Werke wie „V Vendetta , "1984" or "Fahrenheit 451" act of dystopian worlds in which totalitarian regimes are in power, connect to our current ideals of freedom and equality under foot. In George Orwell's novel "1984" even the thoughts of mankind are not before the "Big Brother" safe. The all-controlling state apparatus takes its residents any privacy and individuality. In the film, and comic "V for Vendetta" suppresses the religious symbolism-use means of censorship and party maverick any racist ideas. In Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451 "controlled by the totalitarian system of its population by drug and mass media, books, the embodiment of free education, are a mortal sin.
me yesterday John Hurt Chancellor Adam Sutler alias looked at in the film adaptation of the comic by Alan Moore and David Lloyd from the television. But after a while we see not the fictional characters, but look at the faces of the worst dictators in world history: Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong or Joseph Stalin . Suddenly it becomes obvious that this film is fictitious, but that the world has already experienced a lot of similar dictatorships often in reality. Many millions of people fell victim to absurd ideologies, the only only the power enrichment of totalitarian systems, often served only the individuals.
But not only images from the past a fire in seeing such films through his head. Even in today's world there are still dictators who commit human freedom at the expense of the good life at the head of the state. Kim Jong-Il in North Korea enjoys full authority. Similarly, in Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe that his political opponents murdered cold and go to his people can reason. China and Russia, which maintain good diplomatic relations to the outside, domestic political opposition against similar but radically act as our other examples, one can be divided. However, there is democracy in any case.
us here in Germany, like those films happen abstract, but for many people was, and above all is something of everyday life. The great merit of dystopian works is to remind us to remain vigilant, not to forget the past and our freedom to defend our most important asset as always. could
"The world is not threatened by people who are evil, but of those that permit the evil." (Albert Einstein)
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