Links: englische Ziegelarbeiter mit Holzmodeln (19. Jahrhundert). Dazu ein Video vom Tag des Denkmals 2009 in Mauerbach bei Wien.
Shibam im Wadi Hadramaut mit bis zu eight-story buildings (UNESCO World Cultural Heritage). Houses of sun-dried mud bricks.
is much older tradition of manufacturing of air-dried mud bricks. The following example shows how still the air dried mud bricks for the famous clay towers in Yemen are made with simple means. This simply requires a relatively breeige Lehmmasse mixed with straw and then piled on the floor. The brick size is determined by two-piece flat frame that is transferred to the smoothing of the brick mass to receive the next brick pair. Such scenes to photograph or film in Yemen is usually after a short time by the workers with reluctance to acknowledge the aggressiveness. This is understandable, since these workers are brick-like even some Kalkschläger in Yemen to the lowest social strata. This is particularly aware of them against the "super rich" tourists.
Other videos that deal with the production of air-dried mud bricks:
Morocco from the text accompanying the video: centuries, people have their houses in Morocco built of clay. For the hot desert climate is an ideal building material, in the summer cool, warm in winter. But the clay give way to more. The bricks produce takes a long time. Until they are dry, it takes up to two weeks. For too long, rapidly to the challenges facing the country made.The population grows. There is a lack of housing. Thus, all raised on the outskirts of cities tower blocks of concrete. This isolate much worse and so they have to be expensive cooled or heated. Only in a few rural communities seek nor the last craftsman to save their ancient architecture over time
Sudan from the text accompanying the video: clay bricks for Discover Sudan Bonn 2007 - We make adobe bricks. Don Bosco for her campaign Discover Sudan and show how people live in southern Sudan.
Germany : Damian Anba General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Germany reported the production of clay bricks for the restoration of the German Koptenkloster Brenkhausen.
the terminology ( Wikipedia etc.):
The brick is the oldest artificial device, he is fired from clay-loam.
The term "brick Is widespread, but so far amateurish as the natural product stone (natural stone), whereas the brick is a man-made building materials.
The brick , properly considered a brick (from the Latin "Tegula" 'tile': of "tegere" ['cover']) refers, is colloquially known as bricks. It is a ceramic material of the heavy clay and is used in construction. The term brick itself is preferred for the medieval buildings and is used mainly in the southern German and Swiss territory.
A adobe ( Adobe ) Is an unfired brick made of artificial clay that is used in the clay. A variation of the pure clay bricks is due to its lower weight and higher stability of the air-dried mud bricks with fillers such as sand, straw or animal manure (camel, cattle). The first bricks (mud bricks) were hand-formed and therefore irregular in shape. Brick with smooth coated form are around since 6300 BC from Mesopotamia known. This was 5900-5300 BC, developed the use of stencils. Between 3100-2900 BC the first time fired clay brick form was used extensively.
the adobe defined until 1971, DIN 1951 Generic term for Lehmquader, Lehmbatzen or green parts.
Lehmquader are made of slightly moist, lean (silkatarmen) clay. The clay is in forms (DIN) with dimensions of 12x25x38 cm crushed and then air-dried. Due to their high weight of about 20 kilos, they are difficult to stonewalling.
Lehmbatzen be a moist, medium-fat clay mixtures made of fibrous aggregates are attached. Here, a "lump" of clay is thrown into the wooden form.
green bodies are made of fat, which is "blue" so much clay, clay, industrial produced. Green parts are still unfired bricks in the brick factory as they are so like adobes mainly of clay and sand.
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