich treffe dieser Vorschlag nur die reiche Bevölkerung. Schnell verlässt in diesem Zusammenhang das große Word of social democracy, "justice", the mouth of the SPD member. Who wants to see him once live, should look at just the You-Tube Channel the politician. He is also the first German representative who is this modern way à la Obama.
In Berlin, however, met the advance of Nobody at little or no support. "Go even assuming that there are reasons that no one has come in the federal government on this instrument," deputy government spokesman Thomas Steg said on Monday in a federal press conference. The Federal Ministry of Finance remains cool and refers to the proposed economic stimulus package in January. It is therefore meaningless to evaluate individual proposals in advance.
we take but still assume that the demand of shepherd-Gümbel would have little chance of a real implementation. Families have their own big house and may have a little saved up for ages to come, certainly fast on the sum of 750,000 €. Especially since it is unclear how property would be assessed. Such a family would not call it a very rich, certainly as well off and well off, but the real upper class but begins at a later date.
This family would thus now be obliged to borrow two percent of their assets from 750,000 € to the state. This would correspond to 15 000 Euro. So much money but now times, not every family to be cash equivalents available. So what? Sell \u200b\u200bthe house? The pension crack? Or simply take a loan? The rate of the loan, 2.5 percent, far below market rate anyway. Each savings account will bring more interest.
The Court Jester think: Thank God, this proposal from Hesse never implemented and so we are left such a scenario saves. This advance would affect primarily the upper middle class, that is, small family-owned and well-paid academics. A supposed engine of the economy would be slowed down so dramatically. In the short term, there would certainly tidy money for the state, permanently would be the economy, more than in the bucket anyway. The economy must be released and not charged.
Such a policy does not belong in a social market economy, but in a planned economy. The move by outsider from Hesse is the most beautiful double name of Germany is no longer as pure populism. He tries to tap off votes from the left edge and to distinguish themselves. With low incomes, such measures initiated in part to secure approval. Similarly, the left party. He prepares well ever before on an alliance with the former PDS.
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