Gehts mad yet?
May I introduce, Cordes-sur-Ciel, Cordes across the sky. Medieval much get it hip and upper class. I am so happy that they have seen!

look over a railing to Cordes. Have I ever mentioned that the landscape here now and looks like Upper Austria? (This is where I come from, is located in Bavaria - for those who do not know that ...)
type is it hot cold, as my father says. First, their city is not only large and original (which I think is already great), and second, use "they", the Cordianer ... Corder ... Cords ... Cordone ... the people of Cordes halt (phu) the status of their tourist town right out of decorating, all flowers adorned with medieval-looking banners, flowers and crafts every house.
(crap, the flags you see in this picture at all.)
On the main square of Calder created the following images: first, wonderful Cordes / sky / landscape - Ensemble mit engelsgleichem Blondschopf, der das Podestchen zum Ferngucker besteigt.
Zweitens: In den Platz hineinphotographiert, um die Vielfalt der Touristen zu dokumentieren: im rechten Bildvordergrund der typische deutsche Rentnerreisende mit Phototasche (Deutscher war er wirklich), im Hintergrund links Menschen, die in unseren Breiten keine Touristen sind... ich mag das an Frankreich, irgendwie...
Drittens: Atemberaubende Schönheit, vor atemberaubender Landschaft eingefangen. Ich weiss nicht, wer die Frau ist, sicher ein Fotomodell, seht ihr die gekonnt-feengleiche Körperhaltung and the perfectly herabgehungerte figure?
Imagine, you're in a small plane that flies just a tight corner ... wwuuuuuuuaaahhhh ... exactly.
agriculture by Cordes. Typical brick deck as the houses. Parapet.
(It is said that one should in image explanations do not write what people can already see in the picture. This time I've made a joke, but basically I do not find it so wrong to point people to what one of his can read out view from the image. As you can see that you had to live so all the time with my descriptions?)
Milhars, or a city above the sky, or rather village, for the whole is quite small.
It's practically a village, which expire at an old-restored village was built. Although people living in the old village, but the living among the ruins more than it wants to say, the ruins dominate the village core, not the people. (My goodness, I'm clever today.)
Like all the old villages in the area (Occitania to tell the time - I will soon miss under) is also attached to this very well and with Castle would have been equipped. In Occitan was the heretical sect of the Cathars, concentrated campaign against the Catholic Spain (and the other because of them launched Inquisition!) Could defend, does not end, so the rich Occitan culture along with their own language is now found only in rudimentary .
(! History lesson for all of my friends jippiiie, and you can fight you not!)
give yourself's hot, cold, Proof 2: They restore an old house, is: take an old wall turn and build a new house. I think that's cool. The core village is like an exhibit in a museum.
a bad photo, but I will still show how Milhars composed in the area (the term was too much - I'll give it to me today, too hot, cold!)
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