China's architecture includes the historic buildings of China's most interesting architecture our cultural heritage. But not only the classical temple and palace buildings deserve attention, for the rural architecture offers some surprises. China is a country that is subject not only in the last 50 years enormous changes. On the way to a modern state is much like the victims - not always to the advantage of the historical heritage. On the other hand, China's past newly discovered - not least as a function of an emerging tourism industry. Some of the less impressive buildings have disappeared or are still soft to modernize, many will be saved or re-created on the old basis.
(Click to enlarge image)
Beijing - the area between the Imperial Palace
Beijing - the area between the Imperial Palace
and the Temple of Heavenly Peace
- before the Cultural Revolution.
2007 I went on - even before the hype of the Olympics - my first trip to China, which led from Beijing to Inner Mongolia. And I got a first glimpse into the diversity of Chinese architecture. Because I am fascinated not only the traditional Chinese buildings in the "high art", but darüber hinausgehend die einfachen Dorfbauten und ihre Bauweise, die in ihren technischen Lösungen auf überraschende Weise in manchem vom Gewohntem abwich.
China – Das Mauerwerk auf dem Lande
In den Dörfern Chinas kann man noch die einfache Bauweise der Gehöfte studieren, obwohl hier schon zu Mao’s Zeiten vieles modernisiert wurde. In vermehrtem Maße versucht man heute diese oft desolaten Gebäude abzureißen und durch Neubauten zu ersetzen. Dabei geht man häufig äußerst rigoros vor. Hier als Außenstehender ein Urteil zu fällen, ist problematisch und wäre voreilig, da hier komplizierte soziale und wirtschaftliche Wechselwirkungen zu berücksichtigen sind.
On the way to Inner Mongolia, I found farms showing a building a downright strange-looking variety of masonry types:
At first glance you can see in the background
two adjacent built farmhouse which
a common courtyard wall is in front.
It seems everything "in the green zone" to be a conventional
rural construction - stone and brick buildings.
A look at the detail, however, surprises:
The corner of the enclosure - they used to be part of a
building, which until the enclosing
was demolished - is next to rows of brick (brick), which were laid as
opus spicatum. The actual
corner of the building largely consists of blocks or block-like
the dressed stone (so-called right hammer stone masonry).
right corner to close irregular shift
masonry with individual blocks (spoils?).
building, which until the enclosing
was demolished - is next to rows of brick (brick), which were laid as
opus spicatum. The actual
corner of the building largely consists of blocks or block-like
the dressed stone (so-called right hammer stone masonry).
right corner to close irregular shift
masonry with individual blocks (spoils?).
Normally you would at this smorgasbord completely different types of staggered masonry (brick, opus spicatum, block walls, without rules masonry) imply different phases. The relationship between joint stock levels and locations of current compensation and the close integration of the different types of masonry, however, reveals the simultaneity of the brick and stone walls.
Another example of how different the Chinese make their
The oldest building has at least one stone,
the upper parts are plastered with clay. At this
house was planted right, because here is the clay coating
through the construction joints to the next building. The stone is
this recent crop of hewn stone, about
followed by a brick wall, and finally a Traufgesimse
with Sägezahnverband - in Europe would say:
"with a so-called 'German band'."
The brick masonry of the recent house shows
an interesting and decorative Association:
changes, it is usually a runner layer or
runner-binder layer with a rolling layer (upright Asked Binder) from
, resulting in a rhythmic sequence of horizontal bands obtained.
Also this young buildings received an extension. The base
besthet now no longer blocks, but more or less rounded
rubble. The overlying
Brick masonry wall is very little care.
We are although here also a tendency for bands like
horizontal structure by the Brick Association, however, happens
this by other means:
Opus spicatum (ears walls, herringbone pattern)
changes arbitrarily as with roll films. The clear and rhythmic structure
by runner-binder layers are largely missing.
is generally considered to be a strong
degradation in performance. Nevertheless, an attempt to accentuate
the wall surface visually.
the conclusion of the group of buildings forming a gate system,
welche heute durch regelloses Aufschichten einer
Trockenmauer funktionslos geworden ist.
Die beiden Torwangen weisen wieder die sorgfältigen
Ziegelbänder mit Wechsel von Rollschicht und Läuferschicht,
die schon beim 2. Gebäude beschrieben wurde.
Die Vorliebe für häufig wechselnde Ziegelverbände innerhalb
einer Mauer, ohne daß damit eine bautechnische Notwendigkeit
zugrunde liegt, fällt auch bei anderen Gebäuden der Streusiedlung auf.
Details: Läufer-Binderverband, durchlaufende Rollschicht.
more than 5 layers roll over each other directly; opus spicatum.
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