Friday night ... ;-) I'm
Hello, my friends!
Now I have but actually forget my camera, of all places where there would have been to make so many beautiful pictures. You have just tried with one of my-comic attempts to describe all take to be content.
Across Toulouse dragged on Friday night a group of pre-annealed American, a Dutchman, a New Zealander and I do. We went through the most beautiful area - I have to leave the way for you again and take photos - and arrived half an hour later at a salsa restaurant, where about seven tired figures (like the 7 dwarves or the 7 sins) at the Bar sat, the dance floor was found. The doorman at the restaurant praised in glowing terms, to make us to stay.
We stayed that beduselten American, Dutch, New Zealander and I do.
It was quite nice, we (well, the Americans, the Dutch and New Zealand) made powerful mood and eventually got a few people that the art of Salsatanzens were powerful. To advanced Hours a budding American salsa dancing school and I the improvisational salsa, while the other American, Dutch and New Zealanders on the dance floor naughty things with a clothes rack performed. At about 2 clock
made our delegation on the way to a trendy gay (and lesbian) club that opens its doors by 2 clock and up to 8 clock remains open. An American gay man would have it, the rest of us were either cool sensation, followed by the mass or wanted to "lesbian girls kissing" look (the request was limited to male heterosexuals among us).
The club was said to be one of the kind where men actually in *zensiert* in *zensiert* *zensiert* machten. Ein Erlebnis, wie der Neuseeländer mir heute Mittag versicherte, von dem ich einmal meinen Enkelkindern erzählen könne. (Oder sagte er, ich solle es lieber nicht meiner Familie erzählen? Er sprach recht schnelles Englisch.)
Ich sah nichts von all den wundersamen Dingen, die man uns verheißen hatte. Ich sah nur Männer, die mich mit den sonderlichsten Blicken musterten. Sie benahmen sich wie überzogene Karikaturen auf Heteromänner, die beim Anblick eines Rockes zu sabbern beginnen. Und da ich sie für schwul hielt, könnt ihr euch meine Verunsicherung vorstellen. Dann sah ich mich auf den Tanzflächen genauer um und entdeckte, that there were only hetero couple quasi. Also sitting on the edge - always beautiful male, female, male, female.
There is a separate men's area, which I unfortunately had no access, so I shoot you, NOT the most infamous pictures EH could not anyway because I had forgotten my camera ... (Are you come?)
You can not have it all.
Anyway, I guess that was the strange-looking men straight people, like my American colleagues, the Dutch and New Zealanders were eager to see lesbians.
I talked over with a hetero pilots from Toulouse was no longer in the "Straight Club" on which he walked the Americans, and admired the late-night aching feet Toulouse, before I turned my bed the honor.
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