Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How To Tell When A Verruca Gone

Saxon Switzerland Saxon newspaper: "In the Footsteps of the ancestor Caspar David Friedrich"

Karola Onken is a descendant of the great painter. Inspiration from the Künstlerin currently in the Saxon Switzerland.

Mareike Huisinga, Sächsische Zeitung 16./17.10.2010

Oberrathen. Friday morning. Thoughtfully, the lady looked with lofty hairstyle on the powerful Bastion rocks. Mist upwards. Only painfully, the sun can find a way through the overcast sky. Down in the valley of the River Elbe flows quietly. Karola thinks involuntarily of the desire Onken pictures by Caspar David Friedrich. This is hardly too surprising since the Lower Saxon from Oldenburg is the great-great-great-niece of the great painter who has created in the Saxon Switzerland including the famous painting "rock arch in Uttewalde reason."

sets in Karola Onken continued the talent: The 67-year-old is himself Künstlerin and guide, in these days in the Saxon Switzerland, a painting trip, which fittingly titled "In the footsteps of Caspar David
Friedrich stands.

The works of her famous ancestors Onken appreciates very much like to but do not presume to compare their art with that of Caspar David Friedrich. "It would be presumptuous," she stresses überlegt, a moment and then says: ". I want to convey with my paintings fun and into it take the viewer into the horizon of life and in the view of the traces of God in nature"

However, it seems to provide point of contact. Similar is the Friedrich freelance Künstlerin focus on landscape painting. In the area of \u200b\u200bacrylic painting their pictures with Biblical statements are particularly important. Known for her works that represent an empty cross. "The Cross is first for death. But Jesus did not remain on the cross, He rose again, death has überwunden. "This is why the cross for me, a symbol of joy and happiness." And just in this statement can Karola Onken discover a relationship to the images of CD Friedrich. They are particularly fascinated by his painting "canyon", which was 1823 on the Elbe Valley. "The rocks rise up to heaven seem to aspire to God. For me, printed in the painting and the desire of the artist to God, "says Karola Onken in a low voice.

stammt Karola Onken aus der Gegend von Stralsund. 1945 flüchtete ihre Familie nach Delmenhorst bei Bremen. Während der Kriegswirren gingen Originalgemälde von Caspar David Friedrich verloren, die sich damals im Besitz ihres Vaters befanden. „Ein unermesslicher Verlust“, sagt Onken heute. Schon als kleines Kind zeigte sie großes Interesse für Kunst. Als sie im Religionsunterricht ein Bild über die „Speisung der 5000“ malte, sagte ihre Lehrerin, das könne nicht von ihr sein. „Diese Bemerkung hat mich damals natürlich tief getroffen, erst später wurde mir bewusst, dass es eigentlich ein großes Kompliment war.“

Tochter hat Talent geerbt

After school education Karola Onken studied art. But her professor put his own image in a series with those of Caspar David Friedrich. "This presumption could not stand me." So she turned to studying theology and worked as an elementary school teacher after completion. In 1968 she married the Rev. Christopher Onken. Karola Onken and Chris have four grown-up children and three grandchildren. Her 35-year-old daughter Friederike seems to have inherited the artistic talent. "Fred likes painting and developed a very own style," says the mother.

It is the fourth time that the couple visit Onken Saxon Switzerland to the tracks to walk by Caspar David Friedrich and be inspired. "The landscape with the many contradictions is fantastic. I love the light and the distance on the heights just as the darkness and tightness in the ground. "The Malerweg Karola Onken now knows very well. Despite this, the Künstlerin: "I will come again, for I have long been painted yet all that is to paint."


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