Thursday, December 11, 2008

Kitchenaid Fridge Leaking Water 2010

University of Münster: Re-vote on tuition fees 17 12

UPDATE: The tuition fees will remain at 275 €!
Next Wednesday, 17 December shall be held in Münster again about the fee. Two years ago, were introduced fee of 275 € per semester. At the time the vote was in the Senate from the narrowest of margins. The voting body consisting of twelve professors, seven Staff and four students there, decided in 2006, with twelve to eleven votes for the introduction of tuition fees. It was not the classic "Campus tolls", to agree in all twelve professors of the rest of the Senate. Although the vote is secret, but reportedly, a business student who voted for the tuition fees.

"A professor has indicated in advance that he will vote against the fees," says Caterina Metje student politics at that time against the mirror, which was elected by the Faculty of Philosophy in the Senate. "All academic staff are opposed to fees, the 200 € lie. to and students of a Senate member is aware that he is charge supporters. "

The mentioned student alleged to have been Max Brüggemann. Compared with the mirror he betrayed his vote is not, but admitted frankly that he considered basically tuition fees would be useful . His profile on Studivz enjoyed in any case many visitors who were not particularly enthusiastic about his alleged vote.

Due to the limitation of the regulations governing the collection of tuition fees, this issue arises from the Muenster University again this semester. If no new Statute shall be adopted, it would be from the winter semester 2009/2010 toll-free again. On the other hand, just as the old record of 275 € will be maintained or increased. The NRW-wide level is still at least somewhat higher, at around 500 €.

The result is difficult to predict

Regardless of what the vote is, however, still open. Student Senate member and Julius Will but had already hinted in the run "not to vote for an increase in fees". However, it is considered likely that he will vote for the existing level.

make the moment a lot of rumors around, whoever it might be and who against. A safe conclusion is only one 17 December preserved.

have meanwhile announced many student protests. Two years ago, there was also much opposition. It stormed even a few thousand students, the castle after the announcement of the introduction of fees. The largest demonstration of student council conference and AStA starts on 17 December by 14 clock at the main station.


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