much math in little time
The habe ich mir dieses Jahr zum Motto gemacht. Entsprechend möchte ich euch nächstes Jahr einen Crash- bzw. Intensivkurs für die Abiturvorbereitung anbieten.
Oftmals ist es ja so, dass sich vor allem sozial schwächere Familien leider keine Nachhilfe mehr leisten können und die eigenen Kinder somit im Lernwettbewerb benachteiligt werden. Oftmals verschiebt man die Vorbereitung auf das Abitur auf die letzten Wochen und sieht sich plötzlich vor einen schier unlösbaren Aufgabenhaufen gestellt. Oftmals hat man auch einfach nicht die Motivation, regelmäßige Nachhilfe über eine längere Zeit hinweg durchzuhalten.
Dem möchte ich entgegen wirken!
Das schriftliche Mathematik-Abitur findet held on 05/10/2011. In March 2011 (and a correspondingly large crowds and again in April 2011) I offer an intensive workshop or an intensive seminar for high school preparation. On two consecutive weekends, we will resolve at the two days (Saturday and Sunday) the subjects Analysis and Analytic Geometry from the absolute basics here and reach a level, where problems from unsolvable suddenly familiar item types.
But now to the facts:
- intensive workshop-school mathematics in March 2011 (when large crowds and again in April 2011). Exact dates will be announced in early February. Approximate dates: 26/03/2011, 27/03/2011, 02/04/2011, 04/03/2011
- 2 weekends of two days â 5 hours per day (+30 and 60 minutes (lunch) break)
- Topics: Analysis and Analytic Geometry. Why not Stochastics and transition matrices? Well, these two topics are not taught in all schools, while analysis and analytic geometry are a must.
- time: Saturdays: 10:00 - 12:30 clock and 13:30 - 16:00 clock & Sundays: 13:00 - 16:00 clock and 17:00 - 19:00 clock
- Place: Will the participants announced at registration. The seminar room is easy with the KVB from the city (Haymarket, Cathedral, Rudolf place) away.
- Group size: Da ein intensives Arbeiten und Verstehen garantiert werden soll, beschränkt sich die Gruppengröße auf maximal 15 Teilnehmer. Der Kurs wird stattfinden, sofern sich 7 Teilnehmer angemeldet haben.
- Kosten: Der Kurs ist zu einem Betrag von 99€ buchbar (= 4,95€ pro Stunde) . Ab dem 07.03.2011 zu einem Beitrag von 124€ (Last-Minute!) (= 6,20€ pro Stunde).
- Anmeldung: Die Anmeldung erfolgt telefonisch über 0170/1497818 .
- Zahlung: Eine Anzahlung des Kursbeitrages i.H.v. mind. 25€ ist im Vorfeld per Banküberweisung bis spätestens 14 Tage vor Kursbeginn zu entrichten. Eine zinsfreie Ratenzahlung über mehrere Months is possible. The final payment must be made no later than the first day of the seminar (in cash), they should not have been previously made.
- confirmation: A confirmation will be given by telephone with the first installment payment and e-mail. On special request by post.
- Disease: Should the participant fault (eg illness, final medical evidence be provided by the participant) may not be possible to do the course, he will be refunded their payment less a 10% administrative burden.
- Cancellation: Should the participant cancel for other reasons, does the following scheme:
- cancellation until 2 weeks before the course: Refund 90% of the payments made
- Out to 1 week before the course: Refund 60% of the payments made
- cancellation before the course starts: refund 25% of the payments made
- If the price of unforeseeable reasons can not take place (car accident and hospitalized for the seminar management, fire in the seminar room, etc., etc.), the participants 100% of the payments already made will be refunded.
- If the course due to insufficient numbers come into existence, all registered participants the payments already made will be refunded 100%.
- waiting list: should log in more than 15 participants, the other participants will be placed on a waiting list and considered for a second course in April. Should a participant fail spontaneous course of March, back to the participants from the waiting list.
- 20 hours mathematics tuition in small groups to socially acceptable dumping price of 4.95 € per private lesson.
- detailed placement of the required teaching material for the high school mathematics in analysis and analytic geometry.
- Extensive script on both topics to Reference.
- Extensive collection of exercises (including former school tasks) with sample solutions for practice (200 sheets).
- for meals (drinks: Cola, water) are provided. Can eat with or to be organized in pizza / kebab shops in the vicinity, with the consumption of food in the meeting room of any kind is strictly forbidden.
- arise in the context of other high school preparation questions, the student must provide me with selbige by e-mail and will then immediately receive a response.
I look forward to you and wish you every success in high school :-)