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Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Sore Clear Bubble Inside Of Bottom Lip
Porsche unaffected by short-time work at VW
Wer hätte gedacht, dass der Sportwagenhersteller Porsche jemals der größte Autobauer Europas sein würde. Die deutschen Edel-Karossen sind ja doch eher für die Oberschicht geeignet. Und doch ist das schwäbische Unternehmen seitdem es mehr als 50 Prozent der Anteile an Volkswagen besitzt das neue Schwergewicht am europäischen Autohimmel.
Damit endet die Ära schwäbischer Bescheidenheit endgültig. Von dieser kann auch kaum mehr gesprochen werden, denn Porsche fuhr im letzten Jahr, der Finanzkrise zum Trotz, mehr Gewinn als Umsatz ein. Dieses Kunststück gelang Wiedeking und Co. nur durch große Spekulationen an den Finanzmärkten, die dem Konzern große Gewinne einbrachten.
Die neue Stellung in der Wirtschaftswelt läutet Porsche standesgemäß ein. Während die Tochtergesellschaft Volkswagen Kurzarbeit anmeldet, eröffnet „Mutter“ Porsche ein Museum der Superlative . Das 5.000 Quadratmeter große Porsche-Museum soll die Geschichte des traditionsreichen Autoherstellers erzählen. Geplant wurde der Bau zu besseren Zeiten, als die Finanzkrise noch in weiter Ferne lag. Doch jetzt wirkt die Eröffnung mitten in der großen Autokrise geradezu provozierend. „Schaut her uns kann die Finanzkrise nichts "Harm, it seems the 35,000-ton behemoth call.
But even wealthy for the Süddeutsche, the cost of 100 million € a lot of money in these difficult times. Porsche thanks to a profit of 8.6 billion euros a thick padding, but no one knows, not whether they could get for the shares in VW problems. Since the opening of the museum seems the middle of a residential and commercial area in Stuttgart already pompous, especially when Daimler next door and all sorts of auto parts supplier to practice for weeks on short time. For Porsche to give
no reason for such a museum. The crisis is not an argument against a great museum.
The Court Jester thinks that the moment of opening is certainly very unfavorable. However, the project is planned for many years and therefore a relic of better times. Porsche is probably the only car giant, which (still) can afford such a luxury. Nevertheless, especially for the employees of VW who are afraid of losing their jobs, a somewhat bad taste.
Wer hätte gedacht, dass der Sportwagenhersteller Porsche jemals der größte Autobauer Europas sein würde. Die deutschen Edel-Karossen sind ja doch eher für die Oberschicht geeignet. Und doch ist das schwäbische Unternehmen seitdem es mehr als 50 Prozent der Anteile an Volkswagen besitzt das neue Schwergewicht am europäischen Autohimmel.
Damit endet die Ära schwäbischer Bescheidenheit endgültig. Von dieser kann auch kaum mehr gesprochen werden, denn Porsche fuhr im letzten Jahr, der Finanzkrise zum Trotz, mehr Gewinn als Umsatz ein. Dieses Kunststück gelang Wiedeking und Co. nur durch große Spekulationen an den Finanzmärkten, die dem Konzern große Gewinne einbrachten.
Die neue Stellung in der Wirtschaftswelt läutet Porsche standesgemäß ein. Während die Tochtergesellschaft Volkswagen Kurzarbeit anmeldet, eröffnet „Mutter“ Porsche ein Museum der Superlative . Das 5.000 Quadratmeter große Porsche-Museum soll die Geschichte des traditionsreichen Autoherstellers erzählen. Geplant wurde der Bau zu besseren Zeiten, als die Finanzkrise noch in weiter Ferne lag. Doch jetzt wirkt die Eröffnung mitten in der großen Autokrise geradezu provozierend. „Schaut her uns kann die Finanzkrise nichts "Harm, it seems the 35,000-ton behemoth call.
But even wealthy for the Süddeutsche, the cost of 100 million € a lot of money in these difficult times. Porsche thanks to a profit of 8.6 billion euros a thick padding, but no one knows, not whether they could get for the shares in VW problems. Since the opening of the museum seems the middle of a residential and commercial area in Stuttgart already pompous, especially when Daimler next door and all sorts of auto parts supplier to practice for weeks on short time. For Porsche to give
no reason for such a museum. The crisis is not an argument against a great museum.
The Court Jester thinks that the moment of opening is certainly very unfavorable. However, the project is planned for many years and therefore a relic of better times. Porsche is probably the only car giant, which (still) can afford such a luxury. Nevertheless, especially for the employees of VW who are afraid of losing their jobs, a somewhat bad taste.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Salvage Yard Snowmobile
parliament elections in Hesse: Reviews, reactions
As with the elections in Bavaria and the United States prepares for was watching you all the important reactions of the politicians and journals will quickly and clearly on.
Süddeutsche: [Müntefering] Message: The shepherd-Gümbel can not help it. (...) He had "torn to extract what was". . He belongs to the future "
FAZ: " In Hesse was repeated in an even greater extent, which was initiated in the Bavarian state elections: the migration of middle-class electoral base away from the traditional People's Party Union to the liberal clientele party
. mirror "[Koch's] 37-percent setback is only thanks to the strong FDP a victory."
taz. "Now Koch is back, although (sic) needs help from the cooking FDP strengthened, their Fortunately after the forecast hardly believe kann. (...) Die Sektgläser klirren. “
Zeit: "Damit gewinnt die FDP auch in der Bundespolitik an Einfluss. Denn durch die neue schwarz-gelbe Koalition in Wiesbaden verschieben sich die Mehrheitsverhältnisse im Bundesrat. Die Große Koalition hat dort keine Mehrheit mehr, sondern ist auf die Zustimmung der Landesregierungen angewiesen."
Welt: "Nach einem Jahr als geschäftsführender Ministerpräsident gewinnt Roland Koch die Mehrheit zurück. Der Sieger des Abends ist er trotzdem nicht. Denn das schlechte Ergebnis des Vorjahres konnte Koch nur knapp verbessern. Dennoch ist die Hessen-Wahl ein Grund zur Freude – vor allem für die Bundes-CDU."
reactions of politicians
Hessen Minister President Roland Koch : "The 'Hessian circumstances' there is no more."
Andrea Ypsilanti after her resignation as parliamentary party and state leader, "I do not resigned."
FDP leader Guido Westerwelle : "A perfect start for Germany (...) A great day for Hesse.."
Chancellor Angela Merkel the FDP at the federal level: "You can no longer play the opposition role as before."
SPD leader Franz Muentefering : "The very poor result ist ein Denkzettel an die SPD für das Jahr 2008. Insofern ist das Ganze reparabel."
As with the elections in Bavaria and the United States prepares for was watching you all the important reactions of the politicians and journals will quickly and clearly on.
Süddeutsche: [Müntefering] Message: The shepherd-Gümbel can not help it. (...) He had "torn to extract what was". . He belongs to the future "
FAZ: " In Hesse was repeated in an even greater extent, which was initiated in the Bavarian state elections: the migration of middle-class electoral base away from the traditional People's Party Union to the liberal clientele party
. mirror "[Koch's] 37-percent setback is only thanks to the strong FDP a victory."
taz. "Now Koch is back, although (sic) needs help from the cooking FDP strengthened, their Fortunately after the forecast hardly believe kann. (...) Die Sektgläser klirren. “
Zeit: "Damit gewinnt die FDP auch in der Bundespolitik an Einfluss. Denn durch die neue schwarz-gelbe Koalition in Wiesbaden verschieben sich die Mehrheitsverhältnisse im Bundesrat. Die Große Koalition hat dort keine Mehrheit mehr, sondern ist auf die Zustimmung der Landesregierungen angewiesen."
Welt: "Nach einem Jahr als geschäftsführender Ministerpräsident gewinnt Roland Koch die Mehrheit zurück. Der Sieger des Abends ist er trotzdem nicht. Denn das schlechte Ergebnis des Vorjahres konnte Koch nur knapp verbessern. Dennoch ist die Hessen-Wahl ein Grund zur Freude – vor allem für die Bundes-CDU."
reactions of politicians
Hessen Minister President Roland Koch : "The 'Hessian circumstances' there is no more."
Andrea Ypsilanti after her resignation as parliamentary party and state leader, "I do not resigned."
FDP leader Guido Westerwelle : "A perfect start for Germany (...) A great day for Hesse.."
Chancellor Angela Merkel the FDP at the federal level: "You can no longer play the opposition role as before."
SPD leader Franz Muentefering : "The very poor result ist ein Denkzettel an die SPD für das Jahr 2008. Insofern ist das Ganze reparabel."
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Easy Way To Portforward Bskyb Dg934g
Hesse was watching election results and analysis
Die Wahl ist gelaufen, Schäfer-Gümbels SPD abgeschmiert und die FDP der große Gewinner des Tages. Hingesehen analysiert. Den Hochrechnungen des ZDF (Stand: 20 Uhr) zufolge sieht das Ergebnis wie folgt aus:
Accordingly, Roland Koch, is expected as prime minister. Despite this however, his CDU hardly improve in recent polls was the Christian Democrats, a larger gain credit for. Koch has gone so well with the reluctance full campaign and had to practically be confirmed only officially. Contested issues he had as opposed to the campaign last year avoided.
The SPD received today the receipt for her kindergarten game with the Left in the previous year. After Andrea Ypsilanti of breaking his word and sought toleration by the Left Party the majority of SPD voters and is disappointed a second time the trust in the party. Although it was the front-runner this time Internet hero Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel, but remained in second place Ypsilanti present the list as before. Only after the embarrassing prelude to the big election in 2009 announced the 51-year-old in their retreat. The Jester says, Had she gone this route already obvious in the lack of support even in their own ranks, the result could have aufallen lightly. TSG however, can at least be celebrated for the first German politician to have discovered the Web 2.0 for the ( Merkel Podcast außen vor gelassen). Diese Mittel könnten bei den Bundestagswahlen noch eine große Rolle spielen.
Die FDP ist der große Gewinner der Landtagswahl. Satte sieben Prozentpunkte mehr als noch 2008 sorgen für ein Rekordergebnis bei den Liberalen. Sie erreichten damit sogar fast das Resultat, das Jürgen Möllemann einst auf Bundesebene forderte . Ihr großer Vorteil: Als Koalitionspartner der CDU werden sie damit an der Regierung beteiligt sein. Und das nicht nur als Mittel zum Zweck - denn mit diesem Ergebnis im Rücken kann sie deutlich mehr Druck auf den großen Partner ausüben als zuvor.
Obwohl die Grünen fast genauso viel zugelegt haben wie die FDP, ist ihr Zuwachs fast schon brotlose Kunst. Mit der SPD ist eine Koalition derzeit in weiter Ferne gerückt und CDU/FDP sind nicht auf die Jamaika-Konstellation angewiesen. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass viele der von Ypsilanti enttäuschten Wähler der "linken Mitte" zur ehemaligen Umweltpartei gewechselt sind.
Die Linke , mit im Zentrum der "hessischen Zustände" in 2008, hat an Schwung verloren - das Ergebnis blieb beinahe unverändert bei 5,3 Prozentpunkten. Allerdings: Mit Spitzenkandidat Willi van Ooyen geht es damit erneut in den Landtag in Wiesbaden.
Beim Ergebnis der restlichen Parteien bleibt festzuhalten, that took place despite the continued ongoing dissatisfaction with the major "political parties" no movement of the splinter parties. Yet many are looking for alternatives Hesse, namely in FDP and Greens.
Hinge What tomorrow holds for you Monday together all the key responses to the Hessen-choice!
Die Wahl ist gelaufen, Schäfer-Gümbels SPD abgeschmiert und die FDP der große Gewinner des Tages. Hingesehen analysiert. Den Hochrechnungen des ZDF (Stand: 20 Uhr) zufolge sieht das Ergebnis wie folgt aus:
- CDU 36,9 % (+ 0,1 %)
- SPD 23,8 % (- 12,9 %)
- FDP 16,5 % (+ 7,1 %)
- Grüne 13,8 % (+ 6,3 %)
- Linke 5,3 % (+ 0,2 %)
- Andere 3,7 % (- 0.8 %)
closed his eyes to critical issues: Roland Koch
Accordingly, Roland Koch, is expected as prime minister. Despite this however, his CDU hardly improve in recent polls was the Christian Democrats, a larger gain credit for. Koch has gone so well with the reluctance full campaign and had to practically be confirmed only officially. Contested issues he had as opposed to the campaign last year avoided.
The SPD received today the receipt for her kindergarten game with the Left in the previous year. After Andrea Ypsilanti of breaking his word and sought toleration by the Left Party the majority of SPD voters and is disappointed a second time the trust in the party. Although it was the front-runner this time Internet hero Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel, but remained in second place Ypsilanti present the list as before. Only after the embarrassing prelude to the big election in 2009 announced the 51-year-old in their retreat. The Jester says, Had she gone this route already obvious in the lack of support even in their own ranks, the result could have aufallen lightly. TSG however, can at least be celebrated for the first German politician to have discovered the Web 2.0 for the ( Merkel Podcast außen vor gelassen). Diese Mittel könnten bei den Bundestagswahlen noch eine große Rolle spielen.
Die FDP ist der große Gewinner der Landtagswahl. Satte sieben Prozentpunkte mehr als noch 2008 sorgen für ein Rekordergebnis bei den Liberalen. Sie erreichten damit sogar fast das Resultat, das Jürgen Möllemann einst auf Bundesebene forderte . Ihr großer Vorteil: Als Koalitionspartner der CDU werden sie damit an der Regierung beteiligt sein. Und das nicht nur als Mittel zum Zweck - denn mit diesem Ergebnis im Rücken kann sie deutlich mehr Druck auf den großen Partner ausüben als zuvor.
Obwohl die Grünen fast genauso viel zugelegt haben wie die FDP, ist ihr Zuwachs fast schon brotlose Kunst. Mit der SPD ist eine Koalition derzeit in weiter Ferne gerückt und CDU/FDP sind nicht auf die Jamaika-Konstellation angewiesen. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass viele der von Ypsilanti enttäuschten Wähler der "linken Mitte" zur ehemaligen Umweltpartei gewechselt sind.
Die Linke , mit im Zentrum der "hessischen Zustände" in 2008, hat an Schwung verloren - das Ergebnis blieb beinahe unverändert bei 5,3 Prozentpunkten. Allerdings: Mit Spitzenkandidat Willi van Ooyen geht es damit erneut in den Landtag in Wiesbaden.
Beim Ergebnis der restlichen Parteien bleibt festzuhalten, that took place despite the continued ongoing dissatisfaction with the major "political parties" no movement of the splinter parties. Yet many are looking for alternatives Hesse, namely in FDP and Greens.
Hinge What tomorrow holds for you Monday together all the key responses to the Hessen-choice!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Born Blonde Clairol Instructions
Hesse: A campaign balance
Tomorrow, Sunday will decide who will govern the future state of Hesse. Right now everything looks like a clear majority for Roland Koch into a coalition with the FDP. Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel (In addition, for reasons of space: TSG) opportunities still to be Prime Minister, are very low. After a year has total Hick hacks in Hesse, the theater, we hope that an end. In recent months, the campaign was there not only about the country, but also nationwide on everyone's lips. Hinge See draws a campaign account and dares forecasts.
As hard cooking crime against foreigners is a failure. Only thanks to Andrea Ypsilanti and its breach of trust to their own voters, he is given a second chance. Now he is completely different: The country's nice father, who is distinguished by its particular expertise. The "hard Roland, who railed against criminal aliens, has disappeared.
the election campaign geläuterten CDU-Politikers hätte wohl auch ein Zwölfjähriger führen können. Vor allem hieß es: Klappe halten. Und wenn man den Mund doch aufmacht, dann bitte TSG mit der Linken und Ypsilanti in Verbindung bringen. Ansonsten immer nur lächeln und schön viele Hände schütteln - besonders gerne die von integrierten Ausländern. Die Finanzkrise kam ihm gerade recht, denn so konnte er sich ideal als erfahrenen Wirtschaftsexperten gegen TSG in Position bringen.
Der Wahlsieg ist ihm wohl nicht mehr zu nehmen. Koch weiß sicherlich, bei wem er sich zu bedanken hat.
Vom Nobody zum hessischen Obama – TSG hat einen turbulenten Aufstieg hinter sich. Zwar ist an electoral victory in the distance, but still has the SPD candidate blossomed into a serious rival.
popularity he achieved primarily through the Internet. MySpace, YouTube and Twitter: TSG embodied the prototype of the Web 2.0-politicians. The Web users suggests TSG even Roland Koch.
Above all, the twittering of the young SPD politicians communicated with his constituents. He was not too good, to let bloggers like Robert Basic via World Wide Web interview.
But despite efficient web-content policy, he was quite empty of ideas. With " attacks on the rich " he a fool in federal politics. Furthermore, hovering over it still Andrea Ypsilanti, although not more top candidate, but still ranked second in the national list. From a Post-Ypsilanti era, the SPD is therefore still far away.
that his candidacy was doomed from the start to fail, TSG has not fared badly. After the election, the question of whether he disappears back into the no man's land, or may hold in the Hesse SPD and Ypsilanti permanently runs the place.
The Left:
Did the Left Party in the first round starting nor surprising about the five-percent hurdle, their chances are now worse again. Nevertheless, it could it happen that the Socialists move again in the Diet. The financial crisis but made sure that many voters no longer trust this party, but rather back away to the major parties.
The Greens:
you want to keep all opportunities open, but the chances of Tarek Al-Wazir participate in the future government, badly. CDU and FDP, they have probably not necessary and only together with the SPD, it will not be enough, even if the left still feeding into the state parliament.
The FDP:
Liberal Christian right - this impression is often slipped during the election campaign in Hessen. TSG was auch keine Gelegenheit aus zu unterstreichen, dass eine Stimme für die FDP gleichbedeutend mit einer Stimmabgabe für Roland Koch ist. Auch wenn dies die Hessen-FDP sicherlich anders ausdrücken würde, ist dies ziemlich offensichtlich.
Die Liberalen wollen unbedingt an die Macht, aber nur mit der CDU. Das stellten sie unvermittelt klar. Spitzenkandidat Jörg-Uwe Hahn gelang es nicht, ein eigenes Partei-Profil zu vermitteln – vielleicht wollte er es auch gar nicht.
Mit Hingesehen bleiben Sie auch bei der Hessen-Wahl auf dem Laufenden und erfahren zeitnah Ergebnisse und Reaktionen !
Tomorrow, Sunday will decide who will govern the future state of Hesse. Right now everything looks like a clear majority for Roland Koch into a coalition with the FDP. Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel (In addition, for reasons of space: TSG) opportunities still to be Prime Minister, are very low. After a year has total Hick hacks in Hesse, the theater, we hope that an end. In recent months, the campaign was there not only about the country, but also nationwide on everyone's lips. Hinge See draws a campaign account and dares forecasts.
As hard cooking crime against foreigners is a failure. Only thanks to Andrea Ypsilanti and its breach of trust to their own voters, he is given a second chance. Now he is completely different: The country's nice father, who is distinguished by its particular expertise. The "hard Roland, who railed against criminal aliens, has disappeared.
the election campaign geläuterten CDU-Politikers hätte wohl auch ein Zwölfjähriger führen können. Vor allem hieß es: Klappe halten. Und wenn man den Mund doch aufmacht, dann bitte TSG mit der Linken und Ypsilanti in Verbindung bringen. Ansonsten immer nur lächeln und schön viele Hände schütteln - besonders gerne die von integrierten Ausländern. Die Finanzkrise kam ihm gerade recht, denn so konnte er sich ideal als erfahrenen Wirtschaftsexperten gegen TSG in Position bringen.
Der Wahlsieg ist ihm wohl nicht mehr zu nehmen. Koch weiß sicherlich, bei wem er sich zu bedanken hat.
Vom Nobody zum hessischen Obama – TSG hat einen turbulenten Aufstieg hinter sich. Zwar ist an electoral victory in the distance, but still has the SPD candidate blossomed into a serious rival.
popularity he achieved primarily through the Internet. MySpace, YouTube and Twitter: TSG embodied the prototype of the Web 2.0-politicians. The Web users suggests TSG even Roland Koch.
Above all, the twittering of the young SPD politicians communicated with his constituents. He was not too good, to let bloggers like Robert Basic via World Wide Web interview.
But despite efficient web-content policy, he was quite empty of ideas. With " attacks on the rich " he a fool in federal politics. Furthermore, hovering over it still Andrea Ypsilanti, although not more top candidate, but still ranked second in the national list. From a Post-Ypsilanti era, the SPD is therefore still far away.
that his candidacy was doomed from the start to fail, TSG has not fared badly. After the election, the question of whether he disappears back into the no man's land, or may hold in the Hesse SPD and Ypsilanti permanently runs the place.
The Left:
Did the Left Party in the first round starting nor surprising about the five-percent hurdle, their chances are now worse again. Nevertheless, it could it happen that the Socialists move again in the Diet. The financial crisis but made sure that many voters no longer trust this party, but rather back away to the major parties.
The Greens:
you want to keep all opportunities open, but the chances of Tarek Al-Wazir participate in the future government, badly. CDU and FDP, they have probably not necessary and only together with the SPD, it will not be enough, even if the left still feeding into the state parliament.
The FDP:
Liberal Christian right - this impression is often slipped during the election campaign in Hessen. TSG was auch keine Gelegenheit aus zu unterstreichen, dass eine Stimme für die FDP gleichbedeutend mit einer Stimmabgabe für Roland Koch ist. Auch wenn dies die Hessen-FDP sicherlich anders ausdrücken würde, ist dies ziemlich offensichtlich.
Die Liberalen wollen unbedingt an die Macht, aber nur mit der CDU. Das stellten sie unvermittelt klar. Spitzenkandidat Jörg-Uwe Hahn gelang es nicht, ein eigenes Partei-Profil zu vermitteln – vielleicht wollte er es auch gar nicht.
Mit Hingesehen bleiben Sie auch bei der Hessen-Wahl auf dem Laufenden und erfahren zeitnah Ergebnisse und Reaktionen !
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Motorguide Stealth Parts
Joschka Fischer in London: An impossible peace?
Joschka Fischer gilt as an unconventional politician - and rightly so as he presented on Tuesday evening in Munster to the test. In a lecture he said to the controversial and topical issue of "An impossible peace? The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. " Hinge seeing was live on site.
blew As expected, the prospect of a former Foreign Minister to a hot topic right now is to hear the context of the lecture hall. Was sitting in the foyer also many students and other visitors who wanted to hear the Green Party - a total of more than 1,000 listeners.
Those who hope-giving promises and soothing promises regarding des Konfliktes im Nahen Osten wünschte, wurde von Fischer bitter enttäuscht. Viel mehr glänzte er mit Realismus, der so manchen in depressives Schweigen versetzte. Der ehemalige Vermittler in diesem Krisengebiet verzichtete weitgehend auf Politiker-Phrasen und scheute nicht, offen seine Meinung zu äußern.
Joschka Fischer über…
Die Hoffnung auf Frieden
Er hat keine große Hoffnung, dass der Konflikt zwischen Israel und Palästinensern allzu bald gelöst wird, da beide keine Bereitschaft zeigen, das Territorium zu teilen. Dies sei aber unbedingt notwendig, um zu einer langfristigen Lösung zu kommen. Sowohl Israel und Palästina würden nie ganz von der Landkarte verschwinden und hätten ein Recht auf einen Staat.
Die Basis des Streits ist die Uneinigkeit über die genauen Grenzen von Israel, so Fischer weiter. Dies unterstrich der ehemalige Außenminister mit einer Anekdote von Ariel Sharon, der zu ihm gesagt habe: "Israel hat keine Ostgrenze."
In letzter Zeit habe sich die Hoffnung auf eine Einigung sogar noch verschlechtert. Die weltlichen Akteure, wie die Al Fatah, hätten an Bedeutung verloren und in der ganzen Region gewännen radikale religiöse Kräfte an Macht, wie die Hamas im Gaza-Streifen. Diese Stärkung des Einflusses von radikalen Kräften behindere den Frieden. Vor allem die Jugend im Gaza-Streifen, die beinahe 50 Prozent dort ausmache, sei auf Grund ihrer Perspektivlosigkeit stark anfällig für solche radikalen Ideologien.
Das gesamte regionale Umfeld, zum Beispiel der Iran oder auch Ägypten, orientierten sich immer mehr in Richtung Radikalisierung. Dieser Druck mache einen Kompromiss immer schwieriger. Fischers Realismus schlug sogar fast in Pessimismus um, als er erwog das Fragezeichen im Titel zu entfernen.
Die Hamas
Laut dem Grünen-Politiker war die Wahl der Hamas ein wesentlicher Rückschritt in der Entwicklung des Nahen Osten. Mit dieser Organisation sei kein echter Frieden möglich, da sie noch nicht mal das Existenzrecht Israels anerkenne. Die Fatah habe failed and the radical forces had exploited the situation to be brought by charitable commitment to the poor, their political rise further. As this was successful, the situation came to a head.
U.S. role
Without the United States of America it would be virtually impossible to create peace. Europe remains in negotiations almost always only pick up the phone to the U.S. to call. "Peace does not work without power," said Fischer brought the situation to the point. This power but only America.
role of Iran and Syria
Quick Fischer made it clear that he believes the problems in the Middle East on Israel and Palästina begrenzt werden dürfe. Der Krieg werde nicht umsonst zweiter iranisch-israelischer Krieg genannt (Anm.: Der erste war der Krieg Israels mit der Hisbollah im Libanon). Ein möglicher Frieden müsse immer diese beiden Akteure mit einbeziehen, andernfalls sei er nicht von langer Dauer. Es müssten die regionalen Parameter mit einbezogen werden (Nuklearprogramm, Atomverzicht und Rolle des Irans in der Region).
Beide Länder seien große Destabilisatoren der Region. Der Irak stehe dank „Genius Bush“ momentan auch unter großen Einfluss von Mahmud Ahmadinedschad. Fände man Lösungen mit diesen beiden Ländern über einen Frieden, gäbe es noch Hoffnung.
However, such negotiations were extremely difficult. These regimes were solely an interest in maintaining their own power. Thus, one must give them a peace in the Middle East with benefits sell for them. These were often conflicts of peace with justice and truth. One must often times "shut up". Fischer had decided for themselves, to give peace on such moral conflict a priority. The failure of these negotiations, and Iran and Syria would not be included, this could "fatal consequences" have.
hope Obama
"Right now depends all hope in the not yet assigned U.S. President Barack Obama, "confirmed by the minister in him were 'expectations of salvation" set. However, Fischer does not Obama do not really create opportunity for successful peace. However, he hoped that before he took office, a truce comes into existence. Despite the obstacles, there would hope by the American duo Obama / Clinton. by military means, there would be but no prospect of a political solution.
Angela Merkel's position on Israel
He shares most of the position the federal government. Germany had because of his past, a commitment to the right to exist Israel. Hamas carried a heavy responsibility for the outbreak of war.
Joschka Fischer gilt as an unconventional politician - and rightly so as he presented on Tuesday evening in Munster to the test. In a lecture he said to the controversial and topical issue of "An impossible peace? The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. " Hinge seeing was live on site.
blew As expected, the prospect of a former Foreign Minister to a hot topic right now is to hear the context of the lecture hall. Was sitting in the foyer also many students and other visitors who wanted to hear the Green Party - a total of more than 1,000 listeners.
Those who hope-giving promises and soothing promises regarding des Konfliktes im Nahen Osten wünschte, wurde von Fischer bitter enttäuscht. Viel mehr glänzte er mit Realismus, der so manchen in depressives Schweigen versetzte. Der ehemalige Vermittler in diesem Krisengebiet verzichtete weitgehend auf Politiker-Phrasen und scheute nicht, offen seine Meinung zu äußern.
Joschka Fischer über…
Die Hoffnung auf Frieden
Er hat keine große Hoffnung, dass der Konflikt zwischen Israel und Palästinensern allzu bald gelöst wird, da beide keine Bereitschaft zeigen, das Territorium zu teilen. Dies sei aber unbedingt notwendig, um zu einer langfristigen Lösung zu kommen. Sowohl Israel und Palästina würden nie ganz von der Landkarte verschwinden und hätten ein Recht auf einen Staat.
Die Basis des Streits ist die Uneinigkeit über die genauen Grenzen von Israel, so Fischer weiter. Dies unterstrich der ehemalige Außenminister mit einer Anekdote von Ariel Sharon, der zu ihm gesagt habe: "Israel hat keine Ostgrenze."
In letzter Zeit habe sich die Hoffnung auf eine Einigung sogar noch verschlechtert. Die weltlichen Akteure, wie die Al Fatah, hätten an Bedeutung verloren und in der ganzen Region gewännen radikale religiöse Kräfte an Macht, wie die Hamas im Gaza-Streifen. Diese Stärkung des Einflusses von radikalen Kräften behindere den Frieden. Vor allem die Jugend im Gaza-Streifen, die beinahe 50 Prozent dort ausmache, sei auf Grund ihrer Perspektivlosigkeit stark anfällig für solche radikalen Ideologien.
Das gesamte regionale Umfeld, zum Beispiel der Iran oder auch Ägypten, orientierten sich immer mehr in Richtung Radikalisierung. Dieser Druck mache einen Kompromiss immer schwieriger. Fischers Realismus schlug sogar fast in Pessimismus um, als er erwog das Fragezeichen im Titel zu entfernen.
Die Hamas
Laut dem Grünen-Politiker war die Wahl der Hamas ein wesentlicher Rückschritt in der Entwicklung des Nahen Osten. Mit dieser Organisation sei kein echter Frieden möglich, da sie noch nicht mal das Existenzrecht Israels anerkenne. Die Fatah habe failed and the radical forces had exploited the situation to be brought by charitable commitment to the poor, their political rise further. As this was successful, the situation came to a head.
U.S. role
Without the United States of America it would be virtually impossible to create peace. Europe remains in negotiations almost always only pick up the phone to the U.S. to call. "Peace does not work without power," said Fischer brought the situation to the point. This power but only America.
role of Iran and Syria
Quick Fischer made it clear that he believes the problems in the Middle East on Israel and Palästina begrenzt werden dürfe. Der Krieg werde nicht umsonst zweiter iranisch-israelischer Krieg genannt (Anm.: Der erste war der Krieg Israels mit der Hisbollah im Libanon). Ein möglicher Frieden müsse immer diese beiden Akteure mit einbeziehen, andernfalls sei er nicht von langer Dauer. Es müssten die regionalen Parameter mit einbezogen werden (Nuklearprogramm, Atomverzicht und Rolle des Irans in der Region).
Beide Länder seien große Destabilisatoren der Region. Der Irak stehe dank „Genius Bush“ momentan auch unter großen Einfluss von Mahmud Ahmadinedschad. Fände man Lösungen mit diesen beiden Ländern über einen Frieden, gäbe es noch Hoffnung.
However, such negotiations were extremely difficult. These regimes were solely an interest in maintaining their own power. Thus, one must give them a peace in the Middle East with benefits sell for them. These were often conflicts of peace with justice and truth. One must often times "shut up". Fischer had decided for themselves, to give peace on such moral conflict a priority. The failure of these negotiations, and Iran and Syria would not be included, this could "fatal consequences" have.
hope Obama
"Right now depends all hope in the not yet assigned U.S. President Barack Obama, "confirmed by the minister in him were 'expectations of salvation" set. However, Fischer does not Obama do not really create opportunity for successful peace. However, he hoped that before he took office, a truce comes into existence. Despite the obstacles, there would hope by the American duo Obama / Clinton. by military means, there would be but no prospect of a political solution.
Angela Merkel's position on Israel
He shares most of the position the federal government. Germany had because of his past, a commitment to the right to exist Israel. Hamas carried a heavy responsibility for the outbreak of war.
Monday, January 12, 2009
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war in Gaza QUESTION: ARD submits to political pressure?
How Hinge See learned from university circles, should the station management of the ARD have to pressure the Israeli Embassy put out a discussion program on the current war in Israel in the short term from the program. Prof. Dr. Mohsen's alleged Massarrat , emeritus professor of politics at the University of Osnabrueck, is in a document from last week, was watching. According to the show "Anne Will", to which have included former Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer and Palestinian Professor Sumaya Farhat-Naser invited, have been removed from the program. The roundtable, which instead was broadcast last Sunday with the theme "suicide."
Massarrat in the original message:
"(...) As I learned from a reliable source has just been deposed, the ARD leadership the mission It was impossible not to assume that it was Israel's government that the dismissal. the broadcast has prevailed. About the new Israel war may thus be not in the main German television company discussed freely and critically.
is so far so close obviously with democracy in Germany. The German state policy towards Israel and the press censorship , ie the selective suspension of one of the most important principles of democracy, a. (...) I hope there are enough people in our country who are not willing to turn a blind eye to this attack on democracy "
UPDATE. In Blog for Will broadcast denies the ARD editorial from the exchange of content:
" Editor's Note: A broadcast on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was never announced. However, for tomorrow's show several topics were prepared in parallel. This early appointment requests are addressed to different guests. It has no "exchange issues" as you write place, but the editor has chosen the topic "taboo Suicide "decided."
How Hinge See learned from university circles, should the station management of the ARD have to pressure the Israeli Embassy put out a discussion program on the current war in Israel in the short term from the program. Prof. Dr. Mohsen's alleged Massarrat , emeritus professor of politics at the University of Osnabrueck, is in a document from last week, was watching. According to the show "Anne Will", to which have included former Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer and Palestinian Professor Sumaya Farhat-Naser invited, have been removed from the program. The roundtable, which instead was broadcast last Sunday with the theme "suicide."
Massarrat in the original message:
"(...) As I learned from a reliable source has just been deposed, the ARD leadership the mission It was impossible not to assume that it was Israel's government that the dismissal. the broadcast has prevailed. About the new Israel war may thus be not in the main German television company discussed freely and critically.
is so far so close obviously with democracy in Germany. The German state policy towards Israel and the press censorship , ie the selective suspension of one of the most important principles of democracy, a. (...) I hope there are enough people in our country who are not willing to turn a blind eye to this attack on democracy "
UPDATE. In Blog for Will broadcast denies the ARD editorial from the exchange of content:
" Editor's Note: A broadcast on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was never announced. However, for tomorrow's show several topics were prepared in parallel. This early appointment requests are addressed to different guests. It has no "exchange issues" as you write place, but the editor has chosen the topic "taboo Suicide "decided."
Saturday, January 10, 2009
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war is no solution
Germany is split by the war in the Middle East. While the Federal Government and the major media are clearly on the side of Israel, condemned the blogosphere Israel for their radical approach and . the high casualties among the civilian population Hinge See represents the current situation and looking for solutions: As the region comes from the dilemma of mutual recriminations out again
According to many web users is missile crisis, the official reason for war, only invented by the Israelis . True trigger is an interference the Israeli military in the night of 4 on the 5th was November 2008, six Hamas militants were killed and said the conflict had flared up again. Previously had ruled relatively long truce. In November, the Hamas firing rockets again.
By whom, ultimately, the conflict flared up again, is hardly decisive. The Gaza Strip with the Hamas government was an absolute powder keg that would inevitably explode sooner or later. A symbiotic relationship between a country and an organization that recognizes the right of existence of this and not openly to resist the "occupation of Palestine" calls is illusory.
since 2006 was elected as a Hamas majority, it was bubbling violence in and around the Gaza Strip. Nearby Israeli settlements were repeatedly under rocket attack. The Palestinian residents within the 40 kilometers long and twelve miles wide area live in poverty, because Israel controls the borders and the power and water supply. Many essential goods they receive only about underground tunnels from Egypt. About half of the 1.5 million people must make do with less than two dollars a day .
But Urkonflikt of modern times is back as 60 years. Basically, since everything revolves around das Existenzrecht Israels auf der einen und die Forderung nach einem Staat Palästina auf der anderen Seite. Inzwischen gibt es in Israel zwar autonome Palästinenser-Gebiete im Gaza-Streifen und im Westjordanland, doch gibt es immer wieder Streit um die dort gelegenen Siedlungen der Israelis. Die ebenfalls immer wieder erhobenen religiösen Ansprüche aus vorbiblischer Zeit, die auf das Land um Jersualem erhoben werden, machen aus dem Nahen Osten eine vertrackte Krisenregion, die mit diesem Hintergrund beinahe ohne Vergleich ist. Durch die Errichtung des Staates Israel im Jahre 1948 wurde diese Auseinandersetzung wieder aufgerissen. Der Wille, den durch die Shoa verfolgten Juden eine neue Heimat zu stellen, ist zwar moralisch korrekt - die Gründung Israel's Arab neighbors in the middle but also very shortsighted.
The damage from this long-lasting problem of war was therefore to see, unfortunately. No country in the world would accept a permanent threat to their population, such as the Qassam rockets the terrorist groups around Gaza. This threat to the Israelis, however, can only be ended if Hamas is ousted in the Gaza Strip. But that would require the support of the terrorist organization be removed from the population. Israel and the UN would have the Palestinians offer perspectives on more autonomy. This works at least with some restrictions in the West Bank, where the moderate Al Fatah an der Macht ist.
Ein gnadenloser Krieg gegen die Bewohner des Landstreifens im Süden führt aber nicht zu diesen Zielen. Durch ihre Angriffe trifft die israelische Armee nicht die Hamas, die sich gerne auch hinter wehrlosen Frauen und Kindern verschanzt, sondern die Zivilbevölkerung . Bis jetzt gab es nach 15 Tagen 784 Tote auf palästinensischer Seite und 14 Tote Israelis (Quelle: Spiegel ). So wird der gegenseitige Hass immer größer und die Unterstützung für die Hamas stärker statt, wie unbedingt nötig, schwächer. Dieser Teufelskreis muss unterbrochen werden.
Dass die Hamas eine Terrororganisation ist, darf keinesfalls be forgotten. In the name of Allah to them all means are justified to get their own state. Such a "holy warriors" was also the slain Hamas leader Rajan Nisa. Along with much of his family, he died during a bombing raid on his house. He was so blinded by religious fanaticism who even his own son to a suicide attack instigated: In the Jewish settlement of Gush Katif in Nissanit, the boy burst seven years ago in the air. In the current conflict Rajan took the view that the Hamas leadership could not hide, but should remain visible to its own people. He took it into account, even his nearest relatives to abuse as "shields".
peaceful resistance as a solution
that there is another way to show that the past few years, some residents of the Gaza Strip. Muslim and Jewish parents have taken the initiative and formed a joint kindergarten for their children. Although the project was given little chance from the outside, it has become a success. In a Phoenix-documentation, the children themselves, however, expressed little confidence about their future: "At some point we will have in the army and then I'm going to kill Arabs " said a Jewish boy, the reaction of an Arab. " Then I will strike before the skull "show These statements, as fatalistic experienced even the youth of the conflict especially the young generation must .. .. hope be returned to a peaceful coexistence
The war in the Middle East must be stopped as soon as possible in Germany Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier , recently spoke in Hesse to the conflict: "Now we're at a point where progress are tangible. We now have the hope that the violence to end. "The crisis must soon be solved: "If we squander that opportunity, this is not only a disaster for the people of Gaza. We would lose our Arab partners and that those who are for dialogue and settlement. "
The longer the conflict, the greater the risk that the fighting also extends to the neighboring countries . The religious leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, and the chief of the Hezbollah militia, Hassan Nasrallah referred to, all Palestinian victims as martyrs. Even extremist forces in Egypt put pressure on the pro-Israeli Hosni Mubarak. The entire region would be a war Teren benefit - even the whole world. For America's new President Barack Obama , on 20 January is sworn finds herself back at the problems in Iraq and the financial crisis is another focal point, to be taken as soon as possible in attack must. Like any U.S. President will arguably been the Democrat clear commitment to Israel.
a truce succeed, it must be by peaceful means, a solution found for the age-old conflict. Both Israelis and Palestinians have the right to their own state and must find a way to live together.
Spiegelfechter reported extensively on the representation the war in the (western) media
Germany is split by the war in the Middle East. While the Federal Government and the major media are clearly on the side of Israel, condemned the blogosphere Israel for their radical approach and . the high casualties among the civilian population Hinge See represents the current situation and looking for solutions: As the region comes from the dilemma of mutual recriminations out again
According to many web users is missile crisis, the official reason for war, only invented by the Israelis . True trigger is an interference the Israeli military in the night of 4 on the 5th was November 2008, six Hamas militants were killed and said the conflict had flared up again. Previously had ruled relatively long truce. In November, the Hamas firing rockets again.
By whom, ultimately, the conflict flared up again, is hardly decisive. The Gaza Strip with the Hamas government was an absolute powder keg that would inevitably explode sooner or later. A symbiotic relationship between a country and an organization that recognizes the right of existence of this and not openly to resist the "occupation of Palestine" calls is illusory.
since 2006 was elected as a Hamas majority, it was bubbling violence in and around the Gaza Strip. Nearby Israeli settlements were repeatedly under rocket attack. The Palestinian residents within the 40 kilometers long and twelve miles wide area live in poverty, because Israel controls the borders and the power and water supply. Many essential goods they receive only about underground tunnels from Egypt. About half of the 1.5 million people must make do with less than two dollars a day .
But Urkonflikt of modern times is back as 60 years. Basically, since everything revolves around das Existenzrecht Israels auf der einen und die Forderung nach einem Staat Palästina auf der anderen Seite. Inzwischen gibt es in Israel zwar autonome Palästinenser-Gebiete im Gaza-Streifen und im Westjordanland, doch gibt es immer wieder Streit um die dort gelegenen Siedlungen der Israelis. Die ebenfalls immer wieder erhobenen religiösen Ansprüche aus vorbiblischer Zeit, die auf das Land um Jersualem erhoben werden, machen aus dem Nahen Osten eine vertrackte Krisenregion, die mit diesem Hintergrund beinahe ohne Vergleich ist. Durch die Errichtung des Staates Israel im Jahre 1948 wurde diese Auseinandersetzung wieder aufgerissen. Der Wille, den durch die Shoa verfolgten Juden eine neue Heimat zu stellen, ist zwar moralisch korrekt - die Gründung Israel's Arab neighbors in the middle but also very shortsighted.
The damage from this long-lasting problem of war was therefore to see, unfortunately. No country in the world would accept a permanent threat to their population, such as the Qassam rockets the terrorist groups around Gaza. This threat to the Israelis, however, can only be ended if Hamas is ousted in the Gaza Strip. But that would require the support of the terrorist organization be removed from the population. Israel and the UN would have the Palestinians offer perspectives on more autonomy. This works at least with some restrictions in the West Bank, where the moderate Al Fatah an der Macht ist.
Ein gnadenloser Krieg gegen die Bewohner des Landstreifens im Süden führt aber nicht zu diesen Zielen. Durch ihre Angriffe trifft die israelische Armee nicht die Hamas, die sich gerne auch hinter wehrlosen Frauen und Kindern verschanzt, sondern die Zivilbevölkerung . Bis jetzt gab es nach 15 Tagen 784 Tote auf palästinensischer Seite und 14 Tote Israelis (Quelle: Spiegel ). So wird der gegenseitige Hass immer größer und die Unterstützung für die Hamas stärker statt, wie unbedingt nötig, schwächer. Dieser Teufelskreis muss unterbrochen werden.
Dass die Hamas eine Terrororganisation ist, darf keinesfalls be forgotten. In the name of Allah to them all means are justified to get their own state. Such a "holy warriors" was also the slain Hamas leader Rajan Nisa. Along with much of his family, he died during a bombing raid on his house. He was so blinded by religious fanaticism who even his own son to a suicide attack instigated: In the Jewish settlement of Gush Katif in Nissanit, the boy burst seven years ago in the air. In the current conflict Rajan took the view that the Hamas leadership could not hide, but should remain visible to its own people. He took it into account, even his nearest relatives to abuse as "shields".
peaceful resistance as a solution
that there is another way to show that the past few years, some residents of the Gaza Strip. Muslim and Jewish parents have taken the initiative and formed a joint kindergarten for their children. Although the project was given little chance from the outside, it has become a success. In a Phoenix-documentation, the children themselves, however, expressed little confidence about their future: "At some point we will have in the army and then I'm going to kill Arabs " said a Jewish boy, the reaction of an Arab. " Then I will strike before the skull "show These statements, as fatalistic experienced even the youth of the conflict especially the young generation must .. .. hope be returned to a peaceful coexistence
The war in the Middle East must be stopped as soon as possible in Germany Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier , recently spoke in Hesse to the conflict: "Now we're at a point where progress are tangible. We now have the hope that the violence to end. "The crisis must soon be solved: "If we squander that opportunity, this is not only a disaster for the people of Gaza. We would lose our Arab partners and that those who are for dialogue and settlement. "
The longer the conflict, the greater the risk that the fighting also extends to the neighboring countries . The religious leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, and the chief of the Hezbollah militia, Hassan Nasrallah referred to, all Palestinian victims as martyrs. Even extremist forces in Egypt put pressure on the pro-Israeli Hosni Mubarak. The entire region would be a war Teren benefit - even the whole world. For America's new President Barack Obama , on 20 January is sworn finds herself back at the problems in Iraq and the financial crisis is another focal point, to be taken as soon as possible in attack must. Like any U.S. President will arguably been the Democrat clear commitment to Israel.
a truce succeed, it must be by peaceful means, a solution found for the age-old conflict. Both Israelis and Palestinians have the right to their own state and must find a way to live together.
Spiegelfechter reported extensively on the representation the war in the (western) media
Thursday, January 8, 2009
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25 years people dementia
radiation side now 25 years, the private channel Sat.1 and RTL their programs in the Federal Republic of Germany. Actually we could have expected so that the channels have developed in the next quarter century and are now ripe - but not the Sun At the beginning of commercial television, the new media offer was often consumed with a wink, are RTL and ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG today, especially for young people, opinion-forming organs. The group had ProsiebenSat1 2008 market share of 29.4%. The RTL Group media 26.8%.
use Unfortunately, the two largest private broadcasting groups its influence in Germany is not for the better, but to flood the German population with a mass of loose level of TV formats. Rather than being informative or provide at least somewhat sophisticated entertainment, determine soap operas, court shows, talk shows and other TV trash the program.
The worst part is that it seems worthwhile to produce such items and send it. Above all afternoon by the shallow "blah" apparently well received, that they would even switch to other formats. Anyone who turns on the TV, avoids either the private channel or is taking a big risk to go gaga. For what lately, on TV flickers just can not be healthy. To show you that we are not blind to the private sector here is a small, exemplary extract lam into the program of the broadcasting groups:; (!)
The Ultimate Chart Show RTL
Since 50 issues grins the dream of every mother, Oliver females, in this format the audience from the RTL television. Apparently the pool for new chart lists is unlimited, because there is no end in sight to the broadcast. On the sofa and in numerous videos comment "celebrities", the latest chart lists.
permanent guest of goats on the sofa is the Grünen-Politikerin Claudia Roth, die sich auf der Suche nach Wählerstimmen anscheinend für nichts zu schade ist. Sie möchte gekonnt jugendlich und frisch herüberkommen und Ausrufe wie „Volle Kanne!“ gehören deshalb zu ihrem festen Vokabular. Im Bundestag gibt es voll nicht so viel zu tun. Ist ja außer Krieg in Gaza und Finanzkrise alles okay. Aber wen wundert das, wenn sich selbst eine Ministerin bei den Öffentlich-Rechtlichen auf Händen tragen lassen darf...
Das perfekte Promi-Dinner, VOX
Inwiefern sich das normale perfekte Dinner und die Promi-Version unterscheiden, ist auf den ersten Blick nicht zu erkennen – eigentlich auch nicht auf den zweitem. Denn die so genannten Berühmtheiten entpuppen sich meist als irgendwelche Menschen, die vielleicht einmal im Fernsehen waren, mit echten Prominenten kurze Beziehungen hatten oder vor 20-30 Jahren mal berühmt waren. In der letzten Ausgabe waren unter anderem ein Hundecoach von VOX und Okka Gundel zu sehen. Keine Ahnung, wer das ist, aber für VOX ist jeder bekannt, der nicht bei drei auf dem Baum ist. Bei so etwas vergeht dem Hofnarr der Appetit.
The Biggest Loser, ProSieben
Heute Abend startet die neue Abnehmshow mit Kati Witt – eigentlich eine Kandidatin für das Promi-Dinner, aber für VOX zu bekannt. Die Show bedient perfekt den ausgeprägten TV-Voyeurismus. Gemütlich vom Sofa aus, am besten mit einer Tüte Chips in der Hand, kann man sich angucken wie 14 Übergewichtige sich daran versuchen abzuspecken. Vielleicht darf der Gewinner ja in der Magersüchtigen-Show von Heidi Klum mitwirken.
Das Dschungel-Camp RTL
Da sind sie wieder, die B- und C-Promis der Republik. Weil das perfekte Promi-Dinner leider ausgebucht war, müssen sie jetzt in den Dschungel und statt leckerem Menü Würmer und Tierhoden verspeisen. Pech gehabt…
Leider könnte ich diese Rundschau endlos fortsetzen. Die Büchse der Pandora in der Form von Shows des werten Herrn Hugo-Egon Balder habe ich heute einmal zu gelassen und auch Uri Geller bleibt verschont, was aber nicht means that they do not spook even further through the television landscape for us to go gaga on.
radiation side now 25 years, the private channel Sat.1 and RTL their programs in the Federal Republic of Germany. Actually we could have expected so that the channels have developed in the next quarter century and are now ripe - but not the Sun At the beginning of commercial television, the new media offer was often consumed with a wink, are RTL and ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG today, especially for young people, opinion-forming organs. The group had ProsiebenSat1 2008 market share of 29.4%. The RTL Group media 26.8%.
use Unfortunately, the two largest private broadcasting groups its influence in Germany is not for the better, but to flood the German population with a mass of loose level of TV formats. Rather than being informative or provide at least somewhat sophisticated entertainment, determine soap operas, court shows, talk shows and other TV trash the program.
The worst part is that it seems worthwhile to produce such items and send it. Above all afternoon by the shallow "blah" apparently well received, that they would even switch to other formats. Anyone who turns on the TV, avoids either the private channel or is taking a big risk to go gaga. For what lately, on TV flickers just can not be healthy. To show you that we are not blind to the private sector here is a small, exemplary extract lam into the program of the broadcasting groups:; (!)
The Ultimate Chart Show RTL
Since 50 issues grins the dream of every mother, Oliver females, in this format the audience from the RTL television. Apparently the pool for new chart lists is unlimited, because there is no end in sight to the broadcast. On the sofa and in numerous videos comment "celebrities", the latest chart lists.
permanent guest of goats on the sofa is the Grünen-Politikerin Claudia Roth, die sich auf der Suche nach Wählerstimmen anscheinend für nichts zu schade ist. Sie möchte gekonnt jugendlich und frisch herüberkommen und Ausrufe wie „Volle Kanne!“ gehören deshalb zu ihrem festen Vokabular. Im Bundestag gibt es voll nicht so viel zu tun. Ist ja außer Krieg in Gaza und Finanzkrise alles okay. Aber wen wundert das, wenn sich selbst eine Ministerin bei den Öffentlich-Rechtlichen auf Händen tragen lassen darf...
Das perfekte Promi-Dinner, VOX
Inwiefern sich das normale perfekte Dinner und die Promi-Version unterscheiden, ist auf den ersten Blick nicht zu erkennen – eigentlich auch nicht auf den zweitem. Denn die so genannten Berühmtheiten entpuppen sich meist als irgendwelche Menschen, die vielleicht einmal im Fernsehen waren, mit echten Prominenten kurze Beziehungen hatten oder vor 20-30 Jahren mal berühmt waren. In der letzten Ausgabe waren unter anderem ein Hundecoach von VOX und Okka Gundel zu sehen. Keine Ahnung, wer das ist, aber für VOX ist jeder bekannt, der nicht bei drei auf dem Baum ist. Bei so etwas vergeht dem Hofnarr der Appetit.
The Biggest Loser, ProSieben
Heute Abend startet die neue Abnehmshow mit Kati Witt – eigentlich eine Kandidatin für das Promi-Dinner, aber für VOX zu bekannt. Die Show bedient perfekt den ausgeprägten TV-Voyeurismus. Gemütlich vom Sofa aus, am besten mit einer Tüte Chips in der Hand, kann man sich angucken wie 14 Übergewichtige sich daran versuchen abzuspecken. Vielleicht darf der Gewinner ja in der Magersüchtigen-Show von Heidi Klum mitwirken.
Das Dschungel-Camp RTL
Da sind sie wieder, die B- und C-Promis der Republik. Weil das perfekte Promi-Dinner leider ausgebucht war, müssen sie jetzt in den Dschungel und statt leckerem Menü Würmer und Tierhoden verspeisen. Pech gehabt…
Leider könnte ich diese Rundschau endlos fortsetzen. Die Büchse der Pandora in der Form von Shows des werten Herrn Hugo-Egon Balder habe ich heute einmal zu gelassen und auch Uri Geller bleibt verschont, was aber nicht means that they do not spook even further through the television landscape for us to go gaga on.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
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overhauled the WWW, the print media?
Please think again on the following: A leisurely breakfast on Saturday morning with the entire family. After coffee and sandwiches are eaten, probably followed by the handle to newspaper - perhaps even a small conflict over who gets it first. Certainly, the idea is typed, but it is proof as stated in particular the daily newspaper in the daily routine of many people integrated.
Two researchers at the University of Applied Sciences Mainz predict now, however, that by 2018 the Internet, the newspaper abgelöst haben wird. Die beiden Forscher Lothar Rolke und Johanna Höhn haben dazu eine Studie erstellt bei der 600 Personen der Altersgruppen 15 bis 19 Jahre, 20 bis 25 Jahre sowie 35 bis 50 Jahre befragt wurden. Etwa 30 Prozent der Leser werden demnach vom Print- in den Online-Bereich wechseln und den alten renommierten Medien den Rücken kehren. Ausschlaggebend dafür sei, dass das Internet vielfältigere Nutzungsmöglichkeiten biete und daher intensiver genutzt werde. Weiterführende Links sind schneller erreichbar als der Hinweis auf Hintergrundliteratur, Online-Shops und Mails effektiver als Bestellcoupons und Briefe. In der Studie heißt das so: "In wenigen Klicks hat jeder User von der Informationssuche in den Entertainment-Bereich or change back. "The most spectacular example of the decline of the print industry is the downsizing of the WAZ Group .
general, the media usage increases in everyday life through the dissemination of the Web, of which the" old media benefit ", however, hardly. Yet Who wants to read detailed reports and reports, this does not usually at the computer to great is the temptation while briefly to check the mailbox or to chat alongside Due to the democratization of the Internet also skepticism whether the credibility of articles.. larger, because in principle it is to write to everyone. This caution is the changing context of reception amplified, because depending on the surfing behavior of a funny video you can jump into a political debate. The high speed is therefore both advantages and disadvantages of the WWW - is read by an extensive breakfast too comfortable on the PC or the economy is not often used.
So write the researchers in Mainz, the print media is not as complete: "It may sound paradoxical, but because the Internet such a great social change drivers (...), is the traditional media to facilitators for the people must be give them guidance "said Rolke the facts. The trend would therefore be a complementary addition through the network. Derzeit befindet sich die Nutzung solcher zusätzlichen Angebote auf den Internet-Auftritten der Zeitungen noch im Anfangsstadium.
Der Hofnarr denkt, dass man noch nicht absehen kann, inwieweit Blogger und Co. in Zukunft tatsächlich die Medienlandschaft mitgestalten werden. Einige Blattmacher, die sich zu sehr der Tradition wegen in Sicherheit wiegen, könnten aber schon bald von der Realität eingeholt werden. Sicher ist nur, dass die Arbeit der Journalisten immer mehr in Richtung "cross media" , also zum Beispiel die Verknüpfung von Text- und Videoproduktion, gehen wird. Die voranschreitende Einführung von "newsdesks" (siehe Bild), an denen möglichst viele Redakteure sitzen, um sich zeitnah über Inhalte abzustimmen, sind erste Zeichen für diese Entwicklung.
Weiterführende Links:
Spiegel-Artikel zur Mainzer Studie
Please think again on the following: A leisurely breakfast on Saturday morning with the entire family. After coffee and sandwiches are eaten, probably followed by the handle to newspaper - perhaps even a small conflict over who gets it first. Certainly, the idea is typed, but it is proof as stated in particular the daily newspaper in the daily routine of many people integrated.
Two researchers at the University of Applied Sciences Mainz predict now, however, that by 2018 the Internet, the newspaper abgelöst haben wird. Die beiden Forscher Lothar Rolke und Johanna Höhn haben dazu eine Studie erstellt bei der 600 Personen der Altersgruppen 15 bis 19 Jahre, 20 bis 25 Jahre sowie 35 bis 50 Jahre befragt wurden. Etwa 30 Prozent der Leser werden demnach vom Print- in den Online-Bereich wechseln und den alten renommierten Medien den Rücken kehren. Ausschlaggebend dafür sei, dass das Internet vielfältigere Nutzungsmöglichkeiten biete und daher intensiver genutzt werde. Weiterführende Links sind schneller erreichbar als der Hinweis auf Hintergrundliteratur, Online-Shops und Mails effektiver als Bestellcoupons und Briefe. In der Studie heißt das so: "In wenigen Klicks hat jeder User von der Informationssuche in den Entertainment-Bereich or change back. "The most spectacular example of the decline of the print industry is the downsizing of the WAZ Group .
general, the media usage increases in everyday life through the dissemination of the Web, of which the" old media benefit ", however, hardly. Yet Who wants to read detailed reports and reports, this does not usually at the computer to great is the temptation while briefly to check the mailbox or to chat alongside Due to the democratization of the Internet also skepticism whether the credibility of articles.. larger, because in principle it is to write to everyone. This caution is the changing context of reception amplified, because depending on the surfing behavior of a funny video you can jump into a political debate. The high speed is therefore both advantages and disadvantages of the WWW - is read by an extensive breakfast too comfortable on the PC or the economy is not often used.
So write the researchers in Mainz, the print media is not as complete: "It may sound paradoxical, but because the Internet such a great social change drivers (...), is the traditional media to facilitators for the people must be give them guidance "said Rolke the facts. The trend would therefore be a complementary addition through the network. Derzeit befindet sich die Nutzung solcher zusätzlichen Angebote auf den Internet-Auftritten der Zeitungen noch im Anfangsstadium.
Der Hofnarr denkt, dass man noch nicht absehen kann, inwieweit Blogger und Co. in Zukunft tatsächlich die Medienlandschaft mitgestalten werden. Einige Blattmacher, die sich zu sehr der Tradition wegen in Sicherheit wiegen, könnten aber schon bald von der Realität eingeholt werden. Sicher ist nur, dass die Arbeit der Journalisten immer mehr in Richtung "cross media" , also zum Beispiel die Verknüpfung von Text- und Videoproduktion, gehen wird. Die voranschreitende Einführung von "newsdesks" (siehe Bild), an denen möglichst viele Redakteure sitzen, um sich zeitnah über Inhalte abzustimmen, sind erste Zeichen für diese Entwicklung.
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Spiegel-Artikel zur Mainzer Studie
Friday, January 2, 2009
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dystopia is unfortunately not only fictitious
Oft sind es die die grausamen Filme, die uns begeistern. Sie erzählen Geschichten, die sich von unserem wirklichem Leben unterscheiden: Schreckliche Welten, in denen die Freiheit des Menschen unterdrückt wird, wo Menschen auf Grund von politischen Idealen und Machtgier getötet werden. Was uns auf der Couch mit einer Tüte Chips in der Hand so abstrakt und weit entfernt vorkommt, ist eigentlich ein ständiger Begleiter der Realität.
Werke wie „V Vendetta , "1984" or "Fahrenheit 451" act of dystopian worlds in which totalitarian regimes are in power, connect to our current ideals of freedom and equality under foot. In George Orwell's novel "1984" even the thoughts of mankind are not before the "Big Brother" safe. The all-controlling state apparatus takes its residents any privacy and individuality. In the film, and comic "V for Vendetta" suppresses the religious symbolism-use means of censorship and party maverick any racist ideas. In Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451 "controlled by the totalitarian system of its population by drug and mass media, books, the embodiment of free education, are a mortal sin.
me yesterday John Hurt Chancellor Adam Sutler alias looked at in the film adaptation of the comic by Alan Moore and David Lloyd from the television. But after a while we see not the fictional characters, but look at the faces of the worst dictators in world history: Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong or Joseph Stalin . Suddenly it becomes obvious that this film is fictitious, but that the world has already experienced a lot of similar dictatorships often in reality. Many millions of people fell victim to absurd ideologies, the only only the power enrichment of totalitarian systems, often served only the individuals.
But not only images from the past a fire in seeing such films through his head. Even in today's world there are still dictators who commit human freedom at the expense of the good life at the head of the state. Kim Jong-Il in North Korea enjoys full authority. Similarly, in Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe that his political opponents murdered cold and go to his people can reason. China and Russia, which maintain good diplomatic relations to the outside, domestic political opposition against similar but radically act as our other examples, one can be divided. However, there is democracy in any case.
us here in Germany, like those films happen abstract, but for many people was, and above all is something of everyday life. The great merit of dystopian works is to remind us to remain vigilant, not to forget the past and our freedom to defend our most important asset as always. could
"The world is not threatened by people who are evil, but of those that permit the evil." (Albert Einstein)
Oft sind es die die grausamen Filme, die uns begeistern. Sie erzählen Geschichten, die sich von unserem wirklichem Leben unterscheiden: Schreckliche Welten, in denen die Freiheit des Menschen unterdrückt wird, wo Menschen auf Grund von politischen Idealen und Machtgier getötet werden. Was uns auf der Couch mit einer Tüte Chips in der Hand so abstrakt und weit entfernt vorkommt, ist eigentlich ein ständiger Begleiter der Realität.
Werke wie „V Vendetta , "1984" or "Fahrenheit 451" act of dystopian worlds in which totalitarian regimes are in power, connect to our current ideals of freedom and equality under foot. In George Orwell's novel "1984" even the thoughts of mankind are not before the "Big Brother" safe. The all-controlling state apparatus takes its residents any privacy and individuality. In the film, and comic "V for Vendetta" suppresses the religious symbolism-use means of censorship and party maverick any racist ideas. In Ray Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451 "controlled by the totalitarian system of its population by drug and mass media, books, the embodiment of free education, are a mortal sin.
me yesterday John Hurt Chancellor Adam Sutler alias looked at in the film adaptation of the comic by Alan Moore and David Lloyd from the television. But after a while we see not the fictional characters, but look at the faces of the worst dictators in world history: Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong or Joseph Stalin . Suddenly it becomes obvious that this film is fictitious, but that the world has already experienced a lot of similar dictatorships often in reality. Many millions of people fell victim to absurd ideologies, the only only the power enrichment of totalitarian systems, often served only the individuals.
But not only images from the past a fire in seeing such films through his head. Even in today's world there are still dictators who commit human freedom at the expense of the good life at the head of the state. Kim Jong-Il in North Korea enjoys full authority. Similarly, in Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe that his political opponents murdered cold and go to his people can reason. China and Russia, which maintain good diplomatic relations to the outside, domestic political opposition against similar but radically act as our other examples, one can be divided. However, there is democracy in any case.
us here in Germany, like those films happen abstract, but for many people was, and above all is something of everyday life. The great merit of dystopian works is to remind us to remain vigilant, not to forget the past and our freedom to defend our most important asset as always. could
"The world is not threatened by people who are evil, but of those that permit the evil." (Albert Einstein)
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stimulus package as the first effect: DSL for all your
The telecommunications industry, the first his industry that benefits from the new stimulus package . About details of the package is still debated, but it is certain that the expansion of the DSL network is to be pursued. Because especially in rural areas are fast Internet conclusions of a rarity. While in the city of big broadband packages now come as standard, must people outside the metropolitan areas are still far lower speeds delivered by DSL 2000 with satisfaction. Currently about five percent of German households with no possibility of "high speed" on the World Wide Web have to surf. But it's not just rural areas but also urban terrain, now with new Glasfaserkabeln ausgestattet werden soll. Diese neue Technologie ermöglicht eine noch viel schnellere Geschwindigkeit.
Bisher ist der größte Teil des Kabelnetzwerks, das für die Verbreitung von DSL benötigt wird, in Händen der Telekom, die dieses an andere Anbieter vermietet oder selbst anbietet. Noch immer profitiert die Telekom von ihrer ehemaligen Monopolstellung. Doch das könnte sich jetzt ändern. Die Konkurrenz des ehemaligen Staatskonzerns, die sich im Verband der Anbieter von Telekommunikations- und Mehrwertdiensten (VATM) zusammengeschlossen hat, will verhindern, dass der Telekommunikations-Riese den Großteil der kommenden Subventionen abgreift und kontert mit einem Gegenangebot: "Wir machen das im Vergleich for Telekom in half the time, with higher Internet access speed and considerably cheaper, "said VATM CEO Juergen Gruetzner the Financial Times Germany." Verbund brings with this letter to Angela Merkel in clear attack mode. This should . the CEO of Deutsche Telekom, Rene Obermann, not like
is currently connected to only one percent of all households a year new to the network, the faster the telecom rivals say that is true, this means, the view shows happening abroad.. In EU closes the telecommunications industry each year to about 2.5 percent of households to the fiber network in the U.S. Are there even ten percent. In South Korea already have two-thirds of households had access to high speed Internet in Japan is as high as 84 percent. There, governments finance most of fiber networks. In Germany, the government pays subsidies coming through parts of the financing.
The Court Jester thinks that a little more competition from the telecoms can only do good. In the end, thereby benefiting consumers. fall by more competitive prices while offering more performance. The expansion of the fiber is a necessary step to strengthen Germany's infrastructure. In a "high tech" DSL country should now be obvious to everyone.
The telecommunications industry, the first his industry that benefits from the new stimulus package . About details of the package is still debated, but it is certain that the expansion of the DSL network is to be pursued. Because especially in rural areas are fast Internet conclusions of a rarity. While in the city of big broadband packages now come as standard, must people outside the metropolitan areas are still far lower speeds delivered by DSL 2000 with satisfaction. Currently about five percent of German households with no possibility of "high speed" on the World Wide Web have to surf. But it's not just rural areas but also urban terrain, now with new Glasfaserkabeln ausgestattet werden soll. Diese neue Technologie ermöglicht eine noch viel schnellere Geschwindigkeit.
Bisher ist der größte Teil des Kabelnetzwerks, das für die Verbreitung von DSL benötigt wird, in Händen der Telekom, die dieses an andere Anbieter vermietet oder selbst anbietet. Noch immer profitiert die Telekom von ihrer ehemaligen Monopolstellung. Doch das könnte sich jetzt ändern. Die Konkurrenz des ehemaligen Staatskonzerns, die sich im Verband der Anbieter von Telekommunikations- und Mehrwertdiensten (VATM) zusammengeschlossen hat, will verhindern, dass der Telekommunikations-Riese den Großteil der kommenden Subventionen abgreift und kontert mit einem Gegenangebot: "Wir machen das im Vergleich for Telekom in half the time, with higher Internet access speed and considerably cheaper, "said VATM CEO Juergen Gruetzner the Financial Times Germany." Verbund brings with this letter to Angela Merkel in clear attack mode. This should . the CEO of Deutsche Telekom, Rene Obermann, not like
is currently connected to only one percent of all households a year new to the network, the faster the telecom rivals say that is true, this means, the view shows happening abroad.. In EU closes the telecommunications industry each year to about 2.5 percent of households to the fiber network in the U.S. Are there even ten percent. In South Korea already have two-thirds of households had access to high speed Internet in Japan is as high as 84 percent. There, governments finance most of fiber networks. In Germany, the government pays subsidies coming through parts of the financing.
The Court Jester thinks that a little more competition from the telecoms can only do good. In the end, thereby benefiting consumers. fall by more competitive prices while offering more performance. The expansion of the fiber is a necessary step to strengthen Germany's infrastructure. In a "high tech" DSL country should now be obvious to everyone.
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