Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Conquistador Painting By Barbara Webber

As A Free shaver can be expensive

Neulich in der Mensa verteilte die Firma Gillette ihre neuen Rasierer „Gillette Fusion“ umsonst. Zu erst freut man sich natürlich, immerhin kostet so ein Fünfklingenrasierer um die zehn Euro, wenn man ihn im Angebot kauft, sonst sogar noch mehr. Für the students themselves are ten euros a ton of money, of which one can eat almost a week in the cafeteria.

But the good mood that you got given the gift of the Group " Procter & Gamble " (including the Gillette Company part) evaporates, the latest when the five blades of the razor are getting dull . Depending on use, this case occurs after ten to 15 shaves. Then a new blade head is due. To get no longer be given in the cafeteria, but students must be bought from the rare capital acquired. A new head of the fusion generation costs about 3.50 euros.

Heads Mach-3 and the previous Contour cost only around two euros and 90 cents. With each generation, the price goes up for the necessary upgrading. Now one would expect as a customer, that with the introduction of a new generation of the previous blades are cheaper. Which is apparently not Sun The upgrade price for the Mach-3 stagnate and get emotional even, because now only five rather than four-packs are sold.

succeed with every product launch, there Gillette, to impose a price increase. This is usually accepted by the customers because the quality of the shave, as well as Stiftung Warentest proves is very good. The ITV massive Werbekampagne dafür, dass auch der letzte von der Qualität des Produktes überzeugt ist.

So nimmt das Unternehmen auch in Kauf, den Rasierer an sich zu verschenken. Durch den Verkauf der Klingen sprudelt so viel Geld in die Kassen, dass sich diese Investition des Unternehmens schnell wieder auszahlt. Jüngst stieg der Rasierhersteller Gillette zur 24. Milliardenmarke (mindestens eine Milliarde Umsatz im Jahr) des Mutterkonzerns auf und das in neuer Rekordzeit.

Studenten allgemein werden gerne mit Gratismaterial überhäuft. Unternehmen erhoffen sich so neue Absatzmärkte zu erschließen. Immerhin sind Studenten die Elite von morgen. Am besten man nimmt die Geschenke dankend entgegen, verzichtet But on a more extensive ties to the product.

The Court Jester find it dangerous that fast of a gift can be an unintended long-term, costly affair. Who knows if it not for the better students would reject the brand new Fusion and prefer to stick with the old razor, as the heads cost at least a tenth of the merger. The ideal solution is of course the shaver to use only so long until he is numb, so it has zero cost, but high value. At least one should think twice about whether you're upgrading to the new generation of razors. With daily shaving this is still about two to three per razor Month. So about ten euros. Because the money saved by the giveaway Euros are relative quickly. Consider how much make up but ten euros in beer, dining hall menus, pizza or kebab - every month.


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