Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Are You Fertile After A Miscarriage

Where was I again for 2 months? Ahhh ...

Also echt!!!!
Wieso hat mich eigentlich keiner von euch zurueckgepfiffen? Konzentriert ihr euch nicht oder lest ihr gar nicht mit?

Ich habe in dem Post ueber die Doerfer ueber dem Himmel geschrieben, dass die Katharer gegen das katholische Spanien einen aussichtslosen Kampf ausfochten.

Nunja, katholisch und aussichtsloser Kampf stimmt ja, aber Spanien??

FRANKREICH. Ich war in Frankreich. Die Gegend, in der ich war (Okzitanien) ist nicht umsonst heute Teil von FRANKREICH: Weil die Franzosen den Kampf gegen die ketzerischen Katharer naemlich gewonnen haben und die gesamte okzitanische Kultur samt eigener Sprache fast vollstaendig ausrotteten. So war das. Heute gibt es noch ein paar Leute, die das Patoua (I do not know the exact spelling) speak, but in itself is all France. Harte story, right?

So once again: The Cathars sat against Catholic France to defend , and therefore Southern France is one of France and not Spain.

Sorry for the accident, in "Catholic" I am always more to Spain than to France, you can certainly understand ;-)

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How I feel then?

Yes, super!

Rome is very hot now, I can understand now why everyone says you should not travel to Rome in the summer. But beautiful it is! The ruins are still standing, I eat Ice till you drop (it is so GOOD!) And do not want to ... home today had a hallucination of november Lichen Vienna Kaerntnerstrasse, wind, cold, all looking peevish and annoyed, and no smiles at me, pale sky, and also I have to go extra fast because I have an appointment .... och ne, I do not yet!

---- **** ----

For all, where I was in Rome for the last few days experience (will not stress write * revel *) have not been reported, although I would have to - do I'm sorry, certainly is not intentional, I think of you and look forward to hearing from you again or to be hearing from me!
This is after all a reason to looking forward to the coming home!

Monday, September 4, 2006

Can I Use Foil To Cover My Lasagna When Freezing


Rome! City of the drives as city of lovers, city of long warm summer nights, the center of the world, vibrant fabrics and unchanging insurance of the human population.


I must apologize that I allowed longer hear anything from me that I can not here the umlauts schrebien correct and that I can tell you enclose any great photos that I have already done in Toulouse and here! It's just too much to see here ...!

Romy and I've found a great, central and cheap accommodation and enjoy our time ... I am always thrilled to constantly somewhere ancient columns and statues appear - are often completely unmotivated real here in the area around (haha. ..), I seriously wonder why they have never put away!

And the food is so good!
and the ice!! UIn Toulouse cost a normal large / small ball almost always 2 € (two), here you get for 1.50 a ball, but what a ---- at two to three of us, I would guess .... A paradise!!

I love this city.


How are you all?

I will probably from 10 September his evening back home, then you should scold me again if I'm not good at answering your emails.

I'm looking forward to you all!