base and base profiles as a dating aid in the historic building research
Since the first third of the 20 Century used by the base and base profiles on the dating of medieval buildings and presentation of construction progress. Most here is the collection and analysis of the so-called Attic-Roman based advanced. For the first time on a large scale has, above all Rudolf Pühringer his "monuments of the early and high Romanesque architecture in Austria" rendered outstanding service by a large number of Austrian base and base sections of the 12th - 13 Century published. Naturally, these analysis Attic-Roman Base profiles directly vehemently after the release of the publication Pühringer and criticized only by the Austrian colleagues shaft - especially as concerns the method - but it is the undeniable merit Pühringer, the methodological approach and similar material in a previously unprecedented scale of research made available have to.
Pühringer makes its chronological profile series in the first line on the basis of plasticity and steepness of the base profile (lower bead - chips - throat - chips - upper bulge) on. His study endet mit dem Auftreten der gotischen Tellebasis, welche zwar aus dem Profil der attisch-romanischen Basis ableitbar ist, jedoch letztlich etwas essentiell Neues bildet. Man muß den Kriikern Pühringers zwar zustimmen, daß die Reduktion der Analyse auf die beiden zweifellos zeitrelevanten Kritierien Plastizität und Steilheit der attisch-romanischen Basis alleine nicht ausreicht, um generell die Gesamtentwicklung des Profils zu erfassen, jedoch wurde mit der abschlägigen Kritik gleichzeitig der Blick auf eine weitere Entwicklung der Methode verstellt bzw. durch die Autorität des Hauptkritikers (unter anderem in seiner Funktion als Universitätslehrer) nahezu "abgewürgt".
Eine wesentliche Vorausetzung, um überhaupt draw up an analysis of the Attic-Roman base profiles, the exact measurement and detection of the profile. Pühringer and his critics have documented their profile shots by "free-hand drawings with individual dimensions. During his Pühringer profiles but in the memoirs of the Austrian Academy of Sciences - although certainly embellished and idealized - published, have disappeared from the students during a seminar or for a dissertation-made profile shots of the critics today and not verifiable.

One of the few, only a photocopy obtained profile shots, by students
of the art history department of the Univ. Vienna in the 50s (?) Of the 20
century were made. Neither the graphic quality of these hand-made by an unskilled
sketches, even the hard-line documentation of the profile
sufficient for an accurate analysis and chronology from.
very fact that only an exact representation of the profile an inter-subjectively comprehensible material inventory supplies may have led to the sometimes almost unintelligible "object awe" (you do not want a "builders" are confused), some art historians, the method of systematic collection and comparison of the profile is hardly involved in the recent research. Where profiles are still detected, this is done today by casting with lead wire, plastic mass, or - as in archeology long daily standard - with a profile gauge (gauge).
example of a profile series:
base and base profiles of the collegiate church of Heiligenkreuz (Lower Austria) in chronological sequence.

restored the interior and exterior walls of the profiles under revision, including the north transept are uniform and are the oldest group. The profiles of the western crossing piers form the transition between the older and the younger group between pillars. These correspond to the style level of the Scots Church in Vienna (from 1155). The profiles of the eastern crossing piers are similar in proportion to the Western, are but less steeply (restoration of the 19th or 20th century.?). The temporal firing form the facing against the Gothic hall choir plate bases.
In practice:
excerpt from a correspondence (21 12, 2009) about the problems with the profiles in Holy Cross:
She has been subtle structural analysis using the base and base profiles Alfred Schmeller in his unpublished dissertation (The Monastery Church Holy Cross and the South German architecture of the 12th century, Phil. Diss, Vienna 1946) presented. Schmeller it shows the continuous stylistic development of the profiles from the northern transept arm on the northern side aisle wall, the southern half of the West facade from the south-western Konversenportal on. Deviating from the different design of the pillar bases in the interior Schmeller dated to the period after the establishment of the outer walls. Unfortunately Schmeller profile drawings could not be traced, so this development today, especially because of the strong pillars profiles only restored after 1945 can be traced more limited. If it does not act at the recent profiles around a restoration product, correspond to the base profiles of the nave pillars stylistically similar to those in Romance of the Scots Church in Vienna, while the profiles of the western crossing piers or the stylistically earlier base profiles on the northern, western and southern sides.
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