Monday, December 20, 2010

Best Program For Coloring Line Art In Mac

the first to warm up

Dear traders!

that went even faster than expected. On Friday the money was already visible in the account. Therefore, I call the first trade, the test conducted as-trade. I also only have to get used to the platform, execution and the handling. Friday evening is generally the volatility in the low € . On falling 5 0 ema I entered short. When the trade was in a few pip Plus I have drawn the sl to deuce, and was stopped out shortly thereafter. At first it means to me once security and a relaxed attitude ewisse win. An analysis of currency pairs I have unfortunately been unable (working in conjunction with Christmas stress - a tough bread). This will be rescheduled but in any case the days.

I have my account linked to, boasting beautiful analysis options. From a certain number of trades I'll post the results from time to time, then goes to no trade.


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