Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama had long a fierce battle for the nomination for the presidential election in early November. Among other things, accused the former first lady ahead of Obama, he is too inexperienced in foreign affairs. Then he replied, Clinton had "been drinking tea with the leaders" in government trips with her husband, so at most. The main difference seemed a long time the attitude to the Iraq war to be. While Clinton supported the invasion, Obama had not voted in favor. Now So Clinton has been officially nominated as U.S. Secretary of State and Obama assured: "She has my full confidence."
The new old Defense is Robert Gates. 26 years he worked for the CIA, later for the National Intelligence Service. In 2006 he was appointed by George W. Bush to succeed the resigning Donald Rumsfeld. In the 70 years Gates received his doctorate in Russian and Soviet history. His memoirs, published in 1996 the title " From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider's Story of Five Presidents and How They Won the Cold War .
thinks of The Jester: is basically the decision to Clinton as the second most Member of the Democratic Party to appeal to the Government, to be welcomed. It is in the benefit of the people, if it is decided not by personal differences, but competence. This requires a common political line, however, a priority, which is doubtful after the primary campaign, at least at the details. The question of how the "Iraq problem" is tackled, is one of the most exciting to be in the first months of government Obama. A consensus - and not a bad compromise - is urgently required.
Looking additionally to the choice of defense, should some of the Obama voters be surprised. Robert Gates' Vita sounds not at all propagated by Obama "change", sondern eher nach einem Relikt des Kalten Krieges.
Da bleibt dem Beobachter der Szene nur eines: Abwarten und Tee trinken - wenn auch nicht mit internationalen Staatschefs...
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