time for the end of the year, we will show you the second part of the Hinge See -annual review. Although the months of July to December to be in memory or something fresh like a lot in this period is remarkable happens. In addition, we take a first glimpse at 2009. That was part 1 !
July Germany is somebody again! Although not European champions, but setting the world record for the biggest comedy show of all time . On 12 July 70,000 people look at the comedian Mario Barth at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin. "Men are primitive, but happy," Prior to his program, connect the musical wonders of Culcha Candela-commerce and the band on silver moon and provide a show of unknown magnitude in the industry. There, where two years before Zinedine Zidane ended his career ingloriously, the then 35-year-old to "pun king" (Süddeutsche) is. The debate over whether this is an honor or not, we do not increase at this point.
August: A Water Cube and Bird's Nest are under particular scrutiny in August. These are the two main venues of the Olympic Summer Games in Beijing, the swimming arena and the athletic stadium. Convince the Chinese sports with a clear victory in the medal count and artistically with breathtaking shows - at least when the latter turns out later that not everything was done properly. Subliminally are doping allegations against the gold winner of the hosts, but also swimming against the king Michael Phelps (USA / gold eight times) and sprinter Usain Bolt of Jamaica-Star, a theme. For large protest provided in advance of the games Internet censorship the Chinese government.
October The SPD shall elect the current Vice-Chancellor and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier to their top candidates for the parliamentary elections in autumn 2009. Together with the return of Franz Muentefering is thus strengthened the more right wing of the party. The hope lies on the most popular current and former SPDler Schroeder's supporters - kennen tun ihn die Deutschen jedoch kaum . Nach der Demission von Kurt Beck ist die Entscheidung zu Steinmeiers Gunsten nur noch Formsache, da es der SPD an Identifikationsfiguren mangelt. Man kann gespannt sein, wie sich der 52-Jährige im Wahlkampf positionieren wird.
November: 45 Jahre nachdem Dr. Martin Luther King in Washington D.C. seine berühmte Rede zur Gleichstellung aller Hautfarben hielt, jubelt die Welt zwei jungen schwarzen Männern zu, die ganz oben angekommen sind. Zunächst wird der Brite Lewis Hamilton in seinem zweiten Jahr in der Formel 1 Weltmeister des größten Rennzirkus. Während er im Vorjahr im letzten Rennen einen Vorsprung noch herschenkte, he decided the 2008 competition, in literally the last corner for themselves. He has 23 years, the youngest champion in F1. A few days later, select the citizens of the United States Barack Obama the first black president in its history. The 46-year-old Democrat, reached a landslide victory against the Vietnam veteran John McCain. Worldwide, especially in Europe and the origin of Obama's father, Kenya, hailed the result frenetic.
December In Passau, the city police director, Alois Mannichl from the extreme right in front of his row house stabbed . The 52-year-old was seriously injured taken to hospital, where he must stay six days. Upon his release, he appears confident and announces: "I think it is important that we show that we can not be intimidated by these right-wing extremists." Meanwhile, a new nationwide debate on the ban of the NPD is unleashed. At a recent closure case, it is not.
The Hinge-vision authors wish all readers a happy and a happy 2009!
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