Monday, December 20, 2010
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Thursday, December 16, 2010
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Sunday, December 12, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
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the moment I can hold for reasons of capacity, no further tuition kid. Nevertheless, you are allowed you like to register for my intensive course in March 2011.
Once I have more capacity, this post will be removed.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
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My calendar for 2011 is ready. Here you can preview it a look!
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Thursday, October 28, 2010
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much math in little time
The habe ich mir dieses Jahr zum Motto gemacht. Entsprechend möchte ich euch nächstes Jahr einen Crash- bzw. Intensivkurs für die Abiturvorbereitung anbieten.
Oftmals ist es ja so, dass sich vor allem sozial schwächere Familien leider keine Nachhilfe mehr leisten können und die eigenen Kinder somit im Lernwettbewerb benachteiligt werden. Oftmals verschiebt man die Vorbereitung auf das Abitur auf die letzten Wochen und sieht sich plötzlich vor einen schier unlösbaren Aufgabenhaufen gestellt. Oftmals hat man auch einfach nicht die Motivation, regelmäßige Nachhilfe über eine längere Zeit hinweg durchzuhalten.
Dem möchte ich entgegen wirken!
Das schriftliche Mathematik-Abitur findet held on 05/10/2011. In March 2011 (and a correspondingly large crowds and again in April 2011) I offer an intensive workshop or an intensive seminar for high school preparation. On two consecutive weekends, we will resolve at the two days (Saturday and Sunday) the subjects Analysis and Analytic Geometry from the absolute basics here and reach a level, where problems from unsolvable suddenly familiar item types.
But now to the facts:
- intensive workshop-school mathematics in March 2011 (when large crowds and again in April 2011). Exact dates will be announced in early February. Approximate dates: 26/03/2011, 27/03/2011, 02/04/2011, 04/03/2011
- 2 weekends of two days â 5 hours per day (+30 and 60 minutes (lunch) break)
- Topics: Analysis and Analytic Geometry. Why not Stochastics and transition matrices? Well, these two topics are not taught in all schools, while analysis and analytic geometry are a must.
- time: Saturdays: 10:00 - 12:30 clock and 13:30 - 16:00 clock & Sundays: 13:00 - 16:00 clock and 17:00 - 19:00 clock
- Place: Will the participants announced at registration. The seminar room is easy with the KVB from the city (Haymarket, Cathedral, Rudolf place) away.
- Group size: Da ein intensives Arbeiten und Verstehen garantiert werden soll, beschränkt sich die Gruppengröße auf maximal 15 Teilnehmer. Der Kurs wird stattfinden, sofern sich 7 Teilnehmer angemeldet haben.
- Kosten: Der Kurs ist zu einem Betrag von 99€ buchbar (= 4,95€ pro Stunde) . Ab dem 07.03.2011 zu einem Beitrag von 124€ (Last-Minute!) (= 6,20€ pro Stunde).
- Anmeldung: Die Anmeldung erfolgt telefonisch über 0170/1497818 .
- Zahlung: Eine Anzahlung des Kursbeitrages i.H.v. mind. 25€ ist im Vorfeld per Banküberweisung bis spätestens 14 Tage vor Kursbeginn zu entrichten. Eine zinsfreie Ratenzahlung über mehrere Months is possible. The final payment must be made no later than the first day of the seminar (in cash), they should not have been previously made.
- confirmation: A confirmation will be given by telephone with the first installment payment and e-mail. On special request by post.
- Disease: Should the participant fault (eg illness, final medical evidence be provided by the participant) may not be possible to do the course, he will be refunded their payment less a 10% administrative burden.
- Cancellation: Should the participant cancel for other reasons, does the following scheme:
- cancellation until 2 weeks before the course: Refund 90% of the payments made
- Out to 1 week before the course: Refund 60% of the payments made
- cancellation before the course starts: refund 25% of the payments made
- If the price of unforeseeable reasons can not take place (car accident and hospitalized for the seminar management, fire in the seminar room, etc., etc.), the participants 100% of the payments already made will be refunded.
- If the course due to insufficient numbers come into existence, all registered participants the payments already made will be refunded 100%.
- waiting list: should log in more than 15 participants, the other participants will be placed on a waiting list and considered for a second course in April. Should a participant fail spontaneous course of March, back to the participants from the waiting list.
- 20 hours mathematics tuition in small groups to socially acceptable dumping price of 4.95 € per private lesson.
- detailed placement of the required teaching material for the high school mathematics in analysis and analytic geometry.
- Extensive script on both topics to Reference.
- Extensive collection of exercises (including former school tasks) with sample solutions for practice (200 sheets).
- for meals (drinks: Cola, water) are provided. Can eat with or to be organized in pizza / kebab shops in the vicinity, with the consumption of food in the meeting room of any kind is strictly forbidden.
- arise in the context of other high school preparation questions, the student must provide me with selbige by e-mail and will then immediately receive a response.
I look forward to you and wish you every success in high school :-)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
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Karola Onken is a descendant of the great painter. Inspiration from the Künstlerin currently in the Saxon Switzerland.
Mareike Huisinga, Sächsische Zeitung 16./17.10.2010
Oberrathen. Friday morning. Thoughtfully, the lady looked with lofty hairstyle on the powerful Bastion rocks. Mist upwards. Only painfully, the sun can find a way through the overcast sky. Down in the valley of the River Elbe flows quietly. Karola thinks involuntarily of the desire Onken pictures by Caspar David Friedrich. This is hardly too surprising since the Lower Saxon from Oldenburg is the great-great-great-niece of the great painter who has created in the Saxon Switzerland including the famous painting "rock arch in Uttewalde reason."
sets in Karola Onken continued the talent: The 67-year-old is himself Künstlerin and guide, in these days in the Saxon Switzerland, a painting trip, which fittingly titled "In the footsteps of Caspar David
Friedrich stands.
The works of her famous ancestors Onken appreciates very much like to but do not presume to compare their art with that of Caspar David Friedrich. "It would be presumptuous," she stresses überlegt, a moment and then says: ". I want to convey with my paintings fun and into it take the viewer into the horizon of life and in the view of the traces of God in nature"
However, it seems to provide point of contact. Similar is the Friedrich freelance Künstlerin focus on landscape painting. In the area of \u200b\u200bacrylic painting their pictures with Biblical statements are particularly important. Known for her works that represent an empty cross. "The Cross is first for death. But Jesus did not remain on the cross, He rose again, death has überwunden. "This is why the cross for me, a symbol of joy and happiness." And just in this statement can Karola Onken discover a relationship to the images of CD Friedrich. They are particularly fascinated by his painting "canyon", which was 1823 on the Elbe Valley. "The rocks rise up to heaven seem to aspire to God. For me, printed in the painting and the desire of the artist to God, "says Karola Onken in a low voice.
stammt Karola Onken aus der Gegend von Stralsund. 1945 flüchtete ihre Familie nach Delmenhorst bei Bremen. Während der Kriegswirren gingen Originalgemälde von Caspar David Friedrich verloren, die sich damals im Besitz ihres Vaters befanden. „Ein unermesslicher Verlust“, sagt Onken heute. Schon als kleines Kind zeigte sie großes Interesse für Kunst. Als sie im Religionsunterricht ein Bild über die „Speisung der 5000“ malte, sagte ihre Lehrerin, das könne nicht von ihr sein. „Diese Bemerkung hat mich damals natürlich tief getroffen, erst später wurde mir bewusst, dass es eigentlich ein großes Kompliment war.“
Tochter hat Talent geerbt
After school education Karola Onken studied art. But her professor put his own image in a series with those of Caspar David Friedrich. "This presumption could not stand me." So she turned to studying theology and worked as an elementary school teacher after completion. In 1968 she married the Rev. Christopher Onken. Karola Onken and Chris have four grown-up children and three grandchildren. Her 35-year-old daughter Friederike seems to have inherited the artistic talent. "Fred likes painting and developed a very own style," says the mother.
It is the fourth time that the couple visit Onken Saxon Switzerland to the tracks to walk by Caspar David Friedrich and be inspired. "The landscape with the many contradictions is fantastic. I love the light and the distance on the heights just as the darkness and tightness in the ground. "The Malerweg Karola Onken now knows very well. Despite this, the Künstlerin: "I will come again, for I have long been painted yet all that is to paint."
Sunday, July 25, 2010
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After Abi Abi is before!
keeping with this, I find myself now in the preparations for the next school year 2010/2011, which on Monday will start the 30th of August. When you consider that the written math graduation 2011 at 10.05. waiting for the student, are of course starts a mere 36 weeks until the high school math, say you have as of August 30, just 252 days to prepare you for your high school math. Sounds a lot? Wrong because it makes so sure some other things in your life, than learning math.
I get tutoring requests often just before graduating from high school (2-3 weeks before) and I'm always very sorry if I have to reject requests because I currently have to do "too much", but this shows the core problem - it pushes all the problem often before them, till it is inevitable. To work around this problem, I recommend in principle to take tuition in a low intensity (1-2 hours per week) to learn every day instead of 2 weeks before graduating from high school 10 hours. This
following advantages:
- It is pleasant to the human condition, since a certain continuity and sets the dear brain is not overly troubled.
- Dealing with mathematics is routine, and intuitive.
- larger degree of time flexibility.
- Better grades not only in school but throughout the school year :-).
Who should now take a tutor?
is the class went 12 for you? What were the scores in Analysis and Linear Algebra / Geometry? If you found this page already, then they probably were not quite as good as hoped, but we can change now. durchzustarten direct at the beginning of the school year with tuition, I recommend students who have failed the
- the school unfortunately and thus repeat the class of 13 need.
- in the 12th grade at least 6 points in a half (that is, grade 4 +) or worse in the witness had.
- in the 12th grade in an exam at least 4 points (ie, grade 4 -) had written or worse.
- say of themselves that they did not understand the issues of analysis and linear algebra / geometry.
would look like a "reasonable" tuition from school year?
That depends on where you stand in terms understanding. Most students who are interested in tutoring, but after passing the level 12 can not say of himself, that they have analysis and geometry (not to stochastics, which comes only in the 13) to mean that they could easily made her high school. Here I recommend to be set. A reasonable tuition on a monthly basis could look as follows: first
- Week: 1 hours tuition for current issues (homework, reviewing lessons) + 1 hour tuition Analyis.
- second Weeks: 1 hour tutoring at current issues + 1 hour + 1 hour tutoring in Analysis in Linear Algebra tutoring.
- third Weeks: 1 hour tutoring at current issues + 1 hour tutoring in Linear Algebra.
- 4th Weeks: 1 hour tutoring at current issues + 2 hour exam simulation in Analysis and Linear Algebra.
Finally but most importantly, I wish you a nice summer vacation :-).
Sunday, April 4, 2010
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Who am I?
Hallo zusammen und herzlich wilkommen auf dem Blog der Mathematik-Nachhilfeorganisation "Alex Kenneth".
Damit ihr wisst, mit wem ihr es hier zu tun habt und wer hinter der Marke "Alex Kenneth" steckt, möchte ich mich euch kurz vorstellen.
Ich hatte früher in der Schule Probleme in Mathe und bekam von meinem Mathelehrer in der 10. Klasse noch eine "Gnadenvier", damit ich durch die fünf im Zeugnis nicht für die Versetzung gefährdet bin.
Mathe war mein absolutes Hassfach und ein Lehrer hatte mir in der Mittelsfufe sogar mal folgenden Satz vor versammelter Klasse gesagt: "Du bist zu dumm für Mathe!"
In der elften Klasse habe ich dann den Spaß in mathematics and I have finally found my high school math with 14 points in the oral examination (ie grade 1) were successful. I have experienced myself how to develop a complete math-rivets in no time a real math whiz and this knowledge and experience I want to give you further.
I want to save your high school math!
have in the past three years I have helped here in Cologne and the surrounding area many "hopeless" cases to a good high school math. Students in mathematics to a 4, a 5 or even have a 6 and had never understood only partially, which is what analysis, linear Algebra and Stochastic goes, have written a few weeks or even a crash course in excellent high school grades and passed with ease.
(I had as a student last year who had written on Monday Matheabi and called me on Saturday before -. She was 5 and could not smooth We learned on Saturday 8 hours and 7 hours on Sunday it has math in Abi a written 2!)
What differentiates me from other "tutor"?
- I know from personal experience what it is to hate math and how that hatred can be to the interest
- I am not yet 20 years old from the state school heraus und weiß, wie Schüler denken und wie Schüler etwas begreifen, so dass sie es in unvorhergesehenen Situationen anwenden können
- Ich bin kein verstaubter Pädagoge, sondern ein lebensfroher Student
- Ich bin in der Programmgestaltung flexibel (Einzelstunden bei Bedarf, Crash-/LastMinute-Kurse, wöchentlicher Rhytmus, Nachhilfeflatrate - so lange, bis man alles kapiert hat!, etc.)
- Ich bin in der Location flexibel (Bei mir im Kölner Süden, bei dir zu Hause, etc.)
- Mir geht es darum, dass du das Thema verstehst und nicht nur gewisse Aufgabentypen rechnen kannst, damit du für alle möglichen Aufgaben gewappnet bist
- Ich arbeite ohne zusätzliche Kosten mit einem Konzept - wenn ihr spezielle Aufgaben habt, die ihr nicht versteht, könnt ihr mir sie kostenfrei vorab zuschicken und ich erstelle euch verständliche Lösungskonzepte für die Nachhilfestunde.
- Ich arbeite multimedial (Notebook, Whiteboard, Papier & Zettel, Denkmusteroptimierung, Black-Out-Eliminierung, Prüfungs-Simulation, etc.) und mit vielen alten Klausuraufgaben aus ganz NRW.
Nun, das sollte eigentlich klar sein . Klasse 12 + 13 mit Mathe GK . Wenn ihr LK habt, braucht it is generally no tuition [or you what you did wrong :-)] and if I would help "all" classes, the individual would be too short - so this limitation.
much does it cost?
Since I offer flexible and customized tutoring opportunities with a very high level of success, I can also specify any "general" price . There are simply too many tutors who take their responsibility seriously and do not even offer each individual student without viewing a flat fee - a flat rate according to looks, the quality of tuition. I'm not the cheapest, but I am someone who works goal-oriented and leads to success. Just a few examples so you know where you are about it.
- "Oh shit, I'll write tomorrow at 9 Matheabi clock, clock is 17 now - I need now seven hours tutoring" ~ That would be about 50 - 65 € per hour when it condemned the short term, I mean evenings scheduling tends to like and usually do even better have than to give up to 12 clock at night Math Tutoring: D
- "I'm just in the 12th grade and would have liked longer each week 2 hours tuition and in the weeks before the exams 4 hours "~ here we are at about 15 - 20 € per hour je nach Aufwand, Intensität, Frequenz, etc.
- "Ich schreib in 2 Wochen Matheabi und kann noch nix - ich brauch jetzt unbedingt eine Nachhilfeflatrate, also quasi 24/7, bis ich alles kann" ~ da es relativ kurzfristig ist und wir wohl verdammt viel zu tun hätten (immerhin 1,5 Jahre Mathe aufarbeiten), und somit Tag und Nacht arbeiten würde, kämen wir wohl bei ca. 1000€ raus, wobei ich dazu erst einmal die Zeit haben müsste ;o).
- "Wenn ich ab und zu mal Mathehausaufgaben bekomme, die ich nicht kapiere, brauch ich dich immer mal kurzfristig zum Helfen" ~ je nach Häufigkeit und zusätzlichen "Klausurbuchungen" 18 - 25€ pro Stunde.
You can reach me as follows:
Telefon: 0170/1497818 (Bitte auf die Mailbox sprechen, ich rufe dann zurück)
E-Mail: - wenn ihr eine E-Mail schickt, gebt bitte eine Telefonnummer an, da ich in der Regel keine E-Mails zurückschreibe.
Viel Glück bei eurem Abi...oder auch einfach nur viel Können ;-).
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base and base profiles as a dating aid in the historic building research
Since the first third of the 20 Century used by the base and base profiles on the dating of medieval buildings and presentation of construction progress. Most here is the collection and analysis of the so-called Attic-Roman based advanced. For the first time on a large scale has, above all Rudolf Pühringer his "monuments of the early and high Romanesque architecture in Austria" rendered outstanding service by a large number of Austrian base and base sections of the 12th - 13 Century published. Naturally, these analysis Attic-Roman Base profiles directly vehemently after the release of the publication Pühringer and criticized only by the Austrian colleagues shaft - especially as concerns the method - but it is the undeniable merit Pühringer, the methodological approach and similar material in a previously unprecedented scale of research made available have to.
Pühringer makes its chronological profile series in the first line on the basis of plasticity and steepness of the base profile (lower bead - chips - throat - chips - upper bulge) on. His study endet mit dem Auftreten der gotischen Tellebasis, welche zwar aus dem Profil der attisch-romanischen Basis ableitbar ist, jedoch letztlich etwas essentiell Neues bildet. Man muß den Kriikern Pühringers zwar zustimmen, daß die Reduktion der Analyse auf die beiden zweifellos zeitrelevanten Kritierien Plastizität und Steilheit der attisch-romanischen Basis alleine nicht ausreicht, um generell die Gesamtentwicklung des Profils zu erfassen, jedoch wurde mit der abschlägigen Kritik gleichzeitig der Blick auf eine weitere Entwicklung der Methode verstellt bzw. durch die Autorität des Hauptkritikers (unter anderem in seiner Funktion als Universitätslehrer) nahezu "abgewürgt".
Eine wesentliche Vorausetzung, um überhaupt draw up an analysis of the Attic-Roman base profiles, the exact measurement and detection of the profile. Pühringer and his critics have documented their profile shots by "free-hand drawings with individual dimensions. During his Pühringer profiles but in the memoirs of the Austrian Academy of Sciences - although certainly embellished and idealized - published, have disappeared from the students during a seminar or for a dissertation-made profile shots of the critics today and not verifiable.
One of the few, only a photocopy obtained profile shots, by students
of the art history department of the Univ. Vienna in the 50s (?) Of the 20
century were made. Neither the graphic quality of these hand-made by an unskilled
sketches, even the hard-line documentation of the profile
sufficient for an accurate analysis and chronology from.
very fact that only an exact representation of the profile an inter-subjectively comprehensible material inventory supplies may have led to the sometimes almost unintelligible "object awe" (you do not want a "builders" are confused), some art historians, the method of systematic collection and comparison of the profile is hardly involved in the recent research. Where profiles are still detected, this is done today by casting with lead wire, plastic mass, or - as in archeology long daily standard - with a profile gauge (gauge).
example of a profile series:
base and base profiles of the collegiate church of Heiligenkreuz (Lower Austria) in chronological sequence.
restored the interior and exterior walls of the profiles under revision, including the north transept are uniform and are the oldest group. The profiles of the western crossing piers form the transition between the older and the younger group between pillars. These correspond to the style level of the Scots Church in Vienna (from 1155). The profiles of the eastern crossing piers are similar in proportion to the Western, are but less steeply (restoration of the 19th or 20th century.?). The temporal firing form the facing against the Gothic hall choir plate bases.
In practice:
excerpt from a correspondence (21 12, 2009) about the problems with the profiles in Holy Cross:
She has been subtle structural analysis using the base and base profiles Alfred Schmeller in his unpublished dissertation (The Monastery Church Holy Cross and the South German architecture of the 12th century, Phil. Diss, Vienna 1946) presented. Schmeller it shows the continuous stylistic development of the profiles from the northern transept arm on the northern side aisle wall, the southern half of the West facade from the south-western Konversenportal on. Deviating from the different design of the pillar bases in the interior Schmeller dated to the period after the establishment of the outer walls. Unfortunately Schmeller profile drawings could not be traced, so this development today, especially because of the strong pillars profiles only restored after 1945 can be traced more limited. If it does not act at the recent profiles around a restoration product, correspond to the base profiles of the nave pillars stylistically similar to those in Romance of the Scots Church in Vienna, while the profiles of the western crossing piers or the stylistically earlier base profiles on the northern, western and southern sides.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
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The collapse of the minaret of the mosque in Bab Berdieyinne Meknes on 19 2. 2010 with over 40 deaths to have been caused by persistent rains which led to the (supposedly) built of mud brick mosque to structural damage. This is by rains from the earthen architecture brought about disaster in Meknes not the only one of its kind, although one of the most tragic period (See also on Blogger and Wordpress ).
Djenne (Mali) - the partial collapse of the Great Mosque
Already last year, on 5 November 2009 collapsed in Djenne (Mali), one of the four towers of the Great Mosque. The collapse took place after two days of torrential rains (75 mm of rain in 48 hours), the large quantities of mud deposited. Dead time there were not four men entrusted with the supervision received minor injuries. Several houses were destroyed by the rain. The Great Mosque of Djenne, after the destruction of the older plant built in 1907 and 1986, newly declared World Heritage Site. The four workers were engaged in ongoing since January 2009 restoration, which is operated by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture. ( source in french).
Martin Friedl berichtet am 22. November 2009 direkt aus Djenne unter dem Titel " Djenne, Moscheeturm eingestürzt und andere Kuriositäten " unter anderem (Auszug):
"Nach monatelangen Planungen wurde Mitte Oktober seitens der Aga-Khan-Stiftung mit Restaurierungsarbeiten begonnen, denn Spezialisten hatten im Vorfeld festgestellt, dass im Laufe vieler Jahre (waehrend des alljaehrlichen Festes zur Ausbesserung der Moschee) viel zu viel Lehm und damit viel zu viel Gewicht auf das über 100 Jahree alte Bauwerk geladen worden waren, jetzt war es einsturtzgefährdet. Der Plan: Abtragen von Lehm und Wiederherstellung des historischen Zustandes mir schlankeren Türmen, eckiger, zierlicher."
Das Vorhaben missfiel einigen, was zu massiven Protesten gegen den aufgeschlossenen Imam führte.  Mitte Oktober 2009 marschierten " durchaus angesehene Bürger und engagierte Muslime der oberen Schichten " zum Haus des Imam und zerstörten unter anderem dessen Auto: " seit langem ein Dorn im Auge manch so genanntem streng Gläubigem, wozu braucht schließlich ein Imam ein Auto! "
30 Männer wurden inhaftiert. Kurios-mittelalterlich die Reaktion: " Anfangs hatten die Inhaftierten noch die Meinung der Bevölkerung auf ihrer Seite, doch Then came the 3rd November, in a kind of ordeal (you can escape the printed output is difficult) as it were officially confirmed that the mosque would be better to restore it. "
Turkey, province Blikesir
tragic than the collapse of a tower of the Great Mosque in Djenne (Mali) was the destruction of the minaret in the Turkish village in the western province of Balikesir Yakuriyagcilar. This broke on Friday, 18 December 2009, a minaret together and killed four men who were waiting in the mosque for evening prayers go out to her. Two other people were injured rescued from the rubble. (Source: Siegried im Türkeiforum Side Manavgat . Siehe auch: Türkei, Minarett stürzt um und begräbt vier Menschen unter sich )
Türkei: Istanbul, Cihangir-Moschee.
Selbst der Literaturnobelpreisträger Orhan Pamuk, der in seiner Heimat Türkei lebt und arbeitet, macht sich über die Einstürze von Moscheen und Minaretten so seine Gedanken, wäre er doch – im Falle eines Falles – ein unmittelbar Betroffener:
“ Mit seinem Nachbarn, einem Bauingenieur, steht Pamuk nach dem zweiten großen Beben auf seinem Balkon und unterhält sich über den zu erwartenden Fallwinkel des Minaretts. ‘Es kann nicht auf uns 'Fall down, says the neighbor. 'Most likely, we pounce on the minaret! '"
And, as the Süddeutsche Zeitung in an review of Orhan Pamuk's book with the aptly titled" The view from my window. Views "section continues:
" Twice already, so give Pamuk's investigation, the Cihangir Mosque as a result of earthquakes and fires has been destroyed, in general, there are in Istanbul hardly a minaret, hardly a dome that would not have collapsed before. Orhan Pamuk all very interested. First, because he trained as an architect anyway you about Bauen und Bauten nachdenkt, zweitens, weil er verlässliche Erkenntnisse über die Sicherheit seines eigenen Wohnorts haben möchte.”
Ägypten: Kairo, Sultan Hasan-Moschee
Hunderte Tote soll es beim Einsturz der Sultan Hasan Moschee in Kairo gegeben haben. Zitat aus dem “ Wissensspeicher ”:
“ Ursprünglich sollten vier 80 m hohe Minarette die Grabmoschee schmücken. Nachdem jedoch einer der Türme eingestürzt war und Hunderte von Menschen unter sich begraben hatte, gab man den ehrgeizigen Plan auf und begnügte sich mit zwei Minaretten .”
Ergänzung aus der deutschen Wikipedia " After the reports of the historian al-Maqrizi the construction started in 1356. Contemporary documents indicate that there has been already completed in 1360 large parts of the building. 1361 but collapsed in the minaret, which was built above the main gate. This led to many deaths and was interpreted as a bad sign for the Sultan. In fact, he was assassinated 33 days later. The building was never really made ready ... " The English Wikipedia is even talk of 300 dead.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
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Berdieyinne Mosque (French: Berdaïne) wurde im 17. Jh. erbaut. Das Minarett stürzte am Freitag, den 19. Februar 2010 infolge andauernder Regenfälle ein.