Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Are You Fertile After A Miscarriage
Also echt!!!!
Wieso hat mich eigentlich keiner von euch zurueckgepfiffen? Konzentriert ihr euch nicht oder lest ihr gar nicht mit?
Ich habe in dem Post ueber die Doerfer ueber dem Himmel geschrieben, dass die Katharer gegen das katholische Spanien einen aussichtslosen Kampf ausfochten.
Nunja, katholisch und aussichtsloser Kampf stimmt ja, aber Spanien??
FRANKREICH. Ich war in Frankreich. Die Gegend, in der ich war (Okzitanien) ist nicht umsonst heute Teil von FRANKREICH: Weil die Franzosen den Kampf gegen die ketzerischen Katharer naemlich gewonnen haben und die gesamte okzitanische Kultur samt eigener Sprache fast vollstaendig ausrotteten. So war das. Heute gibt es noch ein paar Leute, die das Patoua (I do not know the exact spelling) speak, but in itself is all France. Harte story, right?
So once again: The Cathars sat against Catholic France to defend , and therefore Southern France is one of France and not Spain.
Sorry for the accident, in "Catholic" I am always more to Spain than to France, you can certainly understand ;-)
---- ***** ----
How I feel then?
Yes, super!
Rome is very hot now, I can understand now why everyone says you should not travel to Rome in the summer. But beautiful it is! The ruins are still standing, I eat Ice till you drop (it is so GOOD!) And do not want to ... home today had a hallucination of november Lichen Vienna Kaerntnerstrasse, wind, cold, all looking peevish and annoyed, and no smiles at me, pale sky, and also I have to go extra fast because I have an appointment .... och ne, I do not yet!
---- **** ----
For all, where I was in Rome for the last few days experience (will not stress write * revel *) have not been reported, although I would have to - do I'm sorry, certainly is not intentional, I think of you and look forward to hearing from you again or to be hearing from me!
This is after all a reason to looking forward to the coming home!
Monday, September 4, 2006
Can I Use Foil To Cover My Lasagna When Freezing
Rome! City of the drives as city of lovers, city of long warm summer nights, the center of the world, vibrant fabrics and unchanging insurance of the human population.
I must apologize that I allowed longer hear anything from me that I can not here the umlauts schrebien correct and that I can tell you enclose any great photos that I have already done in Toulouse and here! It's just too much to see here ...!
Romy and I've found a great, central and cheap accommodation and enjoy our time ... I am always thrilled to constantly somewhere ancient columns and statues appear - are often completely unmotivated real here in the area around (haha. ..), I seriously wonder why they have never put away!
And the food is so good!
and the ice!! UIn Toulouse cost a normal large / small ball almost always 2 € (two), here you get for 1.50 a ball, but what a ---- at two to three of us, I would guess .... A paradise!!
I love this city.
How are you all?
I will probably from 10 September his evening back home, then you should scold me again if I'm not good at answering your emails.
I'm looking forward to you all!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Building Railroad Tie Retaining Wall
world heritage site of international acclaim!
Ermlebnis unbelievable that they have seen!
Every visitor hovers on a cloud and comes back with the most ardent Begeisterungsschwüren!
Well, it's great - but Sun ?
I have seen in Carcassonne first DAS:

Forecasts of course, two other programs Vietnamese food. This is the dessert, I knew the court not by name and ordered it blindly, because I did not understand the explanation of the waiter TOO.
It was ginger.
Candied ginger.
For those who are now wondering: long story. At least two readers to know ... ;-)
I like the way ginger "not so much," except as a tea.
After ginger experience (I have bravely ate a few pieces, and finally Ginger is very healthy) I had one of the most important visit (hihi) attractions of Carcassonne: The bust of Monsieur Poubelle in the courtyard of the Museum of the fine arts.
The man is important! Will you say that you did not know him?
at all with knowledge of French: Now is the time to fish out her. What because again a Poubelle? Grübel ...
a dustbin! Who guessed it, get an ice cream donated! Monsieur Poubelle invented the trash. Imagine that he would not have been! Today we would still throw our garbage in some corner of the room and from time to time, laboriously scrape the ground with your fingers.
Darin, I tell you, it is the European spirit, in its inventiveness, the ability to recognize needs of civilization and to find a solution for them.
We thank Poubelle.
Is not that cool?
A real medieval castle, completely intact, with turrets and battlements, and all the trimmings. That's what Coool ... Of course hats in the Middle Ages probably looked slightly different, so has a story. But not much! Something like that, one can imagine the real.
The old bridge that leads from the modern lower town (Bastille) to the castle. In the castle (that is, the old walled city) to live the way today about 120 people. In itself it is dedicated to tourism.
The castle of Carcassonne, has a special, two city walls. This is where I've photographed in the space between them. All the way, you can only go with a guide, but the piece is also very nice, you have a beautiful view from the battlements and down the sand in the eyes of a fleigt (UAH).
So this is the view. Notice the colors! When I was homesick, then the netstand mostly in that I noticed that the colors of the houses are quite different than at home. There is simply no blue, pink or green houses, no houses and no block with shingles.
beige only.
This is a pole (the poles are always come before me), which dominates the ancient Roman and medieval art of playing, still used by two flutes at once. I always thought it was a strange double flute in the mosaics and frescoes, but no ...
He gave me a lot shown and explained properly super, man ...
found in the Basilica of the castle I have two impressive statues: in this RICHITGE comes across a lot of feeling, I do not know if it on the photograph we see. The gold was the way in real not as intrusive as in this case by the flash.
Jesus with a heart that is pierced ... strong visualization of what?
A castle, the "castle" to ... I was not inside, outside, it looked pretty monumental.
A street scene to reflect the impression.
And another! Notice how the whole is woven from tourism ...
Normally I photograph these people do not, but it was just so perfect!
Again the attachments, simply beautiful cliché ... Towers and battlements.
And another view ...
Barbes has been given a very large space dedicated to his statue here - but tell me quickly who was Barbes? Have to have something to do with the persecution of Jews, as much a memory shines in my mind.
the meticulously war memorial I've ever seen. The soldiers are not bad and making den Krieg trotzdem verdammend. Ich war beeindruckt. Das Denkmal ist für alle rezenten französischen Kriege, sieht man an den verschiedenen Uniformen.
Das musste sein!!!
Bild vergrössern und schauen, was da im Mittelpunkt prankt!
Ich sagte ja, Carcasonne ist eigentlich nicht so furchtbar toll. Dies ist die Unterstadt, naja. Ich bleibe bei Cordes über dem Himmel.
Sie hatten gerade eine spanische Woche - hat eine eigene Spannung, so ein getanzter Dreier, nicht?
I just wonder when I can again Schriber, namely after Tomorrow we ROMA! Yeah. let's see what will spin grooves there be lacking and full, ey.
up in Rome!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Bread Factorty Receipe
Gehts mad yet?
May I introduce, Cordes-sur-Ciel, Cordes across the sky. Medieval much get it hip and upper class. I am so happy that they have seen!

look over a railing to Cordes. Have I ever mentioned that the landscape here now and looks like Upper Austria? (This is where I come from, is located in Bavaria - for those who do not know that ...)
type is it hot cold, as my father says. First, their city is not only large and original (which I think is already great), and second, use "they", the Cordianer ... Corder ... Cords ... Cordone ... the people of Cordes halt (phu) the status of their tourist town right out of decorating, all flowers adorned with medieval-looking banners, flowers and crafts every house.
(crap, the flags you see in this picture at all.)
On the main square of Calder created the following images: first, wonderful Cordes / sky / landscape - Ensemble mit engelsgleichem Blondschopf, der das Podestchen zum Ferngucker besteigt.
Zweitens: In den Platz hineinphotographiert, um die Vielfalt der Touristen zu dokumentieren: im rechten Bildvordergrund der typische deutsche Rentnerreisende mit Phototasche (Deutscher war er wirklich), im Hintergrund links Menschen, die in unseren Breiten keine Touristen sind... ich mag das an Frankreich, irgendwie...
Drittens: Atemberaubende Schönheit, vor atemberaubender Landschaft eingefangen. Ich weiss nicht, wer die Frau ist, sicher ein Fotomodell, seht ihr die gekonnt-feengleiche Körperhaltung and the perfectly herabgehungerte figure?
Imagine, you're in a small plane that flies just a tight corner ... wwuuuuuuuaaahhhh ... exactly.
agriculture by Cordes. Typical brick deck as the houses. Parapet.
(It is said that one should in image explanations do not write what people can already see in the picture. This time I've made a joke, but basically I do not find it so wrong to point people to what one of his can read out view from the image. As you can see that you had to live so all the time with my descriptions?)
Milhars, or a city above the sky, or rather village, for the whole is quite small.
It's practically a village, which expire at an old-restored village was built. Although people living in the old village, but the living among the ruins more than it wants to say, the ruins dominate the village core, not the people. (My goodness, I'm clever today.)
Like all the old villages in the area (Occitania to tell the time - I will soon miss under) is also attached to this very well and with Castle would have been equipped. In Occitan was the heretical sect of the Cathars, concentrated campaign against the Catholic Spain (and the other because of them launched Inquisition!) Could defend, does not end, so the rich Occitan culture along with their own language is now found only in rudimentary .
(! History lesson for all of my friends jippiiie, and you can fight you not!)
give yourself's hot, cold, Proof 2: They restore an old house, is: take an old wall turn and build a new house. I think that's cool. The core village is like an exhibit in a museum.
a bad photo, but I will still show how Milhars composed in the area (the term was too much - I'll give it to me today, too hot, cold!)
Friday, August 25, 2006
Using Joystick With Blazing Angels
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Wishing Well And Doing Well Unto Others
Hallochen, meine Lieben,
nun habe ich euch aber lange warten lassen. Irgendwie hat mich das Bilderhochladen gefuchst, zumal ich ja auch noch besonders viele Bilder hochladen wollte, ich konnte mich diesmal nciht halten.
Dies ist in der Erzählung der ERSTE Eintrag über Bordeaux, der darunterliegende ist der ZWEITE. (Sonst ist der letzte ja immer der aktuellste, aber da ich hier einen Eintrag zweigeteilt habe - voilà.)
Wieso bin ich nach Bordeaux gekommen?
Eigentlich wollte ich mir Carcasonne anschauen, eine wunderschöne Stadt mit mittelalterlicher Burg und was weiss ich.
Ich war rechtzeitig am Bahnhof, kaufte mein Ticket und begab mich zum Bahnsteig. Mein Zug sollte um 10.04 Uhr gehen, es gab einen um 10.03 und einen um 10.05, ich nahm den um 10.05. Mitten auf der Strecke blieb er stehen, irgendein Problem. Ich kam mit einer netten Mitreisenden ins Gespräch, die nach Bordeaux fuhr. Sie fragte mich aus, wie man das halt so macht: Woher kommen Sie, was machen Sie in Toulouse, wohin fahren Sie, was nach Carcasonne?, das ist doch die ganz falsche Richtung, da haben Sie sich aber sehr vertan, na interessant, was wollen Sie denn jetzt machen?
Ich entschloss mich, Bordeaux anzuschauen. I had already heard much of their wine, I thought, since their city can not be that bad. Especially since I use the delay and the long journey to Bordeaux total of 3 hours was underway. Hin, not back.
It paid off!
Such a beautiful city, so cozy! Quite different, but yet again just the same as Vienna, I loved it.

lunch I ate at a Chinese all-you-can-eat buffet in a land that was not nice "papp" hätte ich nciht mehr sagen können...

Dies ist ein Platz, der dem grössten Historiker der Stadt gewidmet ist (hallo, Kollege!) , der mit seinen Ausgrabungen die römische Vergangenheit Bordeauxs aufgedeckt hat. Auf dem Monument zu seinen Ehren haben die politisch aktiven Linken kunstvoll ihre Meinung gesprüht - mir fiel auf, dass ich so etwas in Toulouse nie gesehen hatte...
... ebensowenig wie Plakate wie dieses hier. Ich muss mich kundig machen, was diese Constitution Giscard für ein Teufelszeug ist.
This, dear people, not by the annual city marathon is from Bordeaux, but a Zwickeltag / Purchasing Monday (for the German friends: Fenstertagmontag) .
views of the city, it is not schööön? I permitted me to climb the bell tower of the church ... Mist, a church and was rewarded nicely for it.
Here the church in the background and something of the modern part of town. A Bordeaux (Bordeaux, Bordeauxiner, Bordeauser? I stay in the good old wine. A resident of Bordeaux halt) klärte mich auf, dass die Stadt viel grösser aussehe, als sie sei, da die Häuser sehr niedrig seien und die Leute daher auf grösserer Fläche lebten als in anderen Städten. Wäre mir nicht so aufgefallen, aber wird wohl stimmen...
Das bin ich, nunja... gefällt mir wieder mal nicht so gut, das Photo... ihr kennt das ja... ;-)
Diese süssen Tierchen findet man ganz oben auf dem Turm, ist das nicht allerliebst? Ich hätte mir am liebsten eines zum Leben erweckt und mitgenommen!
There they are again, artfully placed together with the city scene.
The text follows the next entry for sure!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
How To Get Doujin Moe Free Account
So, folks, after yesterday's first set here follows the second part of Bordeaux . (Part one of a about it.)
A nice coffee shop, or that I've since searched? I was pretty down from walking and wanted to get my bearings, which route I take on the best way to see and not to miss the train.

Well, then I have really seen a lot!
This, for example.
Broad Street! When
I've seen the last? Right, in Vienna. This inspires Bordeaux slightly homesick, although I did not even Vienna so much love ...!!
One more proof of the similarity between Bordeaux and Vienna.? The Grand Theatre (Grand Theatre) of the City Na Na Na What is it ;-)
get the whole thing? a little to make less superficial: most of the architecture of Bordeaux from the 18th century, which explains both the differences and the similarities with Vienna, the city is substantially even from early days / historicism dominated ((19th century).. Almuth lecturer has spoken ... ;-) )
Place des Quinquonces... und ich habe immer noch nicht rausgefunden, warum er so heisst!
In Asterix wird ja vorgeschlagen, er sei nach einer römischen Heeresformation benannt worden, die ein Zenturio, dessen Namen ich vergessen habe, von senen Legionären angewendet haben wollte, als Asterix und Obelix sich den Sack mit den Spezialitäten (lange Geschichte...) schnappten, um ihre Tour de France zu beenden.
Irgendwie glaube ich das aber nicht so recht...
Der Platz befindet sich jedenfalls am Rand der Garonne, die, wie wir alle wissen, ja auch durch Toulouse fliesst. (Ich überlegte ernsthaft, mich einfach to throw into the water and to drive me home. I then left because I was not sure whether the water flows in the right direction.)
These Frenchmen having these really weird bows ... Paris in a bunch ... Toulouse at least one (you know him) ... here a completely unmotivated (Hi Susan!) standing in the middle of town, at the beginning of the Boulevard Victor Hugo, whom I should go in, and in a line to a Garonnebrücke.
This Bordeaux (I still do not known how the little people) are not very satisfied with their city! Constantly road works, a blot on the field of view, like this:
This, dear audience, is the Grande Glochem, the big bell.
I just wanted to hang times just the rooftops: This was my lover shaft for large bells and garlands free Glock initially satisfied.
(Oh, what I am today ... funny * g *)
Glochem The Grande is the bell tower for those beautiful church in which there is, among other things this great statue. I find it awesome, it increases you but (simply click) and look up to you how the relationship between the faithful and the saints is designed.
(Hat now mitgekriegt eh none that I've omitted the name of the church? St Egide, I think ...)
constantly build something, this Bordeaux, to their churches (St Michel this time) also. Almost like the Viennese St. Stephen's Cathedral, kopfschüttel.
In the foreground a supplement to the garbage: So does that mean in Bordeaux ... remains one of the greatest sights of Bordeaux.
And since we are "already" at the end my involuntary, but very nice trip to Bordeaux.
The station, here because he reminds me so to Hamburg. this must also what to do with the century have ...
love and best wishes!