Thursday, July 27, 2006

Can Music Give You An Erection

Some curiosities about Waste

garbage --- I thought I cover in my blog at once the dark side of Toulouse, the dark, dark side, which would hide the spies bourgeois elite of the city so much.

occasion were two things: first

I completely by accident the "worst street" discovered by Toulouse: something away from the center, with two inactive and two active sex shops.
I was shocked!
is only then that I noticed that something else is not all over Toulouse. What a moralische Stadt!
Nun seht euch mal an, wie die schlechteste Strasse von Toulouse ausschaut:

Ihr dürft lachen...

2. Anlass: Romy, die zur Zeit in Marsseille ist, hat mir in den schillerndsten Farben geschildert, wie viel MÜLL dort überall ist --- in der ganzen Stadt! Ich war fasziniert, ihre Photos zu sehen, hier Roms Favorit (wenn ich mich recht erinnere).
Das Bild öffnet sich hier gerade nicht, wenn es bei euch auch so ist, dann schaut euch die beiden Links im Post unter diesem an.

Müll... Fangen wir mal mit der Menge an.

Wie überall ausser in deutschsprachigen Landen wird hier nicht viel Wert auf abfallsparende Verpackung oder gar Mülltrennung gelegt. Es schneidet mir ins Herz, das zu sehen!!!

Unten die Reste eines kleinen Joghurtsnacks.

Daneben, für Susanne: Lembas gibt es hier auch zu kaufen, sie behaupten, es seien belgische Waffeln. Die haben keine Ahnung!

Wirklich faszinierend aber die trotz Müllproduktion grosse Disziplin der Leute. Gestern wurden wieder einmal Getränkedosen als Werbung für ein neues Getränk verteilt, ganz Toulouse hat das Zeug gesüffelt.

Nun sehr euch an, wie die Leute mit ihrem Abfall umgingen:

I am excited by both the pyramid and the lovingly hung extra Ackerman.


At night revealed depths desert leaning big box parts, just on the wall. That's darker side!

Another downside: If the pyramid reached its limit, are the people that they are ashamed of, well prepared, the release of their feasting mannered easy to put in a doorway (the Papierln are!! Promotional material of the beverage company). After all, they are people, I thought.

To assure that this remains an excellent impression of the city, eager people are constantly on the road, remove the inevitable bird droppings and from the corner (!).

Finally, I can tell you that I was rarely viewed as many times as stupid in the last days, when I this "report" prepared for you ... hope she has a little amused.

Next time:

Toulouse, la ville rose.

Au \u200b\u200brevoir!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Ri Free Movie Espanol

Ich weiss gerade nicht, wo ich das sonst aufheben soll, also hier die Vorbereitung für den übernächsten Post hier, die euch nicht interessieren wird.

Ich bin leider im Verzug, weil der Server sich gestern nach einem LANGEN und GUTEN Post verabschiedet hat.
Ein schöner Grund, wütend zu sein ;-)

Monday, July 24, 2006

Undress Them Mod Oblivion

Almuth war in den Pyrenäen!! (Ich hab da einen Rechtschreibfehler drin und weiss einfach nicht, welchen. Das ist peinlich.)
Saturday to Sunday with the good Franck, whom you already know. I can not too much to write, little time, but I have many photos in his luggage:

small Lhasa, a medium-large city at the beginning of the Pyr ... (Grrr). Notice the color.

It looks very hazy and offense from, but in real it's really cool how a Gupf stands behind the other like the monk in Salzburg mountain before ... (Real mountain use) or as in this Chinese Restaurant-Chinese landscape paintings, the ...

A little disappointing for me: Something like "tree line" or other trinkets are not available. Lush, green forest and superficially. If one of the Alps gewöhnt ist, muss man sich umstellen, um die spezifische Schönheit dieser Landschaft zu erkennen.

Die Kirchen sind toll! Es gibt ihrer gar viele, auch sonst viele Zeichen von Religiösität: Kruzifixe an den Wegrändern, viele religiöse Kriegerdenkmäler...

Ich mag die offenen Glockengehänge (sagt man so?) und die Bauart. Allgemein ist alles so fahl hier in Frankreich, alles aus hellem oder gelblichem Stein gebaut. Bei der Fahrt durch all die kleinen Dörfer musste ich einmal an Schärding oder Oberndorf denken, da fällt einem der Unterschied dann noch viel mehr auf.

So that's a French design from the old mailbox :-)

veeery high up, I felt a little bit like in Tyrol, only without the hair-raising walks and karst cliffs.

Another Church: Romanesque. And beautiful.

Unfortunately, they are usually locked, the churches.

We are in the south!, That is, me. No sooner you come to the south, they plant palm trees already. Fascinating. In South Tyrol there are

palm trees, where man sieht, ein paar Kilometer weiter in Tirol gar keine. Die Pyr... (das ist peinlich) sind auch sonst interessant von der Vegetation her: Ich war echt begeistert von all den lieblichen Frühlingsblumen! Schafgarbe, Hahnenfussgewächse, und ein ganzer Haufen andere, die ich kenne, aber deren Namen ich vergessen habe. Es war gar nicht sehr kühl, aber anscheinend sind die Jahreszeiten doch soweit verfälscht in dieser Lage, dass es jetzt noch "frühlingt".

Auf der Rückfahrt nach Toulouse: Mure.

Eine Himbeerähnliche Frucht, die auf Bäumen wächst! Wer hat sowas schon gehört! Es ist wie im Schlaraffenland, wo die Brathendln grow on TREES, or was it the licorice?

Next time:

All about garbage. You may be curious. ;-)

Etiquette For Asking For Money For Birthday

The mountains The mountains

... im nächsten Post.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

De Color Hairspeaks Spanish

Friday night ... ;-) I'm

Hello, my friends!
Now I have but actually forget my camera, of all places where there would have been to make so many beautiful pictures. You have just tried with one of my-comic attempts to describe all take to be content.

Across Toulouse dragged on Friday night a group of pre-annealed American, a Dutchman, a New Zealander and I do. We went through the most beautiful area - I have to leave the way for you again and take photos - and arrived half an hour later at a salsa restaurant, where about seven tired figures (like the 7 dwarves or the 7 sins) at the Bar sat, the dance floor was found. The doorman at the restaurant praised in glowing terms, to make us to stay.

We stayed that beduselten American, Dutch, New Zealander and I do.

It was quite nice, we (well, the Americans, the Dutch and New Zealand) made powerful mood and eventually got a few people that the art of Salsatanzens were powerful. To advanced Hours a budding American salsa dancing school and I the improvisational salsa, while the other American, Dutch and New Zealanders on the dance floor naughty things with a clothes rack performed. At about 2 clock

made our delegation on the way to a trendy gay (and lesbian) club that opens its doors by 2 clock and up to 8 clock remains open. An American gay man would have it, the rest of us were either cool sensation, followed by the mass or wanted to "lesbian girls kissing" look (the request was limited to male heterosexuals among us).
The club was said to be one of the kind where men actually in *zensiert* in *zensiert* *zensiert* machten. Ein Erlebnis, wie der Neuseeländer mir heute Mittag versicherte, von dem ich einmal meinen Enkelkindern erzählen könne. (Oder sagte er, ich solle es lieber nicht meiner Familie erzählen? Er sprach recht schnelles Englisch.)

Ich sah nichts von all den wundersamen Dingen, die man uns verheißen hatte. Ich sah nur Männer, die mich mit den sonderlichsten Blicken musterten. Sie benahmen sich wie überzogene Karikaturen auf Heteromänner, die beim Anblick eines Rockes zu sabbern beginnen. Und da ich sie für schwul hielt, könnt ihr euch meine Verunsicherung vorstellen. Dann sah ich mich auf den Tanzflächen genauer um und entdeckte, that there were only hetero couple quasi. Also sitting on the edge - always beautiful male, female, male, female.
There is a separate men's area, which I unfortunately had no access, so I shoot you, NOT the most infamous pictures EH could not anyway because I had forgotten my camera ... (Are you come?)
You can not have it all.

Anyway, I guess that was the strange-looking men straight people, like my American colleagues, the Dutch and New Zealanders were eager to see lesbians.

I talked over with a hetero pilots from Toulouse was no longer in the "Straight Club" on which he walked the Americans, and admired the late-night aching feet Toulouse, before I turned my bed the honor.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Bleach Toilet Tablets Are The Safe?

The ... Where I live

I get the crisis.
can I use my last memory stick into my laptop ( daaaanke, Wanako !), And now I'm too stupid or confused to save even more beautiful in Word format. This time I'm with a nice long entry halfway happened to you, whom you will get tomorrow or the day after.
I'm sorry :-( I should

these omega 3 - try lozenges, rave about those two colleagues so that should make incredibly smart. Reminded me of Harry Potter 5, hehe ....

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Prescriptives Albinism

This time you shall get a glimpse of how I live here so ... I live in the same institution, in which there is also my course. (About 3 minutes travel time in the morning, and I'm still accessible by 2 minutes too late - if that sounds familiar, please meeeldeeen * g *!)

A very nice old building, as you see in the pictures can.

The first photo I wanted to demonstrate the variety of my Chinese colleagues, as funny as I have ...
... in the break today can not be met, they were as if the earth swallowed.
demonstrating But I'll just then the large number of American colleagues who are in the photo below, the majority (on the right is the only German-speaking colleague, of Hanover, if I remember correctly, the aptly is still in my course. We have the same pronunciation difficulties, this is very amusing!).

This is a photo of the break, I've just come back from shopping ( une baguette, s'il vous plaît! ) back. Nice ...
Until next time!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Pitchers Of Women Inserting Tampons

announcements :-) Finally I know

Today I have not much to report - We had a test to determine the knowledge of the stock's center. I felt very good.

I use the uneventfulness of the day to me honestly to thank all who have contacted me - I'm always terrible, THANK YOU!
not blame everyone else, of course, for heaven's sake ...!

Ah, yet I've got a message: Almuth remains in Toulouse until the end of August, and then with a few intermediate stations, which they will consider in detail yet, go home in September. The course is fantastic, I give myself one more month :-)

Monday, July 17, 2006

Jcpenny Bellingham Hair Salon

's ...


* * zischsch

Finally I know's ...
first why I feel so bad day.
second why I can not sleep at night.
third which language I will learn next.

first It has 35 permanently °. If you do not expect something, then it takes so long to notice it. Do not laugh.

second It has 35 permanently °. In the night I know it, but still far too much for me. I even bought a light sleeping pill a few days ago, and when I take it, I wake up hours before the Aufstehzeit around on (I know it's not just because I was always far too lazy to See) and roll myself. How is that actually, usually sleeps on one when the sleeping pill is no longer effective, or?

third Next I'm going to learn Norwegian. Or Finnish. Russian maybe. Or Swedish. Any language of a country where there are long, cold winter, with snow and two covers, one in which wraps itself in the night. Cold wind was good, so cold that one is glad to each additional layer of clothing. Like a mealworm come along I want eingemümmelt and satisfied. Red cheeks and the feeling of freezing snot in the nose. Yes.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

New Baby Like A Plant Poem

WATER!! The Garonne


Baden! Close to Toulouse, there is an artificial lake, as I was with a friend ( merci beaucoup! ) and finally was able to swim again something ... Ils sont fous

, ces Francaises! (The spin, the French) At least as far as their dogs. are allowed into the water and nobody gets upset, because each has a dog with HIMSELF!
Incidentally, it was not einfadch to shoot this photo without a lot of topless views, because that is quite normal in France to close to my friend.

Ah, nice, right?

C'est Franck, that you may also see the. He is a computer, very nice and symathisch and ..... and he has gsprogramm translations, which he this blog can translate, so I only write good things about him * gg * (No, he is really great ...!)

Evening ... warm wind was great!

And I once got soaked and become dry again!

you soon!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Poptropica Wheres Credit Store

The Garonne flows through Toulouse and has a nice name :-)
It is also quite good, and except for some places where the water can flow not very clean and clear, and it has several beautiful bridges . If I come over, and that is really only at the hottest time of the day, I will usually jump in and nothing but a swim ...

The first pictures I've seen of me made from "other" banks (insert all the ambiguous thoughts again, here you are ... ahem), where you can lie down on the grass nicely, as you wish to enjoy sun or shade. In the pictures songwriter already quite late, eight or half past eight. And it was still hot ... It is so hot at the moment here in the morning usually tolerable, from twelve clock or shortly after - brüüüüt ....!

This was early evening, on "my" Ufer, bevor ich über die Brücke zu dem Erholungsbereich gegangen bin. Soooo ein schöner Anblick, und soooo heiss...

An "meinem" Ufer gibt es eine schöne Strecke Promenande, mit schönen Häusern auf der einen Seite und alten Bäumen, die schon Schatten spenden...

An diesem Tag habe ich auch die letzten beiden Photos gemacht, von "meinem" Ufer. (Die hellen Sonnenstrahlen am vorigen Photo täuschen.) Das war wenige Tage nach meiner Ankunft, ich war so begeistert....

Dieses Bauwerk kennt ihr schon von einem der ganz sonnigen Photos, hier also nochmal grösser. Ich verspreche, ich kriege den Namen raus, das ist ja eigentlich meiner unwürdig, das nicht schon längst zu wissen!

Wenn ich meine Speicherkarte leergeräumt habe, will ich mal versuchen, ein paar Eindrücke von dem mediterranen Flair von Toulouse zu vermitteln... dürfte schwer werden für mich photographisches Nackerbatzerl, zumal die Eindrücke eher punktuell sind.

Na, schau'ma mal!

Alles Liebe!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Why Does It Take So Long To Adopt A Dog

Two small pictures ...

Diese Hauseingänge und Blicke in Innenhöfe sind wirklich eine Spezialität von meiner Road. Really beautiful to watch, coming on as an image over not so.

This image is for dad - so you can see how the Toulouse treat their trees, and the little "Moto" you will probably find quite interesting ;-)

Much love to you all!