war is no solution
Germany is split by the war in the Middle East. While the Federal Government and the major media are clearly on the side of Israel, condemned the blogosphere Israel for their radical approach and . the high casualties among the civilian population Hinge See represents the current situation and looking for solutions: As the region comes from the dilemma of mutual recriminations out again
According to many web users is missile crisis, the official reason for war, only invented by the Israelis . True trigger is an interference the Israeli military in the night of 4 on the 5th was November 2008, six Hamas militants were killed and said the conflict had flared up again. Previously had ruled relatively long truce. In November, the Hamas firing rockets again.
By whom, ultimately, the conflict flared up again, is hardly decisive. The Gaza Strip with the Hamas government was an absolute powder keg that would inevitably explode sooner or later. A symbiotic relationship between a country and an organization that recognizes the right of existence of this and not openly to resist the "occupation of Palestine" calls is illusory.
since 2006 was elected as a Hamas majority, it was bubbling violence in and around the Gaza Strip. Nearby Israeli settlements were repeatedly under rocket attack. The Palestinian residents within the 40 kilometers long and twelve miles wide area live in poverty, because Israel controls the borders and the power and water supply. Many essential goods they receive only about underground tunnels from Egypt. About half of the 1.5 million people must make do with less than two dollars a day .
But Urkonflikt of modern times is back as 60 years. Basically, since everything revolves around das Existenzrecht Israels auf der einen und die Forderung nach einem Staat Palästina auf der anderen Seite. Inzwischen gibt es in Israel zwar autonome Palästinenser-Gebiete im Gaza-Streifen und im Westjordanland, doch gibt es immer wieder Streit um die dort gelegenen Siedlungen der Israelis. Die ebenfalls immer wieder erhobenen religiösen Ansprüche aus vorbiblischer Zeit, die auf das Land um Jersualem erhoben werden, machen aus dem Nahen Osten eine vertrackte Krisenregion, die mit diesem Hintergrund beinahe ohne Vergleich ist. Durch die Errichtung des Staates Israel im Jahre 1948 wurde diese Auseinandersetzung wieder aufgerissen. Der Wille, den durch die Shoa verfolgten Juden eine neue Heimat zu stellen, ist zwar moralisch korrekt - die Gründung Israel's Arab neighbors in the middle but also very shortsighted.
The damage from this long-lasting problem of war was therefore to see, unfortunately. No country in the world would accept a permanent threat to their population, such as the Qassam rockets the terrorist groups around Gaza. This threat to the Israelis, however, can only be ended if Hamas is ousted in the Gaza Strip. But that would require the support of the terrorist organization be removed from the population. Israel and the UN would have the Palestinians offer perspectives on more autonomy. This works at least with some restrictions in the West Bank, where the moderate Al Fatah an der Macht ist.
Ein gnadenloser Krieg gegen die Bewohner des Landstreifens im Süden führt aber nicht zu diesen Zielen. Durch ihre Angriffe trifft die israelische Armee nicht die Hamas, die sich gerne auch hinter wehrlosen Frauen und Kindern verschanzt, sondern die Zivilbevölkerung . Bis jetzt gab es nach 15 Tagen 784 Tote auf palästinensischer Seite und 14 Tote Israelis (Quelle: Spiegel ). So wird der gegenseitige Hass immer größer und die Unterstützung für die Hamas stärker statt, wie unbedingt nötig, schwächer. Dieser Teufelskreis muss unterbrochen werden.
Dass die Hamas eine Terrororganisation ist, darf keinesfalls be forgotten. In the name of Allah to them all means are justified to get their own state. Such a "holy warriors" was also the slain Hamas leader Rajan Nisa. Along with much of his family, he died during a bombing raid on his house. He was so blinded by religious fanaticism who even his own son to a suicide attack instigated: In the Jewish settlement of Gush Katif in Nissanit, the boy burst seven years ago in the air. In the current conflict Rajan took the view that the Hamas leadership could not hide, but should remain visible to its own people. He took it into account, even his nearest relatives to abuse as "shields".
peaceful resistance as a solution
that there is another way to show that the past few years, some residents of the Gaza Strip. Muslim and Jewish parents have taken the initiative and formed a joint kindergarten for their children. Although the project was given little chance from the outside, it has become a success. In a Phoenix-documentation, the children themselves, however, expressed little confidence about their future: "At some point we will have in the army and then I'm going to kill Arabs " said a Jewish boy, the reaction of an Arab. " Then I will strike before the skull "show These statements, as fatalistic experienced even the youth of the conflict especially the young generation must .. .. hope be returned to a peaceful coexistence
The war in the Middle East must be stopped as soon as possible in Germany Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier , recently spoke in Hesse to the conflict: "Now we're at a point where progress are tangible. We now have the hope that the violence to end. "The crisis must soon be solved: "If we squander that opportunity, this is not only a disaster for the people of Gaza. We would lose our Arab partners and that those who are for dialogue and settlement. "
The longer the conflict, the greater the risk that the fighting also extends to the neighboring countries . The religious leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, and the chief of the Hezbollah militia, Hassan Nasrallah referred to, all Palestinian victims as martyrs. Even extremist forces in Egypt put pressure on the pro-Israeli Hosni Mubarak. The entire region would be a war Teren benefit - even the whole world. For America's new President Barack Obama , on 20 January is sworn finds herself back at the problems in Iraq and the financial crisis is another focal point, to be taken as soon as possible in attack must. Like any U.S. President will arguably been the Democrat clear commitment to Israel.
a truce succeed, it must be by peaceful means, a solution found for the age-old conflict. Both Israelis and Palestinians have the right to their own state and must find a way to live together.
Spiegelfechter reported extensively on the representation the war in the (western) media
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