Die Verwendung von Hausteinprodukten in der ländlichen Architektur Maltas.
Ein Rundgang auf dem Gelände des Freilichtmuseums im „Limestone Heritage Center“ von Malta führt durch einige rekonstruierte Bauten, welche wesentliche Merkmale und Eigenheiten der maltesischen Bauten auf dem Lande illustrieren.
Brunnen and stone cottage in dry-stone technique
buckle and bow are foreign to this archaic construction.
Here is the principle of "false arch" (Kragsteinwölbung, apparent curvature) built
. This technique dates back to prehistoric times.
repräsentaivere buildings used for ashlar masonry.
A curious solution, these "Katzentürchen" that are cut differently than we do, not from the
front door, sondern als schliefbarer Gang durch die Mauer gehen.
Interessant ist die Lösung der Deckengestaltung: Sie bestehen aus langen, dünnen Steinplatten,
die sich – wie in Malta nicht anders zu erwarten – über Kragsteine spannen. Die Kragsteine
und Platten schieben sich stufenweise in den Raum vor. Durchgänge und Portale hingegen
sind in Keilsteintechnik gewölbt.
Details aus dem rekonstruierten Vorraum
Die Küche ist mit Gurtbögen (Schwibbögen) überspannt,
welche the flat slab of stone wear. Applies a background in law
hearth and well. The water is often kept in
stone vessels. The porosity of the stone and the evaporation
the water is filtered and cooled.
kitchen stove and chimney bricks
of the more ambitious carvings include
Arches and wedge blocks which support the
flat stone slabs.
remarkable here is that not running all the stones of the arch as
voussoirs ,
are but partly as parallelepipeds, with irregularly curved
alternate voussoirs.
require step elements of a spiral staircase
careful editing wrong-angled surfaces.
The steps are wedge-shaped on the bottom beveled
(wedge steps) and are only
randlich to in the preceding stage.
straight running stairs are often only one side
integrated into the wall and have
no railings or a handrail.
The Ashlar walls are designed as a masonry shell.
outer shell between the cuboid is
a more or less bound by mortar
filling of stone chips (wall supply).
Here are presented various techniques Steinmetz.
Some tours can even create it yourself.
The end of the tour of the
Limestone Heritage Center is a compilation of various
stone processing tools in the Information Centre
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