Hesse: A campaign balance
Tomorrow, Sunday will decide who will govern the future state of Hesse. Right now everything looks like a clear majority for Roland Koch into a coalition with the FDP. Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel (In addition, for reasons of space: TSG) opportunities still to be Prime Minister, are very low. After a year has total Hick hacks in Hesse, the theater, we hope that an end. In recent months, the campaign was there not only about the country, but also nationwide on everyone's lips. Hinge See draws a campaign account and dares forecasts.
As hard cooking crime against foreigners is a failure. Only thanks to Andrea Ypsilanti and its breach of trust to their own voters, he is given a second chance. Now he is completely different: The country's nice father, who is distinguished by its particular expertise. The "hard Roland, who railed against criminal aliens, has disappeared.
the election campaign geläuterten CDU-Politikers hätte wohl auch ein Zwölfjähriger führen können. Vor allem hieß es: Klappe halten. Und wenn man den Mund doch aufmacht, dann bitte TSG mit der Linken und Ypsilanti in Verbindung bringen. Ansonsten immer nur lächeln und schön viele Hände schütteln - besonders gerne die von integrierten Ausländern. Die Finanzkrise kam ihm gerade recht, denn so konnte er sich ideal als erfahrenen Wirtschaftsexperten gegen TSG in Position bringen.
Der Wahlsieg ist ihm wohl nicht mehr zu nehmen. Koch weiß sicherlich, bei wem er sich zu bedanken hat.
Vom Nobody zum hessischen Obama – TSG hat einen turbulenten Aufstieg hinter sich. Zwar ist an electoral victory in the distance, but still has the SPD candidate blossomed into a serious rival.
popularity he achieved primarily through the Internet. MySpace, YouTube and Twitter: TSG embodied the prototype of the Web 2.0-politicians. The Web users suggests TSG even Roland Koch.
Above all, the twittering of the young SPD politicians communicated with his constituents. He was not too good, to let bloggers like Robert Basic via World Wide Web interview.
But despite efficient web-content policy, he was quite empty of ideas. With " attacks on the rich " he a fool in federal politics. Furthermore, hovering over it still Andrea Ypsilanti, although not more top candidate, but still ranked second in the national list. From a Post-Ypsilanti era, the SPD is therefore still far away.
that his candidacy was doomed from the start to fail, TSG has not fared badly. After the election, the question of whether he disappears back into the no man's land, or may hold in the Hesse SPD and Ypsilanti permanently runs the place.
The Left:
Did the Left Party in the first round starting nor surprising about the five-percent hurdle, their chances are now worse again. Nevertheless, it could it happen that the Socialists move again in the Diet. The financial crisis but made sure that many voters no longer trust this party, but rather back away to the major parties.
The Greens:
you want to keep all opportunities open, but the chances of Tarek Al-Wazir participate in the future government, badly. CDU and FDP, they have probably not necessary and only together with the SPD, it will not be enough, even if the left still feeding into the state parliament.
The FDP:
Liberal Christian right - this impression is often slipped during the election campaign in Hessen. TSG was auch keine Gelegenheit aus zu unterstreichen, dass eine Stimme für die FDP gleichbedeutend mit einer Stimmabgabe für Roland Koch ist. Auch wenn dies die Hessen-FDP sicherlich anders ausdrücken würde, ist dies ziemlich offensichtlich.
Die Liberalen wollen unbedingt an die Macht, aber nur mit der CDU. Das stellten sie unvermittelt klar. Spitzenkandidat Jörg-Uwe Hahn gelang es nicht, ein eigenes Partei-Profil zu vermitteln – vielleicht wollte er es auch gar nicht.
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