Saturday, August 29, 2009

How To Word An Add For A Church Anniversary

St. Stephen's in Vienna - 5 years Building

Von 1992 to 1997, the Western system of St. Stephen's in Vienna at the center of interdisciplinary research projects. Bauarchäologisch the-art historical studies were later continued in another form and with different aims, with shifted the emphasis is on cooperation between conservators, restorers and technicians excavation. Also, there was a methodological change.

The results of the bauarchäologisch-art historical research from 1992 to 1997 in 2008 on the basis of the manuscript from 1997 (!) Published after the meantime the original manuscript in the editorial could not be found. The publication of 2008 took place without agreement of the author and without the possibility of Correction (Galley), or upgrade. It may therefore not surprising that are discussed in this publication appeared after 9 years of questions, which were confirmed after 1997 by other architectural analysis and archaeological excavations or corrected, and thus are actually obsolete.

The original manuscript can be found at " results of the recent bauanalytischen investigation on the western system and the" Giant's "St. Stephen's in Vienna .

Because of the long delay in publishing the results were published after 1997 in several lectures. A complete list of publications by the author on the subject found unter “ Bauarchäologisch-kunsthistorische Untersuchungen am Westbau von St. Stephan in Wien 1992 – 1997 ”.

Man vergleiche dazu die gedruckte Publikation:

Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für
Herausgegeben von Artur Rosenauer.
Band 8

Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Der Wiener Stephansdom
Forschungen und Materialien
Herausgegeben von

Artur Rosenauer
Barbara Neubauer
Band I

Friedrich Dahm

The Riesentor

architectural and art history

Austrian Academy of Sciences Academy
Vienna 2008


Rudolf Koch, results of bauanalytischen investigation on the Western system and the Giant's St. Stephen's in Vienna, p. 107-130

Spanish Wedding Reception Programs

The Charterhouse of Mauerbach

The former Carthusian monastery of Mauerbach near Vienna is the oldest of this order in Austria. As a sovereign's founding in 1313 by the Habsburg Friedrich founded the Fair, it was 1782 as the first monastery Reform of the Church under Emperor Joseph II of the same sex to the victim. Unlike the two younger Kartausen in Gaming (1330 - 1782) and Aggsbach (1380 - 1782) was from the medieval monastery in Mauerbach received not a single building in its entirety, apart from the approximately centrally located in the large cloister garden cemetery chapel . Even this 1409 chapel was built in the 19th Schauer'sche Century changed rigorously.

From the history of the monastery, the destruction by fire and looting of 1529 (first Turkish siege), and especially through the whole of Vienna and Lower Austria, badly affected by earthquake-withdrawing Neulengbach in 1590 announced that extensive renovation and remodeling of the entire medieval monastery required. taken a few years after the partial temporary repair of the monastery and the church Neuweiher (1607 forgat by Bishop of Nitra) was from 1616 under the Prior George Fasel the architectural redesign of the Charterhouse in attack. This building, which still determines the sovereign designed facility marks a distinct break between the medieval and early-Baroque monastery complex. From the late medieval buildings to the Gothic church were a few walls from floor level in preserved, while most of the other monastic buildings now only by archaeological excavations can be developed.

[more ... The medieval and early-Baroque monastery of Mauerbach from the historical point of view


Friday, August 28, 2009

Boler Camping Trailers

Josef Plecnik

Josef (Josip, Jozef) Plecnik (* Ljubljana, 1871, + Ljubljana 1957) extended from 1925 to 1927 the Church of the Ascension in Bogojina, Slovenia, is regarded as one of his major works. However, the construction is at least in the German websites usually stiefmüttlerlich therefore to be treated, as it is at all Josef Plecnik in this respect most in the shadow of Otto Wagner. [ more at: Josef Plecnik Bogojina, Ascension Church]

work of art which is of high quality planning Josef Plecnik for the central cemetery in Zale Ljubljana - Ljubljana, Slovenia to be seen, in 1938 - was 1940th
[ more: the Zale Cemetery in Ljubljana ]

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Calories In Vegetarian Stir Fry

Bauhistorisches vom Martinsturm in Bregenz

Martin The storm was still in the first half of the 13th Century in direct connection with the construction of the city walls were built.

Even in the first half of the 14th Century, before the documentary mention of a chapel foundation by Count William III. de Montfort, Lord of Bregenz, on the first floor of the late Romanesque tower by removing a small frescoed walls with wooden chapel was built. This chapel had a flat altar bay ... [more ...]


  • Introduction
  • Historical facts and research hypotheses
  • herd test - Characteristic Baugefüges
  • attempt at architectural reconstruction

Whats Needed To Build A Bmx

Ried am Riederberg: ehem. Franziskanerkloster

About 600 m southwest of the hill of Rieder's located in the Klostertal called a ruined Gothic church nave. Since the mid-19th Century. is it with the Turks destroyed in 1529 by the Franciscan Observantenkloster S. Maria Paradyso brought "together. is

The fate of the monastery in a Chronik des Franziskanerordens aus dem Jahre 1740 berichtet, daß das Kloster auf Veranlassung von Johannes Kapistran durch den späteren Generalvikar der österr. Ordensprovinz, Gabriel von Verona, als Ausbildungsstätte und Studieranstalt für den in Österreich neu entstandenen Franziskanerorden der strengen Observanz gegründet wurde. Für die Platzwahl abseits der großen Siedlungen war die weltferne Abgeschiedenheit des Ortes ausschlaggebend, der Gabriel von Verona von frühen Reisen her bekannt war.

Das Franziskaner-Observanten-Kloster bei Ried am Riederberg wurde um 1455 anstelle einer älteren, wohl aus dem 14. Jhdt. stammenden Laurentius-Kapelle errichtet und diente als Ausbildungsstätte der durch Kapistran launched by Austrian Province. In a first phase to the fire in 1509 is likely to have used the old chapel as a monastery church. Then you restored the system and changing it, especially in the western part of the church. From the same period another large building is above the church, probably an economic tract near the monastery Bründl. After the destruction of the monastery by the Turks in 1529 is expected at the site continue to have passed a small chapel of St. Lawrence, which in the 19th Century. had already fallen into oblivion. At this time began the surrounding population, the church ruins be plotted as a quarry until the 20th Century. was placed under protection.

[ more ... ]

of Contents: Introduction

Raylene Richards Kiss Me

Michelangelo und das Kapitol in Rom

Die Gestaltung des Kapitolinischen Hügels, die Papst Paul. III. 1539 in Auftrag gab, stellte für Michelangelo seine bislang größte urbanistische Tätigkeit dar. Michelangelo hatte dabei einen Platz vor sich, der auf eine lange geschichtliche Tradition zurückblicken konnte, und der immer wieder Ort politischer Machtdemonstrationen war.

[mehr …]

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Accutane And Flat Warts

Figurentransport im alten Ägypten

Justierlöcher ("Stemmlöcher") an ägyptischen Großbildwerken

P1262440.JPG Im ersten Hof des Tempels von Karnak erhebt sich die imposante Monumentalfigur Ramses' II., die Pinudjem ursupierte. An ihrem Sockel befinden sich in regelmäßigem Abstand Paare von sogenannten "Stemmlöchern". Sie dienten der Endjustierung dieser monolithen Großplastik. Zahlreiche Löwen- und Widderplastiken der Sphingenallee weisen die gleichen Löcher am Sockel auf. Auch hier wurden die schweren Skulpturen auf ihren Podesten endjustiert. Die Technik der Justierung mit Stemmlöchern ist jedoch schon bei Megalithbauten der Stein-Kupfer-Zeit auf Malta in vergleichbarer Form nachweisbar, ohne daß damit unbedingt auf einen kulturellen Zusammenhang geschlossen must be. [ more about these archetypal technology ... ]