Von 1992 to 1997, the Western system of St. Stephen's in Vienna at the center of interdisciplinary research projects. Bauarchäologisch the-art historical studies were later continued in another form and with different aims, with shifted the emphasis is on cooperation between conservators, restorers and technicians excavation. Also, there was a methodological change.
The results of the bauarchäologisch-art historical research from 1992 to 1997 in 2008 on the basis of the manuscript from 1997 (!) Published after the meantime the original manuscript in the editorial could not be found. The publication of 2008 took place without agreement of the author and without the possibility of Correction (Galley), or upgrade. It may therefore not surprising that are discussed in this publication appeared after 9 years of questions, which were confirmed after 1997 by other architectural analysis and archaeological excavations or corrected, and thus are actually obsolete.
The original manuscript can be found at " results of the recent bauanalytischen investigation on the western system and the" Giant's "St. Stephen's in Vienna .
Because of the long delay in publishing the results were published after 1997 in several lectures. A complete list of publications by the author on the subject found unter “ Bauarchäologisch-kunsthistorische Untersuchungen am Westbau von St. Stephan in Wien 1992 – 1997 ”.
Man vergleiche dazu die gedruckte Publikation:
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für
Herausgegeben von Artur Rosenauer.
Band 8
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Der Wiener Stephansdom
Forschungen und Materialien
Herausgegeben von
Artur Rosenauer
Barbara Neubauer
Band I
Friedrich Dahm
The Riesentor
architectural and art history
Austrian Academy of Sciences Academy
Vienna 2008
Rudolf Koch, results of bauanalytischen investigation on the Western system and the Giant's St. Stephen's in Vienna, p. 107-130