Monday, September 7, 2009

Cogat Test Practice Online Free

Malta - Limestone Heritage Center

The "Limestone Heritage Center" in Malta

The installation of the museum is housed in a former limestone quarry.

First stop is a representation of the prehistoric stone.

Prehistoric stone processing

Before the invention of the metal they used stone tools.
The transport was carried out on stone balls.

Typical stone hammers and stone tubers for processing.

model of a prehistoric temple, as is characteristic of the megalithic monuments of Malta.
later was used to extract and process the stone blocks of metal tools for splitting and trimming.

obtaining the ingots were in the quarry until the introduction of modern machinery

with long-handled digging Schrämhacken first vertical Schrämkanäle.
you made to the depth of the desired block height.

By horizontal driving iron wedges on the bottom und ...

an der Oberseite sprengte man den Rohblock aus dem Muttergestein.
Auch das weitere Zerkleinern der Blöcke erfolgte durch Eisenkeile.
Die Blöcke wurden anschließend mit schweren Eisenstangen vom Boden abgeschoben.

Das Anlegen von Schrämkanälen und anschließende Absprengen von Steinblöcken durch Keile kann schon in den Granitsteinbrüchen der Pharaonen (Assuan) nachgewiesen werden. Diese Methode hat sich bis zur Einführung moderner Steinsägen nur unwesentlich geändert.

Steingewinnung mit Steinsägen

In der modernen Abbauphase the Maltese quarry, the raw blocks
almost ready for sale with huge circular saws cut horizontally and vertically.
The consideration of the natural layering of the rock
which played at the stone split a role could be neglected.

The final stone blocks are normalized with the characteristic round
grinding traces of circular saws.

The walls of the abandoned quarry clearly show the differences between the cuts
modern stone saw traces of the stroke and the earlier geschrämmten Walls.

The section of the wall shown above reveals the one hand, the natural horizontal rock layers, on the other hand, the arc-shaped tracks of the blow Schrämhacke. Note that the matching curved Schrämspuren usually end at a natural boundary layer. The thickness of the ingot was thus related to the amount of natural stone layers (so-called Bankung ).

Typical trace of the horizontal grinding out stone saw with "circular saw blade.

The further treatment and transport was carried out by machines now.

For comparison, the manual processing and the easy transportation of the equipment vormaschinellen era.

The open-air museum also offers a range of stone working tools and a cross section through the use of Hausteinprodukten in the rural architecture of Malta.


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