Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Skelaxin Can 800 Mg Get You High

Remember 2008? (Part 2)

time for the end of the year, we will show you the second part of the Hinge See -annual review. Although the months of July to December to be in memory or something fresh like a lot in this period is remarkable happens. In addition, we take a first glimpse at 2009. That was part 1 !

July Germany is somebody again! Although not European champions, but setting the world record for the biggest comedy show of all time . On 12 July 70,000 people look at the comedian Mario Barth at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin. "Men are primitive, but happy," Prior to his program, connect the musical wonders of Culcha Candela-commerce and the band on silver moon and provide a show of unknown magnitude in the industry. There, where two years before Zinedine Zidane ended his career ingloriously, the then 35-year-old to "pun king" (Süddeutsche) is. The debate over whether this is an honor or not, we do not increase at this point.

August: A Water Cube and Bird's Nest are under particular scrutiny in August. These are the two main venues of the Olympic Summer Games in Beijing, the swimming arena and the athletic stadium. Convince the Chinese sports with a clear victory in the medal count and artistically with breathtaking shows - at least when the latter turns out later that not everything was done properly. Subliminally are doping allegations against the gold winner of the hosts, but also swimming against the king Michael Phelps (USA / gold eight times) and sprinter Usain Bolt of Jamaica-Star, a theme. For large protest provided in advance of the games Internet censorship the Chinese government.

September What is really stupid, KfW? This is a question many people probably in September. The bank for Reconstruction has namely the investment bank Lehman Brothers shortly before its bankruptcy 300 million euros. The traditional company is one of the first victims of the financial crisis that are not rescued by the U.S. government. You must go into bankruptcy, but the Barclays Bank takes over much of the infrastructure from the bankruptcy estate. Japan's largest brokerage, Nomura Holdings buys 22 September the Asian business and the investment banking division of Lehman Brothers in Europe and the Middle East. For German investors this failure is particularly painful since many bank customers were owned by Lehman certificates. These are now threatening to go out empty. Some investors put action against the advisory banks.

October The SPD shall elect the current Vice-Chancellor and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier to their top candidates for the parliamentary elections in autumn 2009. Together with the return of Franz Muentefering is thus strengthened the more right wing of the party. The hope lies on the most popular current and former SPDler Schroeder's supporters - kennen tun ihn die Deutschen jedoch kaum . Nach der Demission von Kurt Beck ist die Entscheidung zu Steinmeiers Gunsten nur noch Formsache, da es der SPD an Identifikationsfiguren mangelt. Man kann gespannt sein, wie sich der 52-Jährige im Wahlkampf positionieren wird.

November: 45 Jahre nachdem Dr. Martin Luther King in Washington D.C. seine berühmte Rede zur Gleichstellung aller Hautfarben hielt, jubelt die Welt zwei jungen schwarzen Männern zu, die ganz oben angekommen sind. Zunächst wird der Brite Lewis Hamilton in seinem zweiten Jahr in der Formel 1 Weltmeister des größten Rennzirkus. Während er im Vorjahr im letzten Rennen einen Vorsprung noch herschenkte, he decided the 2008 competition, in literally the last corner for themselves. He has 23 years, the youngest champion in F1. A few days later, select the citizens of the United States Barack Obama the first black president in its history. The 46-year-old Democrat, reached a landslide victory against the Vietnam veteran John McCain. Worldwide, especially in Europe and the origin of Obama's father, Kenya, hailed the result frenetic.

December In Passau, the city police director, Alois Mannichl from the extreme right in front of his row house stabbed . The 52-year-old was seriously injured taken to hospital, where he must stay six days. Upon his release, he appears confident and announces: "I think it is important that we show that we can not be intimidated by these right-wing extremists." Meanwhile, a new nationwide debate on the ban of the NPD is unleashed. At a recent closure case, it is not.

The Hinge-vision authors wish all readers a happy and a happy 2009!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Real Big Ramps For Sale

your Remember 2008? (Part 1)

the year draws to a close and Hinge See will not say goodbye without Year in Review from 2008. In selecting the topics we have taken out, however, not only the "mainstream" to follow, but to make their own choice. Sun appear about the names of Angelina Jolie and Matthias Steiner does not, but we remember events that are not necessarily more of a presence. In two parts, we present you remarkable in the areas of society and policy.

January: The Australian actor and heartthrob Heath Ledger died under disputed circumstances in the first age of 28 in New York. Later, the police are in an accident at the same time taking out of six drugs. During the year, Ledger receives from fans and media almost legendary status. Once again, seems to confirm that the early death leads to more popularity. With his final role as Joker in "Batman - The Dark Knight ," he thrilled the crowds. The film is not modified in through the hype about the real antagonists almost one billion U.S. dollars, becoming one of the most successful films of all time.

February in the late 1990s, declared war-plagued region Kosovo on 17 February 2008 independence from Serbian territory - nearly nine years after the establishment of a UN protectorate, which caused a relative calm in the crisis area. Of capital of about 2 million Menschen bevölkerte Landes ist Pristina, als offizielle Währung gilt der Euro, auch wenn der Kosovo nicht Teil der Europäischen Währungsunion ist. Die Unabhängigkeitserklärung wird unter anderem von 20 EU-Staaten, darunter mit Ausnahme Serbiens alle Länder des ehemaligen Jugoslawien, sowie den USA anerkannt.

März: In deutschen Müllverbrennungsanlagen wird italienischem Müll der Garaus gemacht. Nachdem sich zu Jahresbeginn die Abfälle der Neapolitaner in den Straßen der drittgrößten Stadt Italiens stapelten, wurden Teile davon nach Deutschland transportiert, um Abhilfe zu schaffen. Das Problem: Die Camorra, organisierte Wirtschaftskriminelle, earn the chaotic state in Naples, so a re-emergence is not excluded. As a result of contamination were the number of tourists declined sharply and the soil was contaminated by hazardous waste.

April The garbage is gone, another remains: Silvio Berlusconi is elected for the third time Italian prime minister. With a personal fortune of over nine billion U.S. dollars, the owner of several TV stations and the AC Milan is a special place in the top European policy. The party he founded, "Forza Italia " he runs a conservative, economic liberal and, according to "anti-kommunistische" Politik. Mit seinen einfachen Wahlslogans ("Eine Million Arbeitsplätze") und der medialen Macht steht er oft in der Kritik, zu große Kontrolle über das politische Geschehen zu haben.

Mai: Acht Jahre nachdem sie in der TV-Show "Popstars" gecastet wurden und fünf Jahre nach einer zwischenzeitlichen Auflösung treten die "No Angels" für Deutschland beim Eurovision Song Contest an. Wie viele ihrer Vorgänger scheitern sie kläglich: Am Ende steht ein enttäuschender 23. Platz bei 25 Teilnehmern. Doch auch der Wettbewerb an sich hat nicht mehr die Strahlkraft früherer Jahre, als er noch Grand Prix d'Eurovision hieß. Die Lieder genügen weder artistic or commercial means - or Do you remember the 2008 winner? It was the Russian artist Dima Bilan with the song "Believe" ...

June: For the first time since Zimbabwean head of state Robert Mugabe came to office in 1980 the now 84-year-old loses an election, but saves himself by vote-rigging in a runoff election against opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai. Because of extreme attacks on opponents does Tsvangirai back eventually. To international pressure, the two opponents to take the negotiations but again and agree on 15 September on a power-sharing. The presidential runoff Mugabe had previously served as the only candidate with 85.5 percentage points won. From the hope for peace and democracy but is now not much left Tsvangirai fled to further attacks, the population continues to suffer from the cholera epidemic and the ongoing economic crisis with hyperinflation. Zimbabwe sinks into chaos.

The second part of our review of the year following the New Year!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Digital Playground's Pirates Watch

service for only church tax payer?

also get back no place in the church? And even though you pay your church always good tax? As will be time once a year to church and then the church full to the brim with Christmas believers, as such church-goers are known, the pilgrimage only once a year in their communities - and on Christmas Eve.

As yet, the proposal by some Members of the CDU and FDP sounds quite tempting. On Christmas Eve, only more people will be allowed into the church, pay the church tax. One would sort out all the Christmas ephemera and any honest believer would almost make a reservation - just like in the restaurant. So worship at Christmas, only for Featured? Probably not, because the church gave the advance immediate cancellation.

For Paul-Gerhard Stamm, Superintendent of the Evangelical Church in Dortmund-Mitte, It is unthinkable to assign seats. "Worship services are open invitations to events," said Dortmund against the WAZ portal Derwen . "We welcome anyone who comes and they are not angry when the church is bursting at the seams."

The Court Jester think you could sell tickets on Christmas Eve but just for the church. 6 and 9 € € advance box office, certainly for students for free. Those who do not get unlucky. So the market would resolve the situation. Fathers were camping à la iPhone weeks earlier before the parish office to get a card and the black market outside the church on Christmas Eve would grumble. The municipalities would take a more determined, than by their collection plate. But the Pope does not even nunmal economy, but has studied theology. Thus, the churches continue to only once a year are bursting at the seams.

Even if you did not get a seat or you are not even gone to church, you may wish Hinge See Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Canadian Men's Clinic Doctor

Shepherd Gümbel and the rich

If you lose an election as a politician actually already is a still of the handle to the left or right-wing populism box. So now happen at the Hessian SPD's leading candidate Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel . Er fordert eine Zwangsleihgabe der „Reichen“ der Bundesrepublik an den Staat. Danach sollen Wohlhabende mit einem Geld- und Immobilienvermögen von mehr als 750.000 Euro verpflichtet werden, dem Staat zwei Prozent ihres Vermögens für 15 Jahre zu leihen. Angesetzt wird dabei ein Zinssatz von maximal 2,5 Prozent.

Eine solche „staatliche Zwangsanleihe“ wäre laut Schäfer-Gümbel ein „schnell wirksames Instrument, um zusätzliches Geld für die Bewältigung der Wirtschaftskrise zu mobilisieren“. Natürlich treffe dieser Vorschlag nur die reiche Bevölkerung. Schnell verlässt in diesem Zusammenhang das große Word of social democracy, "justice", the mouth of the SPD member. Who wants to see him once live, should look at just the You-Tube Channel the politician. He is also the first German representative who is this modern way à la Obama.

In Berlin, however, met the advance of Nobody at little or no support. "Go even assuming that there are reasons that no one has come in the federal government on this instrument," deputy government spokesman Thomas Steg said on Monday in a federal press conference. The Federal Ministry of Finance remains cool and refers to the proposed economic stimulus package in January. It is therefore meaningless to evaluate individual proposals in advance.

we take but still assume that the demand of shepherd-Gümbel would have little chance of a real implementation. Families have their own big house and may have a little saved up for ages to come, certainly fast on the sum of 750,000 €. Especially since it is unclear how property would be assessed. Such a family would not call it a very rich, certainly as well off and well off, but the real upper class but begins at a later date.

This family would thus now be obliged to borrow two percent of their assets from 750,000 € to the state. This would correspond to 15 000 Euro. So much money but now times, not every family to be cash equivalents available. So what? Sell \u200b\u200bthe house? The pension crack? Or simply take a loan? The rate of the loan, 2.5 percent, far below market rate anyway. Each savings account will bring more interest.

The Court Jester
think: Thank God, this proposal from Hesse never implemented and so we are left such a scenario saves. This advance would affect primarily the upper middle class, that is, small family-owned and well-paid academics. A supposed engine of the economy would be slowed down so dramatically. In the short term, there would certainly tidy money for the state, permanently would be the economy, more than in the bucket anyway. The economy must be released and not charged.

Such a policy does not belong in a social market economy, but in a planned economy. The move by outsider from Hesse is the most beautiful double name of Germany is no longer as pure populism. He tries to tap off votes from the left edge and to distinguish themselves. With low incomes, such measures initiated in part to secure approval. Similarly, the left party. He prepares well ever before on an alliance with the former PDS.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bulma Dragon Ball Bunny

On the way to journalists: Part 2; Online Journalism

After the first part already on the way to the journalists die freie Mitarbeit bei einer Lokalzeitung betrachtet haben, werden wir in diesem Post versuchen einen weiteren möglichen Weg aufzuzeigen.

Mit dem Internet öffneten sich die Tore der Information fast für die ganze Welt. Jeder ist mit jedem vernetzt. Nachrichten sind nicht mehr ausschließlich über Zeitungen, Fernsehen und Radio zu bekommen, sondern auch über das World Wide Web. Mittlerweile veröffentlichen die großen Zeitungen ihre meisten Artikel auch selbst online – und das umsonst. Doch neben den alten Bekannten sprießen auch neue, zumeist kleine, innovative Projekte aus dem Boden, die versuchen auf dem Terrain Fuß zu fassen.

Hierbei gibt es prinzipiell zwei verschiedene Varianten. Einmal the genre of blog that can deal with everything. Through an online diary to spare the newspaper almost anything is possible. This category also includes Hinge See . Mostly young people who realize they have an affinity for writing, can let off steam in such a web 2.0 elements. That from such a hobby can be quite a job to prove blogs like Spreeblick and picture blog. However, are mainly to Europe and Germany in this area the U.S. still a lot. The popularity of this write platforms in this country is very expandable.

The second option offers the Internet for student journalists various divisional websites. To almost every sport there are websites that have the recreational prescribed and will provide many opportunities for hacks. Here one should dare easy to write those responsible and to send them a sample article. Of course there are also deals that go beyond sports, you simply browse the Web long enough. The variety is almost unlimited.

principle, one should in such projects, whether to go or approach other blogs, with the attitude that the collection of experiences and the fun of writing in the foreground. Money you earn at first you have none. Later, there are also on the Web Ways to make money mainly through advertising. However once, but you have to invest a lot of work. But the Internet may well be a stepping stone to a career in journalism. In our personal experience reports, we want you even show what happened to us in the jungle of online journalism.

experience of political jester 2:
With the letter I started at about the twelfth grade. First I wrote a few articles for a platform called Readers Edition . Here, every registered author to publish an editorial team to control its works. Other users can rate and comment. Then I was
attention than basketball on the website crossover Online . This is the largest German Basketball page that deals with the NBA, BBL, college basketball and streetball. There I could combine my passion for writing and basketball perfectly. After some time as a reader, I wrote an email in which I asked whether and how to "hack" can be. I had to write a sample article and was subsequently taken over as editor on trial. In the meantime I'm permanent editors. The editorial work is largely on online forum, Wiki, Internet Messenger and Skype. About this work I also got the opportunity for the print magazine basket from time to time to write as a freelancer. But of course I get a little money. In addition, I
started with a school friend in the summer of this year, the video-magazine that you're reading: What executed. Here I can write about other issues than basketball and the blog is the perfect complement to my work at crossover Online .

experience of political jester 1:
took me about two years ago today my fellow bloggers on the platform Global Voices, which will be dealt with above, attention. At that time I was online in under some other Foren aktiv, also mit dem Medium Web vertraut, und spielte zudem mit dem Gedanken bei der Lokalzeitung als freier Mitarbeiter vorstellig zu werden. Die Möglichkeit, mir selbst die Themen meiner Artikel auszuwählen, reizte mich letztendlich mehr als einen Zehnzeiler über die Jahreshauptversammlung eines Hühnerzuchtvereins zu schreiben - auch wenn es dafür kein Geld gab.
Etwa zur selben Zeit waren wir (die beiden Blog-Gründer) für etwa ein Jahr in der Redaktion der Schulhomepage unseres Gymnasiums , wo wir Grundkenntnisse in html erlernten. Diese benötigte ich seither jedoch wegen diverser Content-Management-Systeme (CMS) kaum mehr.
Mit diesen Voraussetzungen bewarb ich mich wenige Monate vor dem Abitur for an internship in the online editor of the Ruhr-sports newspaper
RevierSport . After a brief interview at lunch I worked there in the summer of 2008 for twelve weeks. I was able to learn the basics of journalistic work (in collaboration with the print edition), which are also in the fast moving online environment is of fundamental importance. Since the end of the internship, I continued working for RevierSport as a freelancer.
Six months ago I opened with "political jester 2" then the Hinge See blog. We can improve with additional practice our writing and also by our own design and Aufmachung der Seite online-spezifische Erfahrungen sammeln.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Character Affidavit For Immigration

The recession is here - now what?

Im Angesicht einer weltweiten Rezession hat sich die Bundesregierung dazu durchgerungen ein weiteres, noch größeres Konjunkturprogramm anzukündigen. Dieses ist Milliarden schwer und hat das Ziel, die Wirtschaft vor allem durch staatliche Investitionen anzukurbeln. Auch Abgabenentlastungen werden erwogen, zum Beispiel niedrigere Tarife in der Einkommensteuer. CDU-Chefin Merkel will damit der Schwesterpartei CSU entgegenkommen, die seit langem niedrigere Einkommensteuern fordert.

Konkrete Programmdetails sollen zwar erst im Januar, nach dem Amtsantritt von Barack Obama be decided, however, indicated at the last several days already taken.
The Recovery Plan is to be promoted, especially road construction. "It is obvious that it makes everything in the infrastructure sector, what can be done quickly," said Angela Merkel in Mannheim. The prime ministers of the states should now build their planned road projects already completed, so construction or renovation can begin "early spring" . It should also be considered whether the call could be shortened for the projects. In addition, more research projects funded, Schulen modernisiert, Anreize für Häusersanierungen geschaffen und Internetbreitbandverbindungen auf dem Land voran getrieben werden. Das Kurzarbeitergeld sei bereits im November auf 18 Monate verlängert worden. "Jetzt müssen wir schauen, ob die Bedingungen für die Inanspruchnahme des Kurzarbeitergeldes schon ausreichen."

Die Bundesregierung steht gewaltig unter Druck. Das erste Konjunkturprogramm im Wert von rund 32 Milliarden Euro stieß auf Kritik aus Wirtschaft und Ausland. Es heißt, die Summe sei viel zu gering. Diesem Druck gab die Kanzlerin jetzt teilweise nach, indem sie ein zweites Programm oben drauf legte, das noch mal laut Spiegel 40 Milliarden Euro kosten wird.

Wirtschaftsexperten begrüßen die Maßnahmen der großen Koalition. „Die Förderung der Infrastruktur ist eine äußerst sinnvolle Maßnahme“ , sagt der Wirtschaftsweise Wolfgang Wiegard Spiegel Online . „Sie schaffen jetzt, da es nötig ist, zusätzlich Nachfrage, und früher oder später kämen diese Investitionen ohnehin auf den Staat zu.“

Andere halten die Investitionen in die Infrastruktur zwar für richtig, fordern aber weitergehende Förderungen, sprich Steuersenkungen. Rudolf Hickel zum Beispiel, Wirtschaftsexperte an der Universität Bremen, sagte: „Es is right and important that it even exists an economic stimulus program - because, strictly speaking, was the first no, but merely a collection of individual actions that would have given anyway. Now we must finally have the courage to put together a real stimulus package -. Even if it means borrowing "

think the jester that measures the
stimulus packages are certainly beneficial to the economy, but it is highly questionable whether they act in time. Infrastructure improvements are no doubt very good for an economy, but it takes some time to this positive effect occurs. Permanently but they are the right Way.

But the recession is coming shortly and is expected no later than directly in the new year in Germany fully take. This action by the federal government to be late. Germany now needs tax cuts to get back on its feet and to avoid a long-term crisis. Of course, the resulting debt, a large fly in the ointment, but there is no other way out of crisis. Had the federal government already begun with a reduction of debt, in the boom phase the economy, there would now have enough cushion to fund these reductions. But this is our government machinery has missed. Steinbrück saving measures came too late, even his predecessor would have had to do this.

now could even grab a derogation of the Basic Law, which allows the state of exception to take on more debt, as these investments - actually a security against the insolvency state. That would require the federal government to call out the disturbance of macroeconomic equilibrium. This situation arises when the balance, the so-called magic square , no longer exists. This refers to the relationship of price stability, high employment and foreign trade balance with a steady and adequate economic growth. However, should the government to the creation of such failure to demonstrate that the unusually high indebtedness is likely to allow their return to the macroeconomic balance.

The tax burden on the state of the economy has become in recent years, much too large. Especially the middle class, actually the engine of German economic in addition to the now ailing exports, suffers from high Steuern.Unternehmen surprised with fewer than twenty employees, the amount of money at the end of the year, flows into the pockets of the country and how little they themselves remain. The consequences are clear.

New investments, the formation and recruitment can be a lot lower Center stand no longer afford. Stagnation or even recession rather than growth. In the worst case threatens insolvency.

It must stay real just more money. This would strengthen the domestic economy and the middle class on its feet. Non-labor costs, including payroll taxes must be lowered.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How Does Abreva Work?

final destination for the German train?

few days ago, the Federal Constitutional Court announced that the extensive removal of the commuter tax is illegal. In the public perception of the ruling as "Christmas gift" for the frequent traveler was seen. Last weekend, now also reached the partial privatization the railways of North Rhine-Westphalia. This affects in particular the transport. Is the defection of the Deutsche Bahn, a second pre-Christmas gift?

Why are there now new moves?

The "Revolution on the track" comes in the wake of the partial privatization of Deutsche Bahn AG capital. This provides that the company is brought to about 25 percent of the stock market and thus allowing the entry of private investors. Even before some competitors, however, could position through the acquisition of rights of use of disused lines in the German market. However, it is regulated that the federal government under Article 87e, paragraph 3, sentence 3 of the Basic Law have at least 50.1% of DB in order thus to remain the majority owner of the rail infrastructure.

For companies such as Euro train ", this offers the opportunity to set new trends in rail traffic. As a connecting element between the (technical) high school located in Dortmund, Hamm, Soest, Lippstadt, Paderborn and Warburg already is a "High School Express" in planning. For the users of public transport could thus result from the initial competition very interesting new offerings.

Initial experience with the "new"

We have the newly installed in Westphalia
trains of the company "€ train" , a subsidiary of the French Keolis-Gruppe, bereits getestet. Das Ergebnis: Der erste Eindruck ist überwiegend gut. Da die Bahn in Deutschland traditionell kritisch gesehen wird, tritt man allem Neuen zunächst einmal offen gegenüber. Erste Pluspunkte sammelt das neue Unternehmen durch ein gepflegtes Äußeres. Die Farbgebung unterscheidet sich vom Bekannten, wirkt modern, aber nicht zu verspielt. Ebenso wie die Fahrzeuge sind auch die Sitzplätze und Sanitäranlagen wesentlich sauberer als die der DB. Die Sitze sehen zusätzlich etwas mehr Platz für den Passagier vor und sind bequemer. Was von diesen Punkten nach einigen Jahren Einsatz noch zutrifft und was nicht, bleibt freilich abzuwarten. Unangenehm ist dagegen without question, the extremely loud warning sound before closing doors.

International comparisons

In other countries, the rights to use of the networks even surrendered completely to private companies. A positive example is the Japan Railway is in the Far East. Only moderate success in the system, however, has United Kingdom, where it has existed since 1945: In-depth route closures and various owners because of corporate bankruptcies dominate the development.

In Zealand the railway was privatized in the early 90s. After considerable public criticism of the new owner operation, however, after almost a decade back nationalization. Privatisation has become in this case to a huge loss of business for the state, prompting the former Finance Minister Michael Cullen to speak of a "painful lesson for New Zealand" to .

Without problems was not the first for the Euro train:
WA Online

Monday, December 15, 2008

Why Diahorrea Before Period

Why George W. Bush is pelted with shoes and what he does in Iraq

An incident overshadowed the visit of-yet U.S. President George W. Bush in Iraq. An Iraqi journalist, a correspondent for a television station pelted, Bush during a press conference with a pair of shoes. "That's the farewell kiss, you dog," exclaimed the pitcher, according to U.S. media. Both missiles missed the skillfully elusive leader of the United States, however. The angry critics was immediately overwhelmed by Iraqi and U.S. security forces.

This attack calls each one again in memory, as hated George W. Bush once was and actually still is. As part of the Iraq war he was in Germany and the Arab world number one hate figure. In recent months, the silent cries a little. Safe because Bush in his second term, less aggressive occurred to his picture for the story a little to move to right. Who wants a warmonger in the history books. Nevertheless distanced themselves in the campaign both Obama and John McCain from him. No one wants to be with the president. His poll numbers slipped in his second term next to the basement. Public criticism and verbal attacks were but because of the prospect of a new president and from the conservative Bush policies.

Iraqi journalist now called his "shoe attack" all the bad memories of the outgoing president again on the plan. The images of demonstrations, celebrities, make the loud anti-Bush sentiment, and ultimately, the unexpected tight election victory over John Kerry. Perhaps the world should now once again carefully consider how you want to keep the Republicans in the memory. As a warmonger, Patriot, Texas Cowboy, stupid, or at least as a good president?

The reason for the visit to Iraq

Actually, George Bush was on his fourth and probably last visit to Iraq as a U.S. president to thank his troops and a prepared concrete security agreement the two countries. This agreement provides that the U.S. military should leave the country in 2011. The two leaders sealed the now symbolic of the conclusion of the Agreement.

Work and the negotiations regarding the document were not easy. Three weeks ago, however, blessed the Iraqi parliament from it. "The war is not over. It (the agreement, editor's note) but it is necessary for the security of the United States, which hopes in Iraq and for world peace, "President Bush on the agreement. It provides for a withdrawal of U.S. combat forces from Iraqi cities by June and within three years from the entire country.

The government of Iraq wanted the agreement must still complete before the inauguration of Barack Obama . The security situation in Iraq has stabilized significantly in recent months. The number of attacks on U.S. forces fell to U.S. media According to less than 300 per week, in June 2007, there were more than 1,500 every week. There are currently about 150,000 U.S. troops are in Iraq.

Defense Robert Gates , who visited Iraq shortly before Bush said that other Arab states to support Iraq stronger. It would be desirable if the country is a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council would he said on Saturday during a security conference in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

This cooperation is limited currently to a customs union is planned for the year 2010, a monetary union. So a structure very similar to the European Union single currency in all Member States. Members are currently in Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Yemen has applied for membership.

by The Court Jester that the intention of the Americans is clear. With a membership in this Union, Iraq would be far away from countries like Iran, and geared more to the west. This is of course in the interest of the United States. At times therefore the public enemy number one, Iran, could be isolated economically. The hegemony and the nuclear program of Mahmud Ahmadinejad could also be hampered easier.

expected by this document it is hard for Barack Obama the soldiers to withdraw earlier than 2011. But at the same time is a withdrawal of troops and thus brought the freedom of Iraq within reach. Can Take control of Iraq in 2011 using his own police state again, an end to Bestzung nothing stands in the way.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Kitchenaid Fridge Leaking Water 2010

University of Münster: Re-vote on tuition fees 17 12

UPDATE: The tuition fees will remain at 275 €!
Next Wednesday, 17 December shall be held in Münster again about the fee. Two years ago, were introduced fee of 275 € per semester. At the time the vote was in the Senate from the narrowest of margins. The voting body consisting of twelve professors, seven Staff and four students there, decided in 2006, with twelve to eleven votes for the introduction of tuition fees. It was not the classic "Campus tolls", to agree in all twelve professors of the rest of the Senate. Although the vote is secret, but reportedly, a business student who voted for the tuition fees.

"A professor has indicated in advance that he will vote against the fees," says Caterina Metje student politics at that time against the mirror, which was elected by the Faculty of Philosophy in the Senate. "All academic staff are opposed to fees, the 200 € lie. to and students of a Senate member is aware that he is charge supporters. "

The mentioned student alleged to have been Max Brüggemann. Compared with the mirror he betrayed his vote is not, but admitted frankly that he considered basically tuition fees would be useful . His profile on Studivz enjoyed in any case many visitors who were not particularly enthusiastic about his alleged vote.

Due to the limitation of the regulations governing the collection of tuition fees, this issue arises from the Muenster University again this semester. If no new Statute shall be adopted, it would be from the winter semester 2009/2010 toll-free again. On the other hand, just as the old record of 275 € will be maintained or increased. The NRW-wide level is still at least somewhat higher, at around 500 €.

The result is difficult to predict

Regardless of what the vote is, however, still open. Student Senate member and Julius Will but had already hinted in the run "not to vote for an increase in fees". However, it is considered likely that he will vote for the existing level.

make the moment a lot of rumors around, whoever it might be and who against. A safe conclusion is only one 17 December preserved.

have meanwhile announced many student protests. Two years ago, there was also much opposition. It stormed even a few thousand students, the castle after the announcement of the introduction of fees. The largest demonstration of student council conference and AStA starts on 17 December by 14 clock at the main station.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Images Of Bumps On Forhead

Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel for (Prime Minister) President

The charisma of Barack Obama would probably help the Hesse SPD currently too much. The post of prime minister and the government power, which was already so close, are now more than ever removed.

The new leading candidate of the SPD Hesse Thorsten Schäfer, ähm... genau, Gümbel ist die neue Nummer Eins seiner Landespartei. (Er nahm übrigens den Namen seiner Frau an) Zwar ist offiziell noch die gescheiterte Andrea Ypsilanti Parteivorsitzende, dennoch beansprucht der Newcomer die Pole Position für sich. „Es gibt keine Doppelspitze. Ich bin die Nummer Eins!“ , ließ er jüngst verlauten.

Aus dem unscheinbaren Muttersöhnchen-Typ reift so langsam ein Gegenkandidat für Roland Koch. Machte sich zu Beginn meist jeder nur über sein jugendliches und unbedarftes Aussehen sowie seinen kuriosen Namen lustig, etabliert er sich nun langsam in der Landespolitik. Vergangene Woche wendete er sich das erste Mal gegen seine Parteichefin. In the Süddeutsche he described the perfidy as "actual error of the campaign." With this admission made it clear Shepherd Gümbel that he will lead, despite the same party program to another campaign. Its sensors are geared more towards FDP as a left party.

This is also absolutely necessary to have any chance in the upcoming election have. Currently, the SPD is languishing at around 23 percent. The surprise candidate for prime minister? Currently, almost impossible.

But is the post of prime minister ever be objective? Surely he would not be sad new boss in Hesse, Left Handed Gun but somehow he does not know. "It's difficult. We know that" , the leading candidate against a potential voter.

The Court Jester says that his real aim is rather to come from the throne of Ypsilanti Hessen-SPD and take their place. This chance is much higher to climb as the country's throne of Hesse. So he tries for that purpose by its chairman to distance. But this is problematic. Previously, he was still with the decisions of their own. Above all, the word break with the Left Party. His current definition lacks credibility. A deposition of iron, hessian Lady will be hard for a newcomer - a victory yet heavier.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

What Are Seabeads Where Do They Come From

On the way to journalists: Part 1: Freelance work for the local newspaper

The entry into the journalism succeed if we are to believe established print journalists, only the free participation at the local newspaper. to come to such a job is not particularly difficult. If in doubt, you look just a local newspaper in his home city and asks for friendly. In most cases you will be welcomed with open arms. In my experience, the local papers always look young high school students and students who want to write for them. After all these cheap typists. The only qualification is that you must bring, the German language to be reasonably powerful. The editors reviewed the most by a first Probeartikel, der dann von Redakteuren gegengelesen wird.

Natürlich erhoffen sich „die Freien“ von ihrer Arbeit nicht nur das Sammeln von Erfahrung, sondern auch ein wenig Geld zu verdienen. Immerhin steckt man auch einiges an Arbeit in die Artikel. Laut der Seite Journalismus-Online liegt die Entlohnung bei Lokalzeitungen meist bei ca. 0,50 € pro Zeile, einige würden aber noch weniger bezahlen. Für Fotos bekommt man meist eine Pauschale.

Auch ich habe meine journalistische „Karriere“ bei der Zeitung meiner Heimatstadt bekommen. In der Jahrgangsstufe 12 habe ich mich dort einfach beworben und wurde nach einem Probeartikel auch genommen. Ich ging damals ziemlich euphorisch the freelance work and had very high expectations - as I now know: too high. The pay was pretty low, but I was not aware of immediately. Ten cents per line as students listened to at first not so bad.

As a freelancer you get usually made by telephone or mail orders. The topics in the local section revolve mostly clubs and other city activities. I had to drive themselves to the dates at their own expense. The fuel consumption of course, detracted from the wage.

varied the attractiveness of the themes from appointment to appointment. Time you get bored in the small garden, or an annual general meeting to death, now and then you get aber durchaus interessante Themen als Auftrag. Die ganz großen Geschichten sind aber leider meist den festen Redakteuren vorbehalten.

Das oberste Ziel als freier Mitarbeiter sollte sein, sich journalistisch weiterzuentwickeln. Inwieweit das gelingt hängt von einem selbst und der jeweiligen Redaktion ab. Liefert man nur per Mail ab, kann man auch keine individuelle Betreuung erwarten. Doch auch wenn man in der Redaktion schreibt, kann es passieren, dass die Redakteure wenig Zeit haben und die konstruktive Kritik ausfällt. Hier sollte man sich ruhig trauen Kritik einzufordern, andernfalls lernt man nichts. Da der Lohn sowieso recht niedrig ist, sollte wenigstens der Lernfaktor vorhanden sein.

Die Veröffentlichung des eigenen Artikels ist bekanntlich das Beste am Journalismus. Dem Gewissen tut es gut, dass viele Menschen das Geschrieben lesen. Das motivierte mich selbst am meisten. Nun ja, bei dem Blatt, wo ich arbeitete, wurde nur leider nicht der Name unter den Artikeln gedruckt, sondern nur ein Kürzel und wer weiß schon das sich hinter dem kursiv und klein gedrucktem „flo“ mein Name verbirgt. Mittlerweile drucken aber viele Lokalzeitungen den vollen Namen des Autors unter oder über den Artikel.

Der Hofnarr denkt, dass dies der mindeste Lohn für das Schreiben eines Artikels ist. Stellenweise wird man als freier Mitarbeiter mit sehr wenig Lohn abgespeist und sogar ausgenutzt, um die Lokalseiten zu füllen. Wenn man this should be seen to look for alternatives.

I paid in any event by the fuel costs on the few wage as a freelancer on it almost. The learning factor was lack of support also low. So I looked for alternatives on the World Wide Web. More about that in Part Two .

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Best Store Brand Concelear

Clinton is the first Obama-disappointment?

The infighting in the party's internal election between Democrat Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton is not forgotten entirely, because the "president elect" announced a few days putting together his team for foreign policy. As previously speculated already stands at the head of all the 61-year-old former rival. Together with the decision let the recent Defense Secretary Robert Gates in office, the question arises whether these are already the first damper for Obamania - even before his term even starts.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama had long a fierce battle for the nomination for the presidential election in early November. Among other things, accused the former first lady ahead of Obama, he is too inexperienced in foreign affairs. Then he replied, Clinton had "been drinking tea with the leaders" in government trips with her husband, so at most. The main difference seemed a long time the attitude to the Iraq war to be. While Clinton supported the invasion, Obama had not voted in favor. Now So Clinton has been officially nominated as U.S. Secretary of State and Obama assured: "She has my full confidence."

The new old Defense is Robert Gates. 26 years he worked for the CIA, later for the National Intelligence Service. In 2006 he was appointed by George W. Bush to succeed the resigning Donald Rumsfeld. In the 70 years Gates received his doctorate in Russian and Soviet history. His memoirs, published in 1996 the title " From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider's Story of Five Presidents and How They Won the Cold War .

thinks of The Jester: is basically the decision to Clinton as the second most Member of the Democratic Party to appeal to the Government, to be welcomed. It is in the benefit of the people, if it is decided not by personal differences, but competence. This requires a common political line, however, a priority, which is doubtful after the primary campaign, at least at the details. The question of how the "Iraq problem" is tackled, is one of the most exciting to be in the first months of government Obama. A consensus - and not a bad compromise - is urgently required.

Looking additionally to the choice of defense, should some of the Obama voters be surprised. Robert Gates' Vita sounds not at all propagated by Obama "change", sondern eher nach einem Relikt des Kalten Krieges.

Da bleibt dem Beobachter der Szene nur eines: Abwarten und Tee trinken - wenn auch nicht mit internationalen Staatschefs...

Weiterführende Links:
Team aus Rivalen? - FAZ
Clintons Berufung - Die Zeit
Sagt eure Meinung im neuen Hingesehen-Forum und sorgt für spannende Diskussionen!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Conquistador Painting By Barbara Webber

As A Free shaver can be expensive

Neulich in der Mensa verteilte die Firma Gillette ihre neuen Rasierer „Gillette Fusion“ umsonst. Zu erst freut man sich natürlich, immerhin kostet so ein Fünfklingenrasierer um die zehn Euro, wenn man ihn im Angebot kauft, sonst sogar noch mehr. Für the students themselves are ten euros a ton of money, of which one can eat almost a week in the cafeteria.

But the good mood that you got given the gift of the Group " Procter & Gamble " (including the Gillette Company part) evaporates, the latest when the five blades of the razor are getting dull . Depending on use, this case occurs after ten to 15 shaves. Then a new blade head is due. To get no longer be given in the cafeteria, but students must be bought from the rare capital acquired. A new head of the fusion generation costs about 3.50 euros.

Heads Mach-3 and the previous Contour cost only around two euros and 90 cents. With each generation, the price goes up for the necessary upgrading. Now one would expect as a customer, that with the introduction of a new generation of the previous blades are cheaper. Which is apparently not Sun The upgrade price for the Mach-3 stagnate and get emotional even, because now only five rather than four-packs are sold.

succeed with every product launch, there Gillette, to impose a price increase. This is usually accepted by the customers because the quality of the shave, as well as Stiftung Warentest proves is very good. The ITV massive Werbekampagne dafür, dass auch der letzte von der Qualität des Produktes überzeugt ist.

So nimmt das Unternehmen auch in Kauf, den Rasierer an sich zu verschenken. Durch den Verkauf der Klingen sprudelt so viel Geld in die Kassen, dass sich diese Investition des Unternehmens schnell wieder auszahlt. Jüngst stieg der Rasierhersteller Gillette zur 24. Milliardenmarke (mindestens eine Milliarde Umsatz im Jahr) des Mutterkonzerns auf und das in neuer Rekordzeit.

Studenten allgemein werden gerne mit Gratismaterial überhäuft. Unternehmen erhoffen sich so neue Absatzmärkte zu erschließen. Immerhin sind Studenten die Elite von morgen. Am besten man nimmt die Geschenke dankend entgegen, verzichtet But on a more extensive ties to the product.

The Court Jester find it dangerous that fast of a gift can be an unintended long-term, costly affair. Who knows if it not for the better students would reject the brand new Fusion and prefer to stick with the old razor, as the heads cost at least a tenth of the merger. The ideal solution is of course the shaver to use only so long until he is numb, so it has zero cost, but high value. At least one should think twice about whether you're upgrading to the new generation of razors. With daily shaving this is still about two to three per razor Month. So about ten euros. Because the money saved by the giveaway Euros are relative quickly. Consider how much make up but ten euros in beer, dining hall menus, pizza or kebab - every month.