final destination for the German train?
few days ago, the Federal Constitutional Court announced that the extensive removal of the commuter tax is illegal. In the public perception of the ruling as "Christmas gift" for the frequent traveler was seen. Last weekend, now also reached the partial privatization the railways of North Rhine-Westphalia. This affects in particular the transport. Is the defection of the Deutsche Bahn, a second pre-Christmas gift?
Why are there now new moves?
The "Revolution on the track" comes in the wake of the partial privatization of Deutsche Bahn AG capital. This provides that the company is brought to about 25 percent of the stock market and thus allowing the entry of private investors. Even before some competitors, however, could position through the acquisition of rights of use of disused lines in the German market. However, it is regulated that the federal government under Article 87e, paragraph 3, sentence 3 of the Basic Law have at least 50.1% of DB in order thus to remain the majority owner of the rail infrastructure.
For companies such as Euro train ", this offers the opportunity to set new trends in rail traffic. As a connecting element between the (technical) high school located in Dortmund, Hamm, Soest, Lippstadt, Paderborn and Warburg already is a "High School Express" in planning. For the users of public transport could thus result from the initial competition very interesting new offerings.
Initial experience with the "new"
We have the newly installed in Westphalia trains of the company "€ train" , a subsidiary of the French Keolis-Gruppe, bereits getestet. Das Ergebnis: Der erste Eindruck ist überwiegend gut. Da die Bahn in Deutschland traditionell kritisch gesehen wird, tritt man allem Neuen zunächst einmal offen gegenüber. Erste Pluspunkte sammelt das neue Unternehmen durch ein gepflegtes Äußeres. Die Farbgebung unterscheidet sich vom Bekannten, wirkt modern, aber nicht zu verspielt. Ebenso wie die Fahrzeuge sind auch die Sitzplätze und Sanitäranlagen wesentlich sauberer als die der DB. Die Sitze sehen zusätzlich etwas mehr Platz für den Passagier vor und sind bequemer. Was von diesen Punkten nach einigen Jahren Einsatz noch zutrifft und was nicht, bleibt freilich abzuwarten. Unangenehm ist dagegen without question, the extremely loud warning sound before closing doors.
International comparisons
In other countries, the rights to use of the networks even surrendered completely to private companies. A positive example is the Japan Railway is in the Far East. Only moderate success in the system, however, has United Kingdom, where it has existed since 1945: In-depth route closures and various owners because of corporate bankruptcies dominate the development.
In Zealand the railway was privatized in the early 90s. After considerable public criticism of the new owner operation, however, after almost a decade back nationalization. Privatisation has become in this case to a huge loss of business for the state, prompting the former Finance Minister Michael Cullen to speak of a "painful lesson for New Zealand" to .
Without problems was not the first for the Euro train:
WA Online
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