this time I will verwurschten a few of the Phtos I shoot from time to time when I was curious, or generally "different" look.
The nice girl but it is not strange, but as I said nice, I just wanted to show in the way of Japanese tourists in Vienna, her photograph the steak, my contemporary food. Yummy!
Note the Clock ... nice, no?
The house looks really to Vienna, I usually drop the houses that I would "expect", like so just one, not even on. You'll get another entry with the "alien", "southern", containing "Toulouse" Schmuckstückchen.
end of the selloff, which has become useless "Sold" - signs will be disposed of .... A small addendum to "All about garbage." Notice how I have captured reportage like the two women who sought out some of the hard cardboard signs.
"If you want to have my place, take my disability" - a disabled parking space. You have Raison, the French.
you have it? this is the French Alpine Club ... I've even understand that he is in such a state, but I had to laugh but, at the thought of the Austrian in my street in Vienna. Considered the ugly house and the lowered, dirty rusty blinds (it was Sunday).
On the trip to Lourdes I ate a banana. Ih assume it was a particularly original one, really natural. Suddenly a group of these black things in the middle. Certainly the seeds. I had banana trees can grow!
My new course has started, all new people, this time four Italians. one of them speaks French udn it sounds like Italian, great ...
The teacher I do not like to date so much as the last, but perhaps even more so I get used to it.
Until next time!
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